Hachirou Hideyoshi



5 years, 7 months ago


Hachirou Hideyoshi

八郎                秀吉

General information


Name: Hachirou Hideyoshi

Meaning of name: Hachirou - eight son, Hideyoshi - excellent, outstanding, good luck

Pronunciation: Hatch-ee-rou - Hee-deh-yo-shee

Nickname(s): Hachi, Hide, Silly bean, Dumbass, Idiot

Hero Alias: Hasn't decided yet

Age: 15-20

(15 at the start of the story, 20 at the end)

Sex: Male

Gender: Male

Pronounce: He/Him

Sexuality: Asexual

Romantic orientation: Biromantic

Height: 265 cm (8'8)

Weight: 136 kg (300 lbs)

Nationality: Japanese

Power: Transformation

Date of birth: 3rd of January

Residence: Aoihama, Shizuoka Prefecture

(Lives on the northeastern outskirts of Aoihama)


(Please note that this character is a part of a story, so this bio is an overall

view of the character and is therefor pretty static. Some things will be vague)


Hachirou is a very energetic, easily excited and social person who loves to talk and hang out with others. He will often start conversations with others, no matter if it is small talk or long discussions about a topic. He is very optimistic and won't hesistate with sharing that with others.

Hachirou is very talkative. Whether he just wants to chat about the weather or this funny video he saw, or he wants to have a serious discussion about something, he talks a lot. He can often have very long conversations with other people, either on a singular topic or on many different topics. Despite this though, he is pretty good at including others in conversation, asking them about how they feel about certain topics or waiting for them to show that they have heard what he said. He genuinly wants to know what other people think about a topic, and it's one of the primary reasons he loves conversation so much. This incredibly talkative nature can be a bit tiresome to some, especially if someone is tired or not in the mood for talking. Hachirou has an incredibly hard time not talking, though tries his best not to when he senses that someone doesn't want him to be talked to. This often leaves him feeling incredibly bored, and it can often leave him on the verge of asking someone at least one question. He is very good at coming up with new topics on the fly, and he is often excited about every single one of them, even if it may be as every day as someone's favourite food.

Despite being so talkative, Hachirou has an incredibly hard time opening up. He tends to avoid talking about things that bother him, often changing the topic. Due to this, he can struggle a lot with putting his feelings into words, as he isn't used to talking about them with others. He really doesn't like feeling vulnerable, and sometimes feel shame in showing himself to be so, even if the person he is talking to will help him as much as they can. Despite being able to talk about things that annoy him, he rarely goes into his own insecurities, problems or issues, and if he does, it will be very surface level, downplayed or told in a more light hearted and joking manner. He doesn't want others to worry about him, and as a result doesn't talk about his issues, even when he is really struggling. Most of the time he'll ignore how he feels or the issues he has, burrying them deep down, thinking that if he just ignores them, they will go away. It has worked with some things, but overall it has made everything a lot worse, although he doesn't want to recognize or admit it. He doesn't want to recognize his negative emotions or his issues, and will avert himself on a different course if he catches himself thinking about them. If he ignores them, they will go away, and he can go back to being happy. Or that is what he believes, that is.

Despite being very bad at talking about his own issues, Hachirou is very open to hearing about other peoples' issues. He cares deeply for the people close to him, and wants them the best, and will try to help them as best as he can. Whether that is talking with them about their issues, providing a distraction or a shoulder to cry on, he tries his best to be there for others when they need it. Despite being very quiet about his own issues, he is still pretty knowledgeable on how to give good advice, even if his skills with listening or providing a distraction are overall better. He is often very honest when there's something he doesn't have many ideas as to how a person could deal with something, but is still happy to offer his ideas on it if the person wants it. Usually he is a lot better at dealing with things that aren't incredibly heavy, and especially things that don't concern his own issues as much or at all. When faced with incredibly heavy issues, he'll often feel stumped on what to do, feeling like he is lacking the emotional maturity or experience to give good advice, a fact that upsets him quite a bit. He really wants to help the people around him, and wants to be able to help them figure out a solution to even their heaviest of issues, and often gets angry with himself when he doesn't know how to respond or what advice or tips to give, which is a feeling he then immediatly surpresses and then tries to figure out the situation, often with a lot of pauses and well chosen words. Despite this, he is still always up for listening and trying to help, even if he doesn't consider himself great at handling really heavy topics.

