
5 years, 5 months ago


Dead Eye Deadeye
"I promise I'm being personal."

20 Years

   A rogue with a vulgar mouth. He likes getting a rise and reaction out of people. It used to be a tactic to throw people off guard, but now he finds himself doing it for fun more often.

  • Pain (to a certain degree)
  • Thrills
  • Watching stars
  • Snow
  • Entitlement
  • Despotism

Worn Bow
A regular wooden bow, complete with a few arrows. The bow is incredibly worn after seeing a lifetime of use. Despite that, it still has a lot of life left in it, and is still very reliable. He stole it when he was younger and had been using it ever since.
DaggerA simple dagger, and a trusty weapon of choice for close combat. Easy to conceal.

  • He knows how to pick locks very quickly.
  • He calls himself Hyena because he likes to think he always gets the last laugh.
  • He is permanently blind in one eye, due to an injury.
  • Despite his ability in battle, he prefers sneaking rather than confrontation.

   From a very young age, he grew up in an area where the poorest of poor could only try to survive. There, harsh living was normal living. Every day was a fight for survival, so he learned all sorts of tricks to get by.
   On a not so fortunate day, a gang of people banded together, captured him. They proceeded to beat him within an edge of his life before robbing him of anything he had. They left him for dead afterwards. Once he managed to pick himself up and drag himself away, he went into hiding. Things seemed grim, and he truly thought he would die.
   As days went by, he found himself healing and surprisingly getting better. Once he was back on his feet, he felt a major boost in confidence. He felt like he cheated death. He felt like he could do anything. In fact, it felt like he could take vengeance on the very people who put him through such an ordeal. He put all his newfound energy into training and sharpening his skills.
   When he was satisfied and more sure of himself than ever, he tracked down the people who tried to destroy him. He got the proper revenge he wanted, making sure they would never stand up to him again.
   Once it was all over, there weren't many options for him. Just to continue the usual life of thievery and survival from there on, but now with newfound skill and strength.

InterestUnexpected to himself, Hyena has found himself feeling things for someone who is royalty. At first, he enjoyed messing with her; shocking her with his obscene jokes, teasing her about who was better with the bow, and much more. However, once she started doing it back, the two of them began to change to a much more playful and flirtatious tone. Her rebellious side catches his interest, as well.
AllyMarcel pisses him off quite a bit. He can't seem to get a reaction out of her. Because of that, he doesn't find her very fun. He thinks her attitude is drier than a desert.
No.They don't see eye to eye at all. He didn't take too kindly to Juniper being judgmental towards him. He retaliated by making snarky comments and teasing her, which eventually evolved into insults and threats of fighting. It got to the point where they were forced to have two options: Be nice to each other or drop it completely. For the most part, they avoid each other for now.
AllyJudging by her reactions, he knows he gets to Celeste sometimes. It's a fun game to see if he can wipe that smile off her face, even if it's just her expression turning into one of pure confusion. Truth be told, however, he is sometimes a bit careful of what he says. He's seen her strength, and perhaps wouldn't want to get on her bad side.
Ally + AvoidingHe used to enjoy scaring her: jumping out from hidden places and shouting to make as much sudden noise as he could. However, he stopped doing it once she started crying. That made him leave her alone. For some reason, he just felt bad.
AllySomeone with nobility written all over them, yet poses as a servant is like a joke that writes itself, which Hyena finds amusing. He pokes fun and makes sly remarks whenever he can.
hell nahIf there's anyone Hyena knows to avoid, it's the guy who slings hexes with a smile.