[Mothcat] 🗡️ Sterling ✨



5 years, 7 months ago



Sterling is a confident young adult with a heart for adventure. Although they are smaller than the average mothcat, Sterling has great confidence in their strength and skills. Working as an adventurer for hire has shown Sterling that they are capable of more than others may believe. Sterling's healthy dose of confidence can sometimes come off as arrogance, but their heart is in the right place, most of the time. If not adventuring, Sterling is most often found in their forge or mining. They enjoy their work and metalworking and scavenging for gems has become one of their go to forms of stress relief.


Sterling is a short, sturdy cat with dark navy blue fur, metallic silver leaves for wings, mane and antenna and white tufts on their ears. Their eyes are a bright blue. White star shaped spots cover the joints of their legs and their hindquarters. Sterling has a single white star on each of his paws and both ears. Their underbelly and the underside of their tail are both a solid white. This white continues all the way up to their face where it spreads to both cheeks.

  • intricate armor 
  • silver jewelry
  • Gideon
  • Mining
  • Shiny Things
  • yes
  • rain
  • sand
  • the ocean
  • no
  • no
  • no

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean interdum maximus tempor."

He / They
Standard Mothcat
Young Adult
Stocky / Short

Knight In Shining Armor

[Common] Antennae ~ Leafy
[Common] Ears ~ Classic Tufted
[Enchanted] [Common] Mane ~ Leafy
[Common] Wings ~ Leafy
[Common] Tail ~ Fluffy
[Common] Eyes ~ Classic
[Common] Pupils ~ Round
[Misc] Metallic - Leaf Traits
[Accessory] ~ Gauntlets


Sterling is somewhat of an adventurer for hire who enjoys going on quests for the right price. Some of his favorite journeys include rescuing a prince from his overzealous adventure, finding a hoard of gems on a mining expedition, and his visits to Chihiro to acquire enchantments for some very well paying customers.

When he's not adventuring, Sterling spends a lot of time working as a blacksmith, forging armor and weapons. Although he does have the ability to produce his own blades via enchantment, Sterling prefers more intricate designs than his leafy mane allows. Despite not being good for weapons due to its fragile nature, Sterling loves working with silver and also dabbles in jewelry. 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante. Aliquam magna libero, dictum sit amet scelerisque ac, scelerisque tincidunt magna. Nulla et consectetur diam. Aliquam ipsum mi, tristique sed vestibulum ac, aliquet eget magna. Aliquam quis fringilla erat. Morbi sollicitudin id lorem eu efficitur. Mauris varius id magna vitae ullamcorper. In gravida libero consectetur, lobortis nisl sit amet, pellentesque ligula. Suspendisse tincidunt feugiat posuere. Duis dui erat, accumsan a aliquam eu, efficitur a tortor. Nunc molestie, leo in commodo aliquam, tellus augue tempor velit, non placerat ex sem non nisi.

Sed rutrum purus sit amet malesuada ornare. Mauris bibendum consectetur diam sit amet hendrerit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec luctus et neque quis consequat. Maecenas rutrum neque purus, at molestie nisl finibus eget. Sed ac ullamcorper eros, suscipit tristique diam. Curabitur id ultricies lorem. Proin semper faucibus mauris, ac ultrices diam venenatis at. Nam iaculis cursus purus id auctor. Vestibulum pellentesque auctor eros, sed aliquet erat. Morbi non eros at metus lobortis tincidunt.

Quisque ut dolor dapibus, gravida eros ut, tempor libero. Sed rutrum vehicula nunc, quis vehicula justo pretium non. Sed et ultrices leo. Suspendisse felis nibh, sodales sed consequat ut, consectetur id leo. Phasellus suscipit porta libero ac mattis. Praesent in dolor sed dolor iaculis imperdiet laoreet vel enim. Aenean vel quam tempus, bibendum leo id, consequat lectus. Nam condimentum metus vitae facilisis pharetra.


Gideon | Boyfriend?

Sterling was hired to find Gideon when the adventurous Prince ran away from the castle. The sheltered prince was unprepared to face the world and Sterling ended up saving his life multiple times. The two became close as Sterling continued to protect Gideon despite the prince's stubborn nature.

Jacobi | Mentee / Freind

Sterling caught Jacobi trying to sneak into his weapons collection and took the young cat under his wing, allowing Jacobi to watch as he crafted with different metals.



Name | Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut consectetur placerat purus, nec dignissim purus ultrices ac. Pellentesque euismod pretium vulputate. Ut vel congue dolor, in volutpat dui. Nunc libero velit, rutrum eget cursus in, blandit non nisi. Fusce consequat tellus sed justo feugiat faucibus. Aliquam a convallis nulla. Etiam lacinia dolor felis, ut semper orci ullamcorper vel. Cras sed finibus risus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Name | Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut consectetur placerat purus, nec dignissim purus ultrices ac. Pellentesque euismod pretium vulputate. Ut vel congue dolor, in volutpat dui. Nunc libero velit, rutrum eget cursus in, blandit non nisi. Fusce ac sapien at ex fermentum maximus. In mollis laoreet luctus. Duis vel elit ac mi aliquam vulputate. Vivamus varius volutpat urna at sollicitudin. Nullam aliquam neque nec tristique scelerisque.


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