
5 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info




Nitro x Ketojan


Hunter of supernatural beings/exorcist

Archive ID



Have demons, vampires or unsightly spirits infesting your house and killing your cows? Kaiser can handle it, probably. Growing up a prestigious scholar, Kaiser got into a top college with a history degree and made it three and a half years through before dropping out, to his parent's great disappointment. After his thesis was rejected due to it presuming that demons were a very real thing and were, in fact, on campus, Kaiser left the college, disillusioned by his professor's skepticism. (He also was 99% certain that at least one of the members on the Board of Directors was a vampire and didn't feel comfortable retaining a scholarship from such an institution.) Kaiser turned his focus to becoming a freelance vampire hunter/demon slayer/what-have-you and is... well, actually surprisingly successful, given that he has to face the wrath of both unholy beasts and skeptics.

Personality-wise, Kaiser is a bit of a know-it-all and can't take a joke well. He takes his job VERY seriously and is usually at least partially engaged in some sort of mythology book, doing research for his next hunt. Unfortunately, since most of his experience with the supernatural has been with BAD spirits, he tends to think ALL supernatural entities are malevolent and is very much a sprinkle-holy-water-first, ask-questions-later sort of guy. His relationship with his family is sort of rocky, especially with his twin sister, Ambrose, but he can generally talk to his dad Nitro in confidence, as well as his uncle Julian the fortune-teller.