
5 years, 7 months ago


Species:       Dragon

Gender:       Female

Size:             Variable

Anatomy:    Feral/Anthro

Default Setting: Fantasy (Changeable)

Oracle, known only to very few close to her heart as Aerica, is the spiritual leader of a large group of nature dragons. 


Oracle is a dragoness with a rather lithe and graceful build, her body covered in verdant green scales that aptly resemble leaves, on the under side of her body, light brown plates with the texture of barks lined her form. Perhaps the most striking feature of this nature dragoness is the enormous set of antlers sitting on her head, the elegant curves and branches bely their strength, these are the symbol of an Oracle. Oracle's eyes are warm gold, and the glow obscures the structures of her eyes, two very long eyebrow-like protrusions grow from above the eyes, extending into the air. Leafy frills sprout from either side of Oracle's face, ending in tendrils that resemble vines. Curved spikes run the length of her spine.

Oracle wears an assortment of jeweled adornment, made of gold, pearls, amethysts, and silver. Her crown of anthers are especially decorated, as befitting a badge of her office. 


Some say precognition is but a genius level in intellect, capable of calculating the outcome of events. Some say precognition is a gift from the divines, bestowed in the forms of visions. For Oracle, it is a bit of both. 

Oracles are seemingly chosen by the divines, or at the very least, determined by birth. Whelps destinied to become an oracle have antlers that grow at an abnormal rate, reaching the size several times of other nature dragons, that alone sets them apart. 

The gift of precognition develops as oracles age, some faster than the other. But it takes the training of mind to properly decipher the visions, and that's where Oracle, well, THIS Oracle, excells at. Her aptitude resulted in her rise to prominance, and that, coupled with the fact that she is the only oracle in one of the largest colony of nature dragons, led her to be known as simply The Oracle, as opposed to the usualy Oracle of the place he/she was born. 


As an oracle, Aerica maintains an air of majesty and mystique, which are pretty much required by trade. Having fully mastered the art of prophecy, Oracle enjoys speaking of the future in cryptic messages, but for someone closer to her, she may be coerced to speak bluntly and to the point. 

Her official demeanor aside, Oracle is a highly compassionate individual, who is often seen as a motherly figure. She enjoys taking care of others, and finds happiness in easing the suffering of others. Oracle can be quirky and outgoing, but her office does not condone the show of these behaviors, and thus she keeps them well hidden, only showing them in private company. 


As a full-fledged oracle in addition to being a nature dragoness, Aerica possessed several abilities.

 - She can change size at will.

 - She can foresee certain futures, or at least several most likely possibilities.

 - As a nature dragon, her breath was not a weapon, but a green-gold healing mist. 

 - As a nature dragon, she possesses an emphatic link to the wildlife in her immediate surrounding, being able to manipulate them to a limited extent. 

 - As a nature dragon, Oracle can manipulate the color of her scales, appearing lighter or darker, to blend in with her surroundings. 


 - Oracle is the second of my 5 dragon avatars, characters that represents  an aspect of my personality. Though I'm not sharing what she represents.  :P

 - Oracle, along with my other 4 dragon avatars and Ishai, can change their size at will, this is convenient for art and RP. XD

 - Oracle is always one of the hardest of my characters to draw, her antlers are quite difficult to get right. XD I wanted to make a front view fullbody art of her, but the thought of making those antlers symmetrical kills my confidence. XD 

 - In her anthro form, Oracle has a ceremonial sword. That sword had its origins as a doodle on my History notebook back in high school. XD