Hachirou is a very optimistic person. Whether that is believing that everything will be alright, or that there's always something good in every situation, Hachirou will not hesitate to share that with others. Whether that is reassuring someone that everything will be okay, trying to find at least one slightly positive or neutral thing in a situation, or just holding out hope for the future, Hachirou believes the world can be better, no matter how bleak it may seem or become sometimes. Due to this, he is generally not a fan of pessimism, and it will take a lot to get something like it out of him. He holds out hope for the future and a better world, and will damn sure make it so that there's at least some positivity in the world, even if it may be small. He tries to see the best in everything, both because he believes it's a healthier mindset to have, and also because he wants to put others in a better mood, and because it puts him in a better mood. He loves making people happy, and will gladly try and make someone's day a little better, no matter if that is sitting down and having a deep discussion on a topic or showing them a funny video. Going hand in hand with this optimistic mindset, Hachirou believes that there is something greater in life. Whether that is in the form of a higher or divine power, he doesn't know, but he feels that there is more to life than what seems to be on the surface. What that is, he hasn't found yet, but he does believe there is meaning to life, whatever that meaning may be.

Despite his optimistic outlook, Hachirou can be pessimistic. It takes a lot to get him to that point, but he can get there. He has had times when he has felt everything was hopeless, or that a situation wasn't gonna get better, and he didn't have some positive or optimistic spin on it. Usually this mindset upsets him, making him confused and frustrated as to why he feels that way. Sometimes he just feels down because that happens sometimes, and other times there's a reason or reasons behind it. He hates feeling negative emotions, and often doesn't know how to handle them. He burries them and tells himself that he isn't feeling them, determined to stay his happy, optimistic self. He hates feeling down and pessimistic, and often doesn't know why he feels that way, which leads him to become frustrated, which he then burries. Some of this burrying, if not a lot of it, comes from his fear of being made fun of or mocked. Having been made fun of and mocked in the past for his severe fear of thunder, it has led him to develop an unhealthy coping mechanism for negative emotions, fearing he'll get the same response if he says he is sad or something made him angry. While he doesn't conciously realize that for the most part, if not all of it, that this is a big reason behind his burrying and dislike for his negative emotions, it is still a big reason behind it. He doesn't want to be laughed at again and mocked, and as a result keeps all of his negative emotions quiet, at first determined to quietly sit through them, then later determined to ignoring them entirely. Despite this detest of his negative emotions, he knows it is a part of life. He knows everyone feels them and has them, and that he will continue to feel them at one point or another in his lifetime, yet he feels like he can't internalize that idea. He feels like it just won't get through to him that negative emotions are normal, and neither does he really want to in a false belief that he can escape it, and all of it makes him feel even more lost and confused, which makes him resort to the only way he knows how to deal with it: burrying them deep down and avoiding thinking about them.

Hachirou is very determined. While this can lead to a lot of negative things, like burrying his emotions, it can also lead to a lot of good things. Whether it is getting homework done in time, or reaching a goal of some kind under this given timeframe, or making someone's day better, he can be incredibly determined. It has brought him a long way in his want of becoming a hero, and it doesn't show sings of stopping. He is determined to make the world a better place, even if it may be small, and he sees being a hero as a great way to do so. He wants to be a good person, and will do what it takes to become that. He wants others to feel safe and happy, and will make sure that that happens.

While Hachirou is generally forgiving, if someone has hurt him or someone he cares about, it becomes incredibly hard for him to forgive that person. While how long it will take for him to forgive someone varies on what exactly the person has done, with some things it's something he'll never forgive. To him you get two chances, and once you've used them, you don't get anymore from him. While he can often hide his contempt for someone if the situation calls for it, it will often show up in an undercurrent of how he treats someone, usually presenting itself with him being curt and short on words, determined to get through his interactions with a person so he has to spend the least of his time with them. It can often make his otherwise warm and happy personality seem cold, and he is fully aware of that. Usually he doesn't care, as he may think it's the least of what someone deserves. Over time he may forgive someone and become more warm towards them, especially if a person has seen the error in their ways and changed. While he is more forgiving if someone has changed and seen the error of their ways, and even more so if they also apologize as well, he will still have a sense of cool in his interactions with them, having a hard time letting go of a grudge.

Hachirou is a very energetic and happy person. He has a hard time sitting still, and is often filled with restless energy. Whether it is bouncing his leg, fidgeting with his fingers or looking around a lot, Hachirou has a hard time sitting or standing still, especially for long stretches of time. Usually when he focuses on something, like a movie, it can help, though he will often still fidget or look around every now and again, even if there are longer intervals between it. This sense of restless energy often manifests itself in him bouncing, swaying from side to side, crossing his arms, continously placing his hands on his hips for only to remove them later, looking around at the things around him or fidgeting with his hands or something he is holding. This restless energy often gets even stronger when he is stressed, often leading him to pace around or fidget with his hands or get distracted a lot more than usual. This restless energy can also lead him to be easily distracted, as he often looks around. He is incredibly aware of the things around him, and has an eye for detail, whether that is noticing a small tick someone has when they're happy or seeing leaves drift from a tree.

