
5 years, 8 months ago




Current Name- Lynx

Past Names- None

Gender- Female

Sexuality- Bisexual

Breed- Mix between Maine coon and American Shorthair

Mother- Unknown

Father- Unknown

Siblings- Kade (Not blood related)

Mate- Cedar (Formerly)

Kits- None

Rank- Rogue

Past Ranks- Gang member

Clan- None

Past Clans- None

Personality- Lynx is sweet and understanding to cats she cares about, but snappy and speaks her mind to cats she dislikes. She is an excellent fighter and stands for what she believes in and can be quite the trouble-maker. She is strong-willed and likes to pull stunts. She's also very snarky and will happily roast you whenever.


• Lynx and Kade believe they are siblings, but are not blood related.

• Lynx's parents and possible blood related siblings are unknown.

• Lynx, Kade and Cedar were best friends as kits and adventured the city together. They were cared for by several she-cats and never had a permanent mother.

• She and Belle had met a few moons before finding Cedar. They were close friends.

• Lynx doesn't like the clans and believes they are selfish for claiming land for themselves.

• It was never made official that Cedar and Lynx were mates, but it was assumed they were.

•  Lynx knew she was going to die and handed off Cedar's bandana to Belle the night before, knowing she wouldn't return.

• Lynx never meant for Cedar to run into her during the fight with Scorch. She wasn't able to say her final goodbyes when she was alive.

• Lynx's ghost adventures and travels around on her own.
