


5 days, 11 hours ago


"Frogface" is a camera-headed automaton who loved it when the organic beings on his home planet caused their own downfall - although from a morality standpoint he recognized that their extinction was sad, he didn't care for any of them and was very interested in the cataclysm itself. He documented so much of it and kept records of the progress of dilapidation throughout the years, especially of buildings. Eventually he had documented everything and grew bored of the lack of new data.

His home planet had nothing left for him, but maybe another planet's did. A lot of the left-behind automatons had the same idea of abandoning the planet so Frogface contributed to their mass-dispersing across the galaxy by dipping himself. He checked out another planet at-random and found himself on the planet of Roskoria; a seemingly humble little planet with modest societies at the time. Over the next 10 years, he'd watch it grow more and more technologically advanced.

Roskoria was perfect for him because the planet only has ONE inhabitable continent. Land was in-demand enough to where every forgotten building was eventually demolished and endlessly re-built in a self-perpetuating cycle. He was patient... he could wait for each structure's inevitable demise and he didn't mind when he had to kiss them goodbye, either. He made himself a little shack in a privately owned forest and hoards "souvenirs" he takes from each building (sometimes small objects, but most oftentimes parts of the building itself such as piping, planks, even chunks of drywall). He also loves nabbing roadsigns and feels more comfortable if he carries one around like an accessory. 

One day, while exploring an old multi-story office building, he encountered some Roskorians doing a little urban exploring themselves (X, X, X). They went right up to him and immediately adopted him when they found out his head is a camera. He would've avoided them at all costs after that point... however, they had an urban exploration vlog channel and he found a newfound delight in seeing other's opinions of his film when the urban explorers use it in their videos. He remains anonymous by choice but obsessively reads through the comments every time a video is uploaded. He doesn't care for the organics themselves though, dumb things... they're probably just going to destroy their own society anyday soon or something... he totally hasn't grown fond of their group expeditions and the added shenanigans...

From the same planet as BUG. They DID know each other and it's probably for the best that they don't find each other for now.