


5 years, 6 months ago


A deity of death, Aunath received his many scars from a cruel betrayal at the hands of Merahil, god of the stars. As few can truly defeat death, he came out with his life and was protected by Lafael and Chalyrr while Shalaryn mended what wounds he could, and worked to help shape the magic prosthetic for his lost right leg. He is now not only the deity of death, but also the patron of the scarred and broken-bodied. He's known as a defender of the betrayed and avenger of the unjustly punished. 

As for dealing with the dead, he is surprisingly kind to those who led good lives, but those who lived their lives doing cruel or ill-intentioned things suffer every step of the way to the underworld. On occasion, he receives prayers from the dying...and on those occasions, he peers into their heart and soul and determines whether or not to grant them a miracle based on the lives they've led. He's able to see so deeply to the core of a person thanks to a crystalline orb that now rests where his right eye once was, a boon for surviving his own betrayal at the hands of his fellow god.

He is a relatively quiet and reserved individual, and led a rather solitary existence (short visits to and from other gods aside) until he heard a particularly desperate prayer...not necessarily to be spared death, merely for it to be quick and merciful. It was then that he met Caius, weak and in emotional and physical turmoil from everything that had been done to him. In a rare act of divine intervention, he whisked the poor thing away to his realm, where he's been looking after him since.

Domains: death, patron of the scarred and broken-bodied, defender of the betrayed
and avenger of the unjustly punished
Symbols: Crystal Eye, Bone Hilted Blade, Scarred Silhouette, Wolf