


5 years, 6 months ago



"Call me Captain, won't you?"
Basic Info

Name Oleander
Gender Male
BirthdayJune 4th
Height 5'9" / 175cm
Weight 164 lbs / 75 kg
Ear Type Doberman
Hoof Type Pony
Orientation Bisexual
Occupation Pirate Captain
S.O. Unknown
Species Dainty
Dictionary # MYO 2043
Value $18 USD
Design Notes

  • He is a Dainty, he has hooved deer legs and his stockings cannot be removed or altered!
  • He's lean but muscular! Surprisingly stronger than he looks.
  • Unless otherwise specified, please draw him in the middle outfit.
  • Please color-pick off his reference! It's okay if you change the hues and whatnot, but please go off these colors!

  • Believes himself to be some kind of high seas sailing vigilante hero type, but in reality he's just sailing around and making a mess wherever he goes... fool!
  • He's a constant mess... he'd benefit from a shower or two
  • His scars are from him hurtling off the side of his boat in a heavy storm, they don't seem to bother him though
  • His tattoo was something he got on a whim, but he's grown rather fond of it
  • When it comes to sword fights and shootouts, he's never lost and he never intends to

Oleander is a reckless, brash, and confident kind of guy. He often acts before thinking his actions through completely, and even when he can see they won't end well, he's too stubborn to back down once he's made a decision. He's a resourceful, fun-loving captain who's far more concerned with self gratification than anyone else, which would make him quite the hedonist. He's without reserve in every capacity. At least he's got the good sense to do what's right when it comes down to it, despite his tendency to cause havoc and break every rule in the book. He does whatever he wants at any given time, and you're certainly not going to be able to stop him.


  • Freedom like only sailing the open ocean can provide
  • Adventure! He craves it more than anything else!
  • His ship, his crew, honestly everything that comes with being captain

  • Commitment and obligations
  • Being in situations where seriousness and professionalism are required
  • Interruptions. Let him get to his fun already!

Oleander has been a drifter and a vagabond for just about as long as he can remember. Which, unfortunately, isn't very long. He's a pirate with a pension for danger and dumbassery, which was bound to catch up with him sooner or later. As such, an accident aboard his ship was inevitable - he was knocked off the helm during a raging storm, throwing him into the waters below. He awoke with no memory of his past. He knew who he was and what his lifestyle was, but lost all memory of the stern and undiplomatic person he used to be. He also lost all memory of the love interest he'd left behind and promised to return to, which is a part of his life that his brother is desperately hiding from him.

Nowadays, Oleander can be found sailing the high seas and wrecking havoc on every place he visits. His crew drinks, pillages, and destroys just about anything they feel like, and unapologetically so. His brother serves as his first mate and quartermaster, and together they're quite the troublesome duo.

World Info

Oleander spends his days sailing the high seas and enjoying the ocean breeze! He's the captain of his own ship, so wherever he wants to go, he'll go. He often stops off on islands to restock his food, drink, and booze stores!




Relationship Type
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Oleander places more trust and faith into Marcys than anyone else he's ever known. Marcys acts as the first mate and quartermaster, helps to steer the crew in the right direction, and keeps their goals on track. Essentially, Oleander is the captain on paper, but Marcys is behind most of the shots called. Good ole captain Ollie wouldn't know what to do without him!