⛤ Beatriz Schmitz



5 years, 8 months ago



Name: Beatriz Schmitz

Nickname(s): Bear, Rift Hopper, Bea

Age: 25

Sex: Female

Gender: Cis Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Date of Birth: 09/26

Place of Birth: Manaus, Brazil

Ethnicity/Species: Brazilian / Rift infused - human

Occupation/Job: Rift hopper/Model

Ability: Has the power to open rifts in reality via zippers

World/Universe: An alt reality where fantasy is apart of the norm


Height: 5'8"

Weight: 149lbs

Skin Tone: Golden (Light brown)

Facial Shape: Oval/Heart shaped

Eye Color: Brownish Red

Hair Style: Knee length, very wavy and red

Body Type: Hourglass, very toned (DD-Chest)

Posture: Proud/Tall - Slightly slouched when crouching

Voice: Heavily accented, Graceful, confidant, Soprano

Dress: Usually wears her bear hoodie, jeans, crop-top and a face-mask

Something Always Carried Weapons/Tools: Actual sharp metal claws at the ends of her hoodie

Accessories: Always wears a face-mask, usually blood splatter themed or bear themed


Personality: "She is beauty, She is grace, She'll tear off your face" Bear is a straight forward, smooth talking gal. Knowing her looks are going to get her the information needed whenever she needs it. She likes to use her own looks/body to her advantage. She is adventurous and nothing can seem to faze or scare her. If something does prove too much it's as simple as unzipping a rift and making a quick escape. She is able bodied and talented. Loving to be in the spotlight. This is all let down though by her short fuse and bold actions. She cares about people's opinions and will do almost anything to keep them good. She tends to bottle up all negative emotions, cause it's totally healthy to do that.

Likes: Bears, Traveling through rifts, Honey, Spicy foods, Modeling - Will add more the more I use her

Dislikes: Being alone, Being unable to create her rifts, Showing her weaknesses, Overly sweet foods - Will add more the more I use her

Moral: Strength gives power, but generosity gives true loyalty

Self Control: Average - She has a 50/50 chance of being tempted to do something

Motivation: High - She has a goal set and damn right she is going to take it

Discouragement: Not getting the recognition for things she does, but she get's over it

Intelligence Level: Average - She ain't dumb but still not the smartest person in the world

Confidence Level: High - She has to be, it's all part of the job

Philosophy: If you give and allow, people will follow you out of free will and back you up stronger then anyone that follows because you're a bully

Greatest Fear/Phobia: Being alone and forgotten in the void of the rifts


Languages Spoken: English, Portuguese and Spanish

Hobbies: Modeling, Rift hopping, Free running and Doing her make-up.

Habits: Taps things when bored, nervous or impatient.

Pets: A russian bear dog(Caucasian Ovcharka) named Rajão (ra-jown)

Area of Residence/Environment: Travels a lot, but has a house in Manaus, Brazil. She prefers to just rent hotels though.

Home Description: Lives in a small home, living room, kitchen and dining room all are in the same area with one bathroom and one bedroom. Very sparsely furnished.

Health: Very healthy


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v Family v

  • N/A

v Friends v

  • N/A

v Best friend v

  • N/A

v Significant Other/Crush v

  • N/A

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  • N/A