


5 years, 8 months ago


- Kedron is a Floater, a strange people who lack faces and have floating eyes that grant them powers of varying degrees and types.

- Kedron has a total of 84 eyes.  The one that is most often seen is a casual one that is really just there to see.  But sometimes he wakes up and chooses a favorite to have for the day.  8 of his eyes are damaged and he cannot see through or use them.

- He's 100% apathetic to the pleas others and loves no one more than himself.  He is filled with absolutely pure curiosity and will hand you a live grenade just to observe what would happen.  And at the same time, he'll very likely get bored of the experiment half way through.  Through this, it's not uncommon that he makes 'friends' with folks long enough to dig into their personal lives and go on their random adventures until they either die or he becomes bored of them.  Those who keep his interest and manage to tolerate his presence for a long time acquire the title of a 'favorite person'.

- The middle of the box is super squishy like a water balloon, poke it.

- Absolutely adores the taste of burning things.... 

-Skateboarding,  Stunt biking, canyon mountain biking, surfing, etc.... are great.

-Can't run for shit though

Kedron was born in a prison space ship orbiting one of the Floater home worlds, his mother an extremist criminal held there as a captured rogue from an old traditional clan of horn heads.  Like any child born in a floater prison he was hidden in the air shafts in the attempts to keep him out of the hands of the guards, and like any child born  in a floater prison he became much like a wild animal scittering about in the shafts almost entirely feral.  Growing up Kedron had a few prisoners he visited often aside from his mother and they all taught him very different things.

His mother taught him the basics of their clan, how to utilize the abilities of his eyes and granted him a tribal tattoo.  She hoped that one day he could return to the clan and be accepted as one of them.  She was killed in her cell while he was still young.  A criminal on the other side of the prison, a man by the name of Locker, taught Kedron advanced skills that few floaters had the ability to perform or learn.  He learned how to forcefully absorb other living things into himself so that he could gain their energy and life force, among other things.  Kedron became addicted to the feeling of taking in energy and obtaining new eyes, one day Locker offered himself up for Kedron to merge with and the prison child gained every ability and eye he had, including an eye for hypnotism.  It is believed that Locker is the main reason behind his unstable personality shifts, and when Kedron is in a dangerous mood referring to him as Locker can usually gain footing on surviving the mood.  A scientist prisoner in the facility tried to educate him in the structures of the known worlds.  He took an interest in animals but very little else, and was frequently seen attempting to train the rats and control other children in the prison.  Kedron was captured by one of the guards at one point, and while the prison guard didn't report him, he was kept a prisoner himself by the man.  He was forced to fight, among many things, until the one day Kedron snapped and absorbed 3 prisoners and 2 guards after aggressively tearing them apart.  From the guard that had been keeping him he gained an eye that could teleport and create portals, and instantly he began using that in his favor.  When he learned of means to escape he wasted no time in hijacking a space ship.  Instead of going back to his home world and connecting to the clans like his mother wanted, he opened a portal to some unknown area of space and killed the pilot.  By the time he found new grounds to step on, Kedron was 13.

Having no idea how to interact with normal people, he sought out the criminals of the society he landed in.  He became very disliked very quickly but managed to get his hands into the underground games of smuggling after a time, and after that found a distinct joy in blood sport.  He became difficult to contend with everywhere he settled but refused to participate in any particular groups unless a temporary job and a lot of money were involved.  Kedron's specialty for hire had to do with livestock; trafficking and smuggling people and animals, fighting, racing, any other blood sport requiring people or animals, and occasionally delivering items and messages for higher groups.  He's obsessed with information and will go to great lengths to obtain it, regularly selling said information to the highest bidder if people come knocking.

His ongoing history takes him through many worlds and civilizations, through wars and apocalypses.  With each passing he because more and more the ruthless villain he is destined to be.