


5 years, 6 months ago
lymerikk Kr-o


Berith is the ever-conniving son of the princeling Eligos and a certain woman whose name is known by few and only through whispers. 

His father abandoned the two of them during his infancy, now neither remembering that he had bore a son nor of his departure. On the other hand, whatever could be constituted as a relationship with his mother is beyond what could be considered strained and the two rarely, if ever, speak. He was later taken in and adopted by Prince Asmodeus and a reluctant Lord-Consort Buné some time after his rebirth into a demon.

The Aspect of Pestilence was graciously passed down to him by his grandfather and now, in turn, wields the unholy power it grants him with great mirth.

  • Theme
  • Voice
  • Currently entertaining a paticular Champion's infatuation with him. Perhaps the feeling is mutual between them?
  • Has a sharp, cruel tongue. Sometimes quite literally.
  • Infamous amongst Beelzebub's Champions for having killed all those tasked to retrieve him, and every one sent to their true, final demise that not even the Lady of Death herself could hope to reverse. Berith's retrieval was thereafter considered a death sentence by most after none of their ilk ever returned.
  • Known for his ability to grant one's every wish or desire, but most being blissfully unaware that whatever they may ask for will assuredly be twisted to such a degree that they would sorely regret ever having asked at all.
  • Suffers from extreme abandonment issues; choosing to live the life of a recluse so as not to lose those he would come to care for before even having met them. This has instilled within him a deep sense of loneliness that he tres his best to keep hidden from everyone—family included.
  • Voice was irreversibly warped by an experiment gone awry on his armour, Pestilence. The two now speak as one, all the while revelling in the misery they create together as a fitting pair. As you can imagine they are rather... close.