Sakura Kobayashi



5 years, 8 months ago



Name Sakura Kobayashi (小林桜) Age/Year 17; 2nd year
Species Human Sex/Gender Cis female
Sexuality Polyamorous Bisexual Height 5’5”
Weight Undisclosed Hometown Kabukicho, Tokyo; Japan
Occupation Student Theme SING & SMILE (Project DIVA)

Sakura is a soft-spoken, optimistic, and very kind girl. She tends to be very shy but will always hold a smile on her face and wave hello/respect someone at the very least. She also comes off as a little naive, but whether it’s more so a persona or her actual personality trait is a blurred line. Nonetheless, she’s practically angelic compared to her big brother and father and is a ray of sunshine, always trying to look on the positive side of things. Sakura is also incredibly intelligent and studious, maintaining all A’s in her class but hoping to get an “S” or two in her report cards and tests soon.

Because of this goal, sometimes she unintentionally pushes herself to her limits and can go without properly eating, sleeping, or even staying hydrated. She actually does enjoy going to school and feeling..normal for once, feeling so insecure about having a yakuza family that she tries to hide it off from nearly everyone as long as she can, even if it means walking or taking a metrorail herself. She even goes as far as not to invite anyone over or try to delude what her father actually does! However, that does not mean she doesn’t love her family; quite the contrary! She adores them to death, especially her big brother who looks out for her like a protective hawk. Despite all that though, she’s an ever curious and sweet person who embraces each new day.




  • Pandas
  • Boba and regular tea
  • Bows & girly fashion
  • Pastel colors


  • Being judged/seen as frightening due to her her Yakuza family
  • Girls trying to gain her brother’s affections (He’s homoflexible but prefers men)
  • Bullying
  • The red-light district




Following tutorials


Who doesn’t like a good song to listen to in the shower or to go out and do karaoke? While no professional, she can’t help but just jam out to her favorite idols, bands, and even anime openings/endings. This includes u’s, Aquors, Vocaloid, Puffy AmiYumi, and so much more.


One of Sakura’s absolute favorite pastimes is helping her mother out in the kitchen. She sees it as a way to bring the family together after a very long day and also helps relieve her own stress.


Sometimes, a little burst of inspiration just comes around! Though much like her singing where it’s a hobby and not a prominent thing, Sakura likes to write whatever comes to mind, whether in the form of a poem or journal entry.


It relieves her and and takes away any anger, frustration, or sadness she feels. Sakura uses this more so as a coping mechanism. Focusing on crafting a teddy bear or sewing up a hole in a sweater takes her mind off of things and puts her at ease, all while making something cute.


Sakura was born around the beginning of spring when the trees were just starting to blossom/bud cherry blossoms, sometime at noon. However, when was born a little smaller than usual for a human baby and didn’t cry right away when she came out, which was very concerning. On top of that, she was born entirely human much like her mother, so her father’s heart broke when he saw he quite literally wouldn’t be able to see or interact with her for a couple years due to the drastic size difference. Thankfully, the doctors managed to get right on that and fix the problem, getting her to breathe and let out her little wails. This was just the beginning of both bringing joy into her parents’ lives and her future health problems though, as growing up despite taking all her shots, she had a very weak immune system and was prone to common colds, flus, and fevers quite often, and almost always either had to be picked up from school or stay home.

It was even debated as to whether or not homeschooling was required or preferred, but despite all that, Sakura still went to public school and would show academic excellence and well behavior. By the time she was four or five, she was finally able to “meet” her father and bonded with him near quickly, much to his relief and became a total “daddy’s girl” from thereon after. When she was 6, Sakura had her first asthma attack at school and she had to be rushed to the hospital, thankfully able to be tended to and be properly diagnosed with asthma, given an inhaler(which she decorated with butterfly and flower stickers), and to slowly recover. The asthma was short-term, eventually able to breathe properly once she was nine , and everything seemed to be okay.

