Basic Info


[NR] sclera color [S] shine, hair [C] fur, tail


3 Left


Single (Demi//Gay)



Name Castiel
Age 20
Build Average
Species Kalon
Gender Male
Oreint. Gay
Pronouns He/Him
Occupation Crime scene cleaner
Birthday October 3rd
Design Notes

  • Curabitur vel mauris ac nulla pulvinar dictum
  • Phasellus sollicitudin mauris tempor
  • Nullam nec neque eget tortor hendrerit dictum a et massa
  • Pellentesque rutrum quam non ipsum egestas

One look at Castiel will often tell you quite a lot about him, a very shy young man shrouded by a general anxiousness and fear about even the simplest things around him. However, despite this being a very large part of his personality theres a lot more to him than meets the eye, Cas is constantly running with at least a low level of anxiety because of this he's gotten very good at just passively dealing with it and working around, and sometimes with, it. The biggest thing that surprises people when they meet him is learning what he does for work, part time he works for a record store, this piece people don't find so surprising, however his main job happens to be a crime scene cleaner. This is what surprises everyone, what does that mean? What does such a cleaner do? Most importantly, how could such a nervous and scared person do it? All of these were valid and Cas had heard them all time and time again, despite his quiet and fearful demeanor Castiel did his main job with ease and even was more anxious at his part time work. Castiel always cleans even some of the worse scenes with a meticulous attention to detail often prefering to do so alone as to not be distracted from the task at hand. The thing about his job, however, is that he doesn't work exclusively with authorties, because of this he has ended up with a good number of connections with dubious backgrounds. Surprisingly, these things don't scare Castiel, nervous sure, anyone would be, but he didn't feel the same fear from a gang member approaching him as he did when a frustrated customer might turn to him at the record store. This could be boiled down to Cas being afraid of the unknown, the customer could start yelling at him which he hated while he had a good idea what what the gang member might do.


  • Terrified of the open ocean, he'll do literally anything other than deal with that.
  • Reads a lot in his spare time, he really likes horror and mystery novels. His favorite is Swan Song by Robert R. McCammon.
  • Hes selectively mute, people aren't sure why, because of this he texts a lot in order to communicate with people.
  • Likes to collect stuff, mostly vinyl and movie posters, he has a lot of them signed which he's very proud of.
  • Lives in a small apartment on the more "shady" side of his town but he doesn't mind. Keeps a lot of plants in his apartment to liven it up and make it happier.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum quis mauris vel nisi tempus mollis sit amet in sapien. Vivamus vitae egestas elit, congue dapibus ex. Nam id elit sed enim feugiat consequat. Proin sit amet accumsan mi. Vestibulum scelerisque, orci a volutpat malesuada, nisl turpis blandit neque, in volutpat enim lacus sit amet leo. Donec convallis iaculis risus in volutpat. Aliquam id metus mi. Nulla purus diam, laoreet convallis sollicitudin pharetra, vestibulum in nisl. Nunc ut turpis massa. Aenean tellus sapien, rutrum eget pharetra at, vestibulum nec sapien. Nulla varius massa non consequat vulputate.

Vestibulum a rutrum dolor. Integer venenatis suscipit magna, sed tincidunt dolor tempor in. Vivamus nisi diam, auctor in ante eget, ultricies lacinia ante. Integer bibendum tortor nisl, et hendrerit est volutpat id. Donec facilisis erat vel efficitur mattis. Phasellus condimentum vestibulum odio eu fermentum. Curabitur malesuada dignissim sem, sit amet malesuada justo porttitor id. Nulla vel eleifend urna, vitae sagittis lorem. Praesent tempor, enim quis egestas eleifend, mi augue vestibulum metus, ac fermentum neque lacus ac lectus. Etiam tristique, lacus eget varius viverra, purus ligula tempor neque, ut pharetra felis enim non velit. Nulla sodales id felis id aliquet. Vivamus ac euismod neque, eu convallis nunc. Nullam viverra erat blandit semper consectetur. Duis porttitor nisl eu dui tempor maximus. Nullam nec arcu congue, ultrices sem eu, dictum turpis.

Donec condimentum blandit congue. Vivamus sodales porta sem at vulputate. Ut a ex elit. Sed vel lacus vitae nisi consequat finibus. Fusce eu tempus arcu. Nulla placerat dapibus dolor non molestie. Vivamus a pellentesque purus. Donec maximus, enim ac vehicula convallis, diam nunc tempus erat, malesuada scelerisque augue neque eu nunc. Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu. In metus justo, luctus at pellentesque a, cursus et quam.


  • Plants
  • Rain
  • Soft music
  • Collecting things
  • Cooking

  • Loud noises
  • Snow
  • The ocean
  • Basements
  • Fights

Name | Relationship

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky.

Name | Relationship

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky.

Name | Relationship

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky.