Bloody Mary



2 months, 21 days ago



Bloody Mary

Designer any_v_art

Value $40

Species Goat

Gender Nonbinary

Pronouns They/She

Age 32

Occupation Priestess

Code octopi

Mary, or Bloody Mary, is a goat priestess who takes care of a local shrine dedicated to the Sanguinaire Goddess, Sangra. Mary is apart of a cult that praises Sangra and practices blood magic.

She grew up in a cult she is still involved in and is the head priestess of. She is blissfully unaware of how much danger she is in.


Mary is a Sanguianist; a believer of the blood Goddess Sangra and a practitioner of blood magic; something that has been outlawed by nearly every region due to its brutality and need for many blood sacrifices.

She is under the belief that the more blood she sheds for her goddess, the closer to her goddess she becomes and closer to purity she will achieve. For Sangra's religion believes in cleansing yourself of all sin and corruption through bloodshed.

Above all else, Sangra seeks purity through bloodshed. To kill those who taint the world is to cleanse mother nature and restore balance to the world. These extremist teachings have caused many controversies throughout the land for centuries, ultimately leading to it's ban.

However, there are those who still practice this in secret. Mary is only apart of one secret church of many who praise Sangra and train their nuns to be highly skilled blood mages to take out those who are corrupted to sacrifice their blood in honor of Sangra.

Being a highly trained blood mage herself, Mary teaches new recruits proper methods of murder and ways to best please their Goddess.


Mary grew up in a religious household where, when her attraction towards the same sex was evident, was abandoned by her family for committing a great sin. They dropped her off at a religious orphanage in hopes it would reeducate her, praying that her new family would be able to "cure" her of her "disease."

At this orphanage, Mary was tortured constantly by the nuns and priests in their effort to cure her of her "illness." One night, when everyone was asleep, arsonists burnt down the orphanage killing everyone inside except for Mary who managed to escape.

The arsonists identity was revealed to be followers of Sangra, who took in Mary as they saw her as a miracle child who survived the fire on purpose; that Sangra spared her specifically and saw it as a divine sign that Mary was destined to join their cult and would bring great things to their religion.

As it turns out, Sanguianists do not care for sexuality and support the love of anyone regardless of gender. This greatly appeased Mary, being more open to join this religion as it was the first one she was exposed to that wouldn't punish her for her attraction towards women.

To be initiated, Mary had to commit murder in the name of Sangra; something she did with ease as she had a lot of pent up resentment towards her abusive parents who abandoned her for being a lesbian. In killing them, Sangra was greatly appeased and gifted her bloody red wings, horns and eyes, signifying her love and favortism towards Mary.

Mary is now the head priestess of Sangra and her favorite follower. Mary is deeply in love with Sangra, whom only exclusively makes appearances to Mary.