Hachirou is a very sensitive person when it comes to various sensory stimuli. Whether it is having a hard time blocking out sound or visual stimuli, to touch sensitivity. He has an incredibly eye for detail, partially, if not mostly, due to not being able to block out visual stimuli. It can also lead him to getting overwhelmed if there is a lot of visual things around him, such as blinking and changing light billboards, cars driving by and reflecting light, people walking past as well as a 100 colors in one place. Usually it becomes harder for him to focus on listening to someone, or talking, or just focusing in general if he is in a very visually busy place. His hearing is also very sensitive, and while it in itself isn't out of the ordinary, he cannot block out sound very well. Whether it is hearing a car enginge starting somewhere behind a house, someone yelling somewhere far away, or someone next to him coughing, he'll hear it. While he doesn't often think much of it, as it has always been like this for him, he still hears it, even if he doesn't find it out of the ordinary. Very noisy places can make him overwhelmed, and he'll get very tired, as well as having trouble focusing. His sight and hearing are some of his most sensitive senses, and together they can make him very overwhelmed and very tired. He is also very sensitive to touch, although it is not equal in his entire body. He can practically not have someone place a hand on his leg without wanting to move because it's tickling him. If the hand is lying still, he can often be okay with it, but the moment any tiny movement happens, he'll instinctively want to move his leg away. Despite this sensitivity to touch, he actually really likes physical affection, as long as it is not given without applied pressure. He is a lot more comfortable if pressure is applied, as that lessens the tickling feeling to the point of it going away. Though his legs are still off limits for almost everything.

Hachirou doesn't cry easily, mostly due to not doing it much by nature, but also in part because he has told himself not to. To him, crying is linked with sadness or other kinds of negative emotions, and as he doesn't want to feel those emotions, he tries not to cry. While he can generally keep his cool under pressure, if there's too much of it he'll break, becoming anxious or outright panicking, unable to think things through. This is especially true if someone he cares about has been hurt or wounded, and he will immediately try and help the person, whether that is making bandages out of his own clothes or helping the person out with tasks so they don't have to move. He will often throw himself into danger, unable to think straight, which can lead him to getting hurt. In stressful situations he's often so concerned about others' well being to the point of throwing his own safety out of the window, which can often lead him to getting hurt. He does not take it lightly to see the people around him getting hurt or bossed around, and will stand up for them or himself if he feels they or he are being treated unfairly. He can be rather stubborn if he thinks something is wrong, and while he tries to listen to opposing arguments, it can be hard for him to change his mind, even if the person is right.

Hachirou has an extreme fear of thunder caused by a very close encounter with being struck by it when he was younger. He becomes anxious when he hears thunder in the distance, and will become more and more restless and anxious as the thunder gets closer. If it's right over his head he will break down completely, often sobbing and curling up in a corner while shaking horribly. He knows that the chance of him actually getting struck is extremely low, but the fear is still there, and it is often incredibly overpowering. He can barely think straight, his mind often going back to fearing getting struck or anyone he cares about getting struck and how absolute horrible that would be, and then it keeps on spiralling out of control. Calming him down when the thunder is right above him is incredibly hard, and while he may be able to calm down enough to make somewhat cohesive sentences, he will be far away from completely relaxed. The more violent the thunderstorm, the more fearful Hachirou will be. There is barely a way for him to calm down unless the thunderstorm isn't there, though curling up to someone he knows and trusts can often help him a bit. He rarely does this though, fearing he'll get mocked for such an extreme reaction to the thunder.

Hachirou kinda likes being the center of attention, especially when it's about his power. While he doesn't really seek it out or try to steer attention towards himself, he does enjoy being more in the spotlight whenever the situation arives. He likes receiving compliments, especially for his power. He is rather proud of his power, finding it useful, and the rarity of it and how amazed people almost always are at it definitely aids in that. He is, however, not as proud of the more... weirder sides of his power. He is more neutral on it, not really understanding why it should be such a big deal in the first place. He does, however, understand that it often is, and would rather not have to deal with the weirded out or disgusted looks he often gets for mentioning that side of his power. He really wishes the world would care less about the weirder aspects of his power and not make judgement on his person because of it, but knows that that isn't the case and tries to avoid it as much as possible. When he is confronted with talking about the weirder side of his power, and seeing people's negative reactions to it, it often makes him dislike his power. It is usually fleeting, but in moments like those he genuinly does dislike it, or at least dislike some part of it.

