Alton Montgomery III



3 years, 3 months ago



Alton is a hardworking individual, trying his best to perform his half-serving and half-improv job of bartending very well. Locals admire him for dependability and a very undead-style of charm (very subjective, mostly seen as unsettling) , though most just like his drinks and his dark humor. He often speaks before he could think, however, a habit he got from trying to entertain the drunken crowd, and is quite impulsive and very curious. Almost too curious, anything he sees as strange he , you know what they say: “Curiosity killed the cat!” 


Alton’s past remains largely unknown, people pointing to Alton being apart of the circus (weather that is a joke or not is anyone’s guess) though rumors have said that their death involves a few fish disappearances, some cop chases, a shark lover, and a disease ridden tapeworm...


Abilities/ Strengths: 

  • His bill is able to extent to great lengths, and by great lengths I mean anywhere between 2 feet and 15 feet! This aids in catching something quickly, slashing people, and agility. Also, that bill is sharp as hell.
  • Speaking of hell, since he is dead “he can take off his head and recite Shakespearean recitals!” ...Ok jokes aside he can’t feel pain, nor does he NEED to breath, eat or drink. And in case you’re wondering, he can take off body parts and put them back on.
  • Also, swordfish are agile and fast, especially in water… though I guess it gets nerfed a tad from being an undead fish
  • Charm from bartending experience! ...Well, for people who don’t mind spooky shenanigans and atmosphere…
  • Also, bones are hard as hell to break aside from strong impact. Good luck trying to stab it



  • For starters… that bill can get tangled, and it gets messy... fast.
  • Also, the creepy aura he possesses, while not a weakness to bartending the undead (they see it as charming!) it IS an imitation tactic they didn’t really want towards the mortal realm.
  • Also, for being undead yet still tangible, despite feeling no pain, it’s easier to get an injury 
  • Hope there is no priest, because no matter what undead you are, holy objects are the bane of your existence!


-his voice claim is Rusty Cage

-He likes describing things in great detail, mostly gruesome things, which creeps out alive beings.

-Along with some memories and human/swordfish traits, he also forgot some trivial information (how things taste, what Christmas is, etc)

-People often used to go to the spooky town of his in Halloween to get a good scare, though that was before the apocalypse.

Full DA reference: