Leo System (Eddsworld)



4 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info






He/him (Leo), he/him or they/them (Pat), she/her (Mae), they/them or she/her (Summer)

Hoodie Colour

Cyan (Leo), grey (Pat), red-orange (Mae), orange/blue (Summer)

Favourite Thing



neighbour to the hoodie gang, and got roped into their eddventures pretty quickly. usually ends up as a mediator between them & his other friends Rhi & Ico (professional-shitpost on tumblr), mostly trying to stop Tord from shooting anybody. 

is only open about being a system to Edd, although Tom has suspicions after meeting Rhi & Ico and Matt has seen a Mae/Pat fusion ("Matt", with quotation marks) temporarily created when Leo borrowed Rhico's necklace, but hasn't put 2 and 2 together yet.

if being referred to as a group, they're the Leos and use plural they, although you can also get away with just referring to Leo himself and lumping the other 3 in with him.

design notes:

  • hoodies are a bit too big for him, covers his hands unless he rolls the sleeves up a bit
  • does not like wearing shoes
  • hoodies get swapped out depending on who is in front
  • as  a result, is pretty much never drawn w/o hoodie unless theyre trying to  hide who’s fronting. if theyre not sure who they are, they just wear  leo’s hoodie.
  • has pointy canines, not visible unless he has his mouth open
alter notes:
  • Leo is laidback & friendly, otherwise he  acts like the other 3 rolled together into one. gets along with everybody.
  • Pat forgot what his personality is. a lot like Leo but more prone to messing  around. gets sleepy often. gets along best with edd.
  • Mae is a troublemaker! shes very loud and considers herself invincible. likes  playing herself up as “extremely epic” cause she thinks its funny. she’s  also Pat’s brother! gets along best with tom, likes to bully tord.
  • Summer is very  excitable. likes rambling, hoards objects (and may have gotten into  fights with matt over random garbage).