Though her immune system got a little stronger over the years, she still received colds and fevers a little more than on average which would worry her family, but Sakura would try her best to be a little trooper and push through each and every sickness thrown her way. It would be an entirely different story by the time she turned twelve though, when her mother made black sesame pudding as dessert during a family dinner, only a few bites in that she got a severe allergic reaction as her face swole to the size of a balloon and she turned red, finding it hard to breathe as she was rushed to a hospital. Once more, Sakura was diagnosed, this time with a sesame seed allergy so anything with sesame in it or on it? She couldn’t have. She was given some EpiPens after being discharged, always told to have them on her in case this happened in public or in school.

After all that’s happened, Sakura still remained optimistic and just went through her life loving every single day that came forth. When she was fourteen, that was when she met Hiro around the red-light district, walking home from school when she saw a mangy, starving cat with mismatched eyes in an alley, trying to survive. Feeling love and pity for the cat, she took him home and practically begged her mother and father to keep it, taking responsibility once they allowed her to and making sure he was fed, vaccinated, bathed, and just happy and loved. She named her cat “Hiro(Hero)” essentially because she found him in one of the alleys of the red-light district, alive though clearly neglected but admired how he was able to survive for a while. Her cat “Hiro” was supposed to be named “Hero” but due to her lack of English understanding and reading, she didn’t know how to spell it correctly.

Current Life

When she was fourteen to fifteen, she started to question her identity. Was she straight? Gay? Something else? She wasn’t sure, relying on the internet for answers as she felt shameful asking them instead and assumed they wouldn’t understand or would shun her despite how open their views were. The internet lead her to forums, journals, celebrities that came out. She would notice how beautiful women were as much as the men were handsome, holding withheld fantasies of so many kinds. She kept this secret up until current day, when she was still questioning herself. Yet, there would be more than just that; it would also be around this time when she’d start keeping the yakuza a secret. At the time, a male crush of hers was hunted down relentlessly by her father and brother for crimes and trouble that were unknown of to the innocent girl. As she waited on him after school to walk home together, she noticed Ritsu acting extra strange and with no signs of her crush anywhere. Heading home, she noticed Ritsu torturing him, having to hear her classmate beg for help only to call her a monster when seeing how she was associated with him. With his death following right after, Sakura went into a deepened and depressed, angered frenzy, screaming and crying how much she hated her brother. How she wished he was dead, calling him vulgarities, and much more before running away from home for the next few days. That didn‘t last long though, as she was soon captured in one of the shady markets. Thankfully, she was rescued by Ritsu not long after, but she had never been the same since. Her trauma remains bottled, and she acts as if none of this ever happened.

Even to this current day and age, she still absolutely adores that cat of hers and is currently a second year in high school. She’s friends with Ritsu’s delinquent friends and isn’t the least bit phased by their intimidating selves due to her own background and how kindly she treats them. Sakura met Haru around the beginning of the year when he helped her find a class, feeling wowed by his presence as an underclass girl, noticing he was even in her literature and math class. As she conquered her shyness and got to know him, her admiration grew and grew till it became a slight crush, but she kept it secret and was genuinely supportive when she saw he got a girlfriend, a gyaru on top of that! Nonetheless, just being close to him made her very happy, and one day when she saw her big brother bully him, she had to intervene and tell him to knock it off since that was an upperclassman and a friend first and foremost.

Ironically enough, she would realize her feelings would become not only deeper, but more and more perverse as she would come to see Haru’s girlfriend fully for the first time and more up close. Not just for him, but for her as well, especially once she learned her name was Rei and they started to become friends and soon she felt she couldn’t “decide” on either or which became a huge strain on her since she didn’t want to lose either friend, but decided to confess to Haru anyway and was surprised to see things turn to her favor as he felt the same. When she asked about Rei, it was revealed that polyamory was fine with them both and a happy ending came with this as she dated him, only to confess to Rei not long after, happier still that she gained a girlfriend as well since she thought Sakura was very cute too and sweet. Now to get through a single day without a creepy yakuza member wanting her as a wife..





Hinata Kobayashi

[ Father ]

“Father, I understand you’re busy but I want to spend time with you too! Just take care of yourself please? I worry!”


Riko Kobayashi

[ Mother ]

“Mother, do you need help cooking? I always love helping you, it’s so much fun!”


Ritsu Kobayashi

[ Brother ]

“Big brother, you don’t always have to look after me you know! Just don’t go bullying people okay? I love you very much!”

HTML by lowkeywicked. Pixels by lexypuppy228.