


5 years, 7 months ago


Saeth very much so like every other vessel under the sun was thrown away because they had mind and will, but no voice. They were able to escape the abyss as well as the others when they realized what was going on and managed to elude the kingsmoulds that tried to hunt them and the other escapees down. they eventually wandered to the kingdoms edge and made quite a standing for themselves for lord fool and in the coliseum, until the champion (in game he’s the failed champion) cheats in their fight and defeats them. as Oro was returning from a bitter unsuccessful hunt, grumbling to himself, the seemingly lifeless body of Arrow (deciding that was their name in the coliseum of fools) dropped and smacked him on the head. frustrated, he was about to kick them further down into the abyss when they saw them struggling to stand and failing. so now he was stuck with a dilemma, let them succumb to their injuries or take them in, and with head tilted back letting out a frustrated, annoyed groan, knew his teacher and brothers would frown upon him heavily if he abandoned someone in need. his mind begrudgingly made up, he slung their body over his shoulder and trudged his way home.

He tended to their wounds the best he could, but told them that if they wanted to live they’d have to find the strength to soldier on. the two were a bit estranged at first, Arrow rearing up and hissing like an angry cat every time Oro dropped by to give them food or change their bandages, the other strictly reprimanding them because damnit they’re trying to help here and what they’re doing is not helpful!! but after a few weeks of good food and rest Arrow has mostly recovered, and was awoken abruptly one night as Oro stumbled in, wounded and exhausted. he didn’t even pay attention to the vessel watching from above and settled for passing out on his bed, figuring he’d tend to his own injuries in the morn.

When he came too, he found sloppy bandages pressed against his wounds and some leftovers put out for him nearby. Oro...didn’t remember doing either of those things, and was taken aback when he saw the tiny vessel curled up in a makeshift nest they made nearby. then, bam, he put two and two together and realized that this little runt did it for him. as thanks? as an apology? a way to show that they trusted him now? Oro was certain all three were the correct answer, finding some amusement in the change in their attitude toward him. when they awoke Oro had a little more civil conversation with the vessel, learning how they came to the edge, and what happened that day they met. Oro decided that this vessel could be a formidable fighter even more, under the right tutor. so they came to an agreement, if Arrow helped Oro out on his daily tasks and wandered into the City of Tears or Greenpath to forage for what they needed, he would take that as payment to teach them what he knew. even if the little vessel used a bow, there were still something’s Oro could teach them, and more if they were interested.

“But I digress, Arrow isn’t a suiting name for a potent warrior such as yourself.” Oro mused to himself, catching the vessel as it turned their head at him. “You’ve left yourself back at the coliseum when you died, you’re no longer Arrow. From this point forward, you will be known as Saeth. Understand?”

Saeth's arrows are made out of soul, they just make the motion of drawing back a bow and they can fire at will. Convenient

HOWEVER. the longer a battle goes on, or if Saeth runs out of soul, they can draw upon the void and use void arrows. DOUBLE HOWEVER. since they are not a perfect vessel, a reject, the void goes "Oh HELL no who the hell does this scrub think they are" and starts attacking them internally. the longer it goes on the weaker and sicker they can get to the point it can be fatal.