


3 days, 10 hours ago


Name: Wolfe Stoff (The Shadow Knight)

Series: The Red Witch 

Age: ?? (Somewhere between 18-21 in part one and 21-23 in part two) 

Gender: Male (he/him/himself) 

Species: Human

Social Class: Noble 

Favorite Food: Apples

Powers/Abilities: Swordplay 

Likes: Stories about heroes, fairy tales, romance, dancing, swordplay, competition, cats, apple-based desserts, the Princess, traveling, masquerade balls, reading, and helping others. 

Dislikes: Magic and witches (though these feelings get more complicated later on), The Red Witch, monsters, people that try to harm innocent civilians, dragons, ghosts, and arranged marriages. 

Personality: Wolfe could be described as being a social butterfly. He's very outgoing and quick to make new friends, and seems to have a connection to everyone within the kingdom. He's rather friendly and loyal to those he cares about. Due to his strong fascination with heroes, he has a strong desire to help others and is quick to jump in to help someone in need. He's a bit of a hopeless romantic, and dreams of finding his true love. He's rather ignorant of the struggles of commoners, but becomes more aware after befriending Amelia. Due to a traumatic incident in his youth, Wolfe has a strong dislike for magic and anyone that uses it, and is much colder and serious when dealing with witches. However, he is rather snarky towards the Red Witch, especially in the rare instances where they temporarily team up. He becomes more conflicted towards magic as the story progresses. 

Home: The Kingdom of Arilaa 

History: Wolfe was born and raised in the kingdom of Arilaa. He's the son of a noble and has a younger sister. From a young age, Wolfe was fascinated with legends about heroes and knights, and dreamed about becoming one himself. As a pre-teen, he was able to convince the knights Sadon and Lucia to teach him swordplay, and from that day on he trained to be a knight. Eventually, his teacher Lucia decided she would leave Arilaa to go on a journey, but before leaving she left Wolfe her sword. Wolfe promised Lucia he would be a great knight by the time she returned to Arilaa, and began working hard to keep his promise. His peers nicknamed him "The Shadow Knight" due to his tendency to hide in the shadows for the perfect moment to strike when fighting monsters. An incident in Wolfe's youth caused him to have a strong dislike of magic. In his late teens, Wolfe decided to to become a witch hunter after hearing rumors that witch activity had risen in Arilaa.

One night while patrolling the town, he encountered a strange girl wearing a mask and red clothes using magic. After failing to capture her, he demanded to know her name, which she refused to say. He then dubbed her "The Red Witch" and since became her rival. Sometime later, he met and befriended a commoner girl named Amelia, who lived surprisingly close to him. To his surprise, Amelia asked him to teach her swordplay, but he ended up accepting the offer since he had never had an apprentice before. From that moment on, a strange friendship between a noble and commoner began to grow, but what Wolfe doesn't know is that Amelia's a witch. 

Current-Bio: Wolfe currently lives in Arilaa. He spends much of his time practicing his swordplay skills and helping people, but also spends lots of his time with his friends. He teaches Amelia swordplay in his free time. At night, he often goes out searching for witches and criminals, but occasionally fights monsters as well. His identity as the Shadow Knight is an open secret in Arilaa, and he doesn't bother to hide his identity. 

Meta-History: Wolfe was created in 2012, and my earliest concept art of him and Amelia was supposedly posted the night after thinking of the idea. In the original story concept, he was 15, but as I've gotten older I've found this age to be very improbable so I've aged him up to being 18 at the youngest in the first part of the story (in my defense, I was 15 at the time so I didn't see any issues lol). His age has been inconsistent since then, but he is two years older than Amelia (though I'm tempted to change this). In the earliest versions of the story, his name was "Shadow", but I later changed this due to the villain of my other story's name also being Shadow. I'm pretty sure I got his name off of a medieval names list, but I can't find the specific list I used. I do want to note that I pronounce his name as "Wolfy", not "Wolf". He was created to be the other protagonist of the story, and is a noble to contrast with Amelia being a commoner. The idea for his character is somewhat inspired by magical girl allies (like Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon) but as an enemy/rival instead of being a mysterious protector with a dash of Asuka Jr. from Saint Tail for wanting to figure out the female lead's secret identity. Basically, different shojo tropes. His competence as a witch hunter has varied throughout my drafts. In the original concept, he was a skilled witch hunter, but in newer drafts I've made him less competent at it (he's still a skilled knight though). The main reason for this is that I'm unsure if people would be willing to root for a deuteragonist that's killed people before. |D I mean, a large part of the story is for Wolfe and anyone else who's anti-magic to change their minds but I still think that might put people off? idk. His hair length always varies in drawings of him too. It's supposed to just reach his shoulders, but it looks longer than that even in this bio picture. 

Relationships with other characters:

Amelia: Wolfe dislikes the Red Witch from the start due to his hatred of magic and witches. However, he's friendly towards Amelia after meeting her out of disguise. While he's initially shocked when she asks him to teach her swordplay, he accepts since he's never had an apprentice before. He eventually becomes very close friends with Amelia, but can't help but feel like he's met her somewhere before...

Rosalynn: Wolfe doesn't trust Rosalynn at first due to first encountering her with the Red Witch. However, she manages to convince him that she "no longer trusts witches" and from that point on he just sees her as Amelia's weird friend.

Melvin: Wolfe doesn't seem to know what to think of Melvin. Theoretically, the two should be good friends, but they never seem to quite hit it off.

Toxica: Wolfe just knows that Toxica is one of Amelia's friends and that's about it.

Kaltus: Wolfe and Kaltus are friends and have known each other for a long time.

Rivin: Wolfe and Rivin are friends, and sometimes recommend books to each other.

Larkin: Wolfe's interactions with Larkin are limited, but he's aware that he's one of Amelia's friends.

Cotta: Wolfe and Cotta are friends. Wolfe's rather supportive of her goals.

Kostella: Wolfe and Kostella are good friends and have known each other for a long time.

Mabel: While Wolfe is friends with Mabel, he's under the impression that her fortunes are nothing more than fiction.

Shallie: Wolfe and Shallie are good friends.

King Kilrun: Wolfe has a lot of respect for the king, but occasionally finds himself questioning him.

Princess Sandra: Wolfe and Princess Sandra are close friends after an incident in the past led to Wolfe saving her from a dragon. He's rather enamored with her, but the king doesn't approve of their relationship.

Vasilii: Vasili is Wolfe's best friend and the first friend he ever made as a child. The two are very close.

Ulrich: Wolfe and Ulrich are good friends. Wolfe helps Ulrich with his swordplay training often.

George: Wolfe and George are good friends. Wolfe helps George with his swordplay training often.

Penelope: Penelope was one of Wolfe's first friends, and the two are very close.

Claire: Wolfe considers Claire to be his friend and seems to be largely unaware of her more negative traits.

Daisy: Wolfe and Daisy are friends.

Noelle: Wolfe and Noelle are friends.

Patricia: Wolfe and Patricia are friends.

Flora: Wolfe dislikes Flora and goes out of his way to avoid her.

Kain: Wolfe and Kain have been swordplay rivals for as long as they can remember. The two rarely get along, but both with acknowledge that the other is a skill knight.

Bethany: Wolfe has a lot of trust towards Bethany after she helped raise him as a child.

Sadon: Wolfe looks up to the head of the knights and has a lot of respect for him due to him teaching Wolfe swordplay. 

Lucia: Lucia is the other person that helped teach Wolfe swordplay. He hopes to have become a great knight by the time she returns to Arilaa from her journey. 

If I think of anything else I'll add it later!