The Host



5 years, 8 months ago


"The Host" (Real name Unknown)

5'7"/At least a couple hundred years (23 when he died)/Light-medium/N/A


(adjective summary)

A rather old school gentleman, he appears to rather respectful and polite, especially to ladies. While he does seem to care about others, he often comes off as naïve and ignorant to people's problems, often suggesting solutions that have already been tried. He also seems to have some... vices at work that are a sour spot for him, and would make him drop his polite façade if brought up. To add to that, he has next to no knowledge of modern technology, meaning he has no idea that you can just...look things up, or find books online.


Records of him are rather...scattered due to the time period he was born in. Born during the Victorian era as the son of a noble, his life was practically set for him. Despite the wealth, his parents were very strict, teaching him manners and re-enforcing that throughout his childhood, as well as how to fight with a sword, and how to fend for himself. Soon after he became of age, he was married to a girl he believed was the love of his life. Nothing could go wrong for him...

Until one night it all went wrong.

While the details are unclear, it appears as if he was murdered during a party he was hosting for the fellow nobles. No one knows what really happened with the murder: Was he stabbed with a sword? Poisoned? Strangled? Hell, a combination of any of these? All that exists is speculations as to how and who killed him (many suggest it was the wife, who was likely cheating on him with another man, although there is evidence of both the butler and the lover being involved)...All that is known is he soon became a ghost, and began to roam the world, completely lost and alone, with no idea where to go or why he was still here and not in heaven. A Divine punishment? Or one of the Devil's tricks? He does not know, and it haunts him to this day...


-While many suggest murder, there had been an odd few that theorized that The Host actually killed himself, and due to suicides just...being so rare, it was pinned as a murder.

-His full name may be lost to time, so many have called him "Lord Arthur" or "Host Arthur", as there was mention of an Arthur that looked very similar to the Host.

-Theme song: Scarborough Fair