Tsuku Mikoto



5 years, 8 months ago


#094 Gengar ゲンガー

Tsuku 月

Type Ghost, Poison
Gender female
Nature carefull
Ability levitate
Age 28
Height 1.70 / 5'7'' + High Heels
Build curvey, slim
Gengar, the Shadow Pokémon and the evolved form of Haunter. Gengar is happy when it scares people, smiling wickedly in the dark.


  • caring
  • tender
  • loyal
  • faithfull
  • emphatic
  • sometimes childish
  • furious when angry
  • blunt and sometimes speaks her mind to openly
  • very bad at talking about her own feelings


Tsuku grew up in a poor Family. Her father is the only family member she  got. Her mother left when she was still little.  Even as a child she  strived to be like the woman on the fashion magazines. Her Dad always  encouraged her to do what she wanted to do and worked hard so Tsuku  could go to school. While she actually wanted to be a dancer or singer,  she ended up going to a bartender school. Eventually she found a job at  the night Club which she loves. She loves watching the others dance and  in general loves watching other people having fun there while she mixes  drinks in the Background.

Tsuku is nocturnal. She loves that in her job she has to work at night.
When she has to buy groceries during the day-time she's always seen with sunglasses.

While she acts pretty confident she's actually really shy when the topic is about real feelings.

She's  a typical "older Sister"-Type. Tsuku often sees younger friends and  co-workers as her little sibling and feels the need to protect them.

She  always makes sure she looks like an elegant woman. Tsuku cares a lot  about what people think and say about her even if she doesn't appear  like it.

Tsuku is in general a caring person but can get very  angry and scary when someone makes her upset. She's not afraid to throw a  punch when it's needed. Despite this, everyone who knows Tsuku would  confirm there's a big heart pounding for others under her even bigger chest.




Dream EaterPsychic

Shadow Punch Ghost

Attract Normal


  •  Tsuku is very good at twisting somebody around her finger. She loves to  talk sweetly to others. While she doesn't use it to do anything bad,  she sometimes convinces strangers to come and visit the night club (and  maybe to give her a little extra tipp)
  •  Mixing Drinks and Bartender Tricks 
  • she can sing and Dance pretty well 


  •  despite her confidend appearance she often has self-doubts and can't  stand when someone talks bad about her. She then becomes pretty  depressed and doesn't wanna talk to anyone.
  •  sometimes spending a little to much on clothes 
  • shy when the Topic is about her


Likes: Nature, Darkness, spicy food, Accessoires, Dresses, mixing drinks, snow, playing little pranks
Dislikes:liars,  when shes not getting her will, when someone talks bad about her,  people without humor (aka. when they don't approve of her pranks)

  •  she has a ghostly appearance which sometimes strangers find very spooky
  •  Sometimes her shadow seems to have a weird form and glowing red eyes
  •  she loves to go shopping for clothes, the more expensive the better
  •  she works nearly every night because she not only needs to pay her own bills but sends the money to her father
  •  she has a scar on her left shoulder she doesn't like to talk about
  •  Tsuku isn't scared to wander the streets alone at night. Sometimes she  even sings or humms a song which other passersby find also very scary.
  •  likes to give new drinks a name that includes her own
  •  her name is written with the character for Moon (月)

Relationship Infomation

Orientation: Pansexuall

» Status: single
» Significant Other:  N/A

» Current Attraction[s]: N/A



Ban Mikoto                                                  Dani
  Brother                                            Friend & Co-Worker