


5 years, 7 months ago


Species:       Dragon

Gender:       Male

Size:            Variable

Anatomy:    Feral/Anthro

Default Setting: Fantasy (Changeable)

Konxulatus is a powerful ice dragon residing in the north. 


Konxulatus is a powerful, almost brutish looking dragon, with highly muscular limbs and body, and spikes sprouting from various parts of his body. His main scale color is a pale blue, while the armor plates on his underside are closer to grey. A single horn rests on top of his nose, small in comparison to the four main jagged horns behind his head, two of them sweep backward, while the other two curve forward like a ram's horns. Konxulatus has golden eyes, blazing bright in the cold of the north. A line of very long spikes run the length of his spine, while more spikes protrude from his elbows, ankles, and chest. The top edges of his large wings have long and curved spikes that should best be described as blades. Konxulatus' tail is particularly dexterous. 

Konxulatus carries a lantern with his tail wherever he goes. 


Not much is known about Konxulatus before his rise to prominence, other than that he was always a bulky one, towering over his peers. He brutish build belies his true strength however, as the mysteries of the arcane has ever been his true calling. He studied under several distinguished mages and warlocks before venturing off on his own to future his own magic. 

As his power grew so did his influence, and eventually, much of the north respect, or at the very least, knew of him. In time, he came to hold sway over the ruling of the north. Some lords would heed his counsel, while others would simply differ to his opinion. 

Like most established dragons with a permanent lair, Konxulatus collects a certain kind of item with particular personal value, in his case: Lanterns, most of them magical or enchanted. This has a reason: Konxulatus' tail is hyperactive, it would randomly grab things or swish around barely under control, and to keep the tail busy, Konxulatus has it hold a lantern, a fragile thing dangling on the tail to make it behave. 


Konxulatus is a confident and charismatic dragon, while not one to attend one party after the next, he is quite sociable. He is wise and benevolent, and would offer advice and counsel readily. However, the same does not happen to those who seek arcane knowledge. Knoxulatus firmly believes in the idea of searching for your own unique take on magic on your own, thus he would always hold back when others seek his arcane wisdom, prefer to set them on the right path towards their own discovery. 


Konxulatus, as a powerful ice dragon and an even more powerful mage, is in possession of a multitude of abilities: 

 - He can change size and shapeshift at will. 

 - He is a mage, with mastery over a huge amount of arcane spells and rituals. 

 - His physical prowess allows him to overpower weaker or less practiced opponents. 

 - As an ice dragon, his breath weapon is freezing frost, that can be manipulated in to different forms of ice, or aid in the casting of spells. 


- Konxulatus is the third of my 5 dragon avatars, characters that represents an aspect of my personality. Though I'm not sharing what he represents.  :P

 - Konxulatus, along with my other 4 dragon avatars and Ishai, can change their size at will, this is convenient for art and RP. XD

 - Konxulatus' hyperactive tail reflects my own hands sometimes... XD