


5 years, 9 months ago



Steadfast Servant
"Stand up straight! Where are your manners?"

26 Years

   Serious and a bit stubborn. She is always loyal to her work, often refusing to do anything else until she finishes her duty, and refusing to stop until it's right. She is able to keep a stone cold expression at will.

  • Organization
  • Flowery scents
  • Having a purpose
  • Messes and slobs
  • Loud gatherings
  • Entitled, spoiled people

Throwing Knives
Multiple knives meant for throwing, rather than close combat. They are kept in multiple hidden places, although some may be in plain sight, such as on the belt. Mainly meant for defensive opportunities.
Healing StaffA staff with magical properties to aid in healing.
DaggerA hidden blade that she keeps on her person most of the time.

  • She has a keen eye and can notice the little things varying to changes in environment, detecting traps, or even noticing cues when anticipating attacks.
  • She can detect most types of poisons and toxins by scent or appearance.
  • She easily forms crushes.
  • She is not very good at cooking.

   Juniper lived her early life in the kingdom's orphanage, alongside another girl who she became very close with. Her name was Celeste, and the two of them became so close that they began to consider each other sisters. It didn't matter how different they were, they felt like they were siblings at heart.
   A young boy named Marx would often visit the orphanage to play with the other children, including the two girls. Together, the three of them became a tight knit friend group. It wasn't until later that they learned Marx was the young prince of their kingdom. Despite such a revelation, it didn't change much of anything—they were still just kids who wanted to play with one another.
   When Juniper and Celeste outgrew the orphanage, they were given the opportunity to train to become part of royal services. The excitedly accepted. However, during training, Juniper struggled with majority of her tasks. Meanwhile her sister appeared to breeze through them flawlessly. While her sister was easily approved, Juniper was left nearly denied of a role. Deep down, she became jealous, which fueled her to try to excel during her second chance.
   Juniper had to be accepted under the guise as a servant, but was still recruited as one of the prince's retainers nonetheless. This happily reunited the three of them for good.

   Unfortunately, things didn't stay happy forever. One unfortunate night, the prince had found to be assassinated quietly. It was a tragedy for the kingdom. With no other witnesses around, the finger was pointed at the only two people who were close to him at all times: his most loyal retainers, Juniper and Celeste. They were scheduled to be put to death in the next following days.

   Juniper, still broken over her prince's death, accepted her fate. Celeste had other ideas, however. At first she tried to urge and convince Juniper to flee with her, but after many failed attempts, Celeste ended up forcing her to run away together. Just like that, they were gone before their last day approached.

SisterSince the day they found each other, they have considered each other sisters. Celeste is one of the few people who can break her stone cold glare. Although she still secretly holds jealousy over Celeste's perfect skills, it serves as a driving force for Juniper to do better. Even with that said, she still holds undying love and respect for her sister.
HyenaNo.They don't get along at all. Juniper finds him repulsive and offensive. The final straw was long ago. After that, they were given the choice to either play nice or completely avoid each other before things got far out of hand. They both chose the second option.
MarxBest Friend / Former InterestMarx, although being a prince, never treated her as a lower life. She still holds high respect for him, believing that she truly owes him her life. She used to have a very strong crush on him, but never showed it too much.