Hachirou cares a lot about his own identity. Whether that is knowing smaller parts about himself, or the big picture, he cares a lot about who he is as a person and the identity he has. He doesn't deal very well with changes to his identity, whether that is being sad when he perceives himself as a happy person, or when he finds himself being inconsistent even if not always being consistent is a part of human nature. If he acts in ways that gives him a feeling of "what was I doing?", he'll often feel very confused, wondering if he had been wrong about himself all along or he is changing for the worse. He isn't the good at handling changes in his identity, and while very slow changes often fly under the radar for him, more rapid or big change tends to catch him off guard, and sometimes even making him worried about what it all means.

Hachirou finds a lot of things funny. While laughing isn't always a sign that he finds something funny, as he laughs a lot, his sense of humor is generally pretty broad. He has a love for puns, and will make them even more if a person finds them annoying. He is not easy to fluster, and rarely blushes, even if he is faced with situations that would make an average person flustered or blush.

Tl;dr: Hachirou is a very energetic, talkative and optimistic person who often buries and ignores his problems and negative emotions.



Name: Transformation

Type: Ambiguous

Control: None

Activation: Situational

Hachirou can transform into any person as long as he consumes something from that person. He can then use that person's power, but only within the limits of his own power. He takes on the looks of the person he has transformed into as well as their power, but he does not become that person in terms of personality. He'll still be him in everything but looks and power. He can only stay transformed for a limited amount of time, and how much of someone else's power he can use depends on his own power. Staying in a transformed state will slowly cause him to get more and more sick until he eventually throws up, transforming back into himself. Due to his power being an ambiguous power, he has zero control of when or where the power will activate, nor is it in any way connected to his emotional state. He could accidentally consume someone's hair and will transform into that person whether he'd like it or not. He does however have a pretty good grasp on using other people's powers, especially activation powers. Given that he typically doesn't have the exact same scope of the power that the original person does, he is very creative and finds ways to get around those limits.


(Please note that this backstory does not contain every event leading up to where the character currently is. It only covers

the most important/crucial events)


Hachirou has practically always been a little ball of energy. Growing up with seven siblings meant there was usually someone to be around and interact with. Being the youngest in the family meant that his older siblings often took care of him, which lead him to have a more distant relationship with his parents. Not that he didn't like them in any way, he looked up to them, he just wasn't as close to them. He especially had a close relationship with Nanako and Rokurou, as they where around the same age. Though as they got older, while they were still close, they started to develop different interests and weren't as close as they once were. Hachirou was still very energetic whereas Nanako became more calm and started up painting, and Rokurou became more reserved and started to spend more time on his own. They were still very close, they just drifted apart a bit. 

While it is safe to assume that Hachirou's power was fully developed when he was four or five years old, it took a lot longer for him to discover exactly what his power was. Given that his power would only activate once certain criteria is met, it made it hard to know exactly what it was. Though Hachirou had a pretty good guess as to what it was, as the rest of his family had powers surrounding changing some aspect of themselves, whether that be their voice or eye color or turning into an animal. For a while Hachirou went around and experimented, touching different things or waited for certain moments to happen to see if his power was related to that. It took a while, but through a mix of pure accident and will, Hachirou managed to activate his power. It was a very freaky experience, and Hachirou was in shock for a few moments before he fully realized what had happened and he started to bounce around and tell everyone in his family. Some time later, he found out he could use someone else's power in a transformed state. This made him absolutely ecstatic, and he was both happy and a bit proud of his power. Ambiguous powers where rarer than activation or static powers, and his had a lot of uses and had the potential to be very powerful, so what wasn't there to be a bit proud of?

As he got older, he started to get an interest in hero work. It was a job in which you could make the world a better place, and put your power to good use. It sounded exactly like the job Hachirou wanted. Not only did he get a chance to do good, but he also got to use his power, it sounded fantastic. 

As he was soon to find out though, hero work could be dangerous, and some died from it. That didn't deter him though, it still sounded like an exciting job to him. He started to talk about his interest in hero work more, and most of his family supported the idea. The others didn't really say anything, though Hachirou didn't really care. It was what he had set out to do, and it didn't matter if a few of his siblings silently disapproved of it. He aimed to get into Aoihama Hero School when he turned 15. While some of his siblings thought that was a bit too ambitious, Hachirou wasn't deterred. He often talked about his wanting to become a hero with his cousin Daichi, who encouraged Hachirou's choice of job. The two had always gotten along well, and it seemed like they only got closer as they started to discuss hero related things. 

Somewhere around the same time, he and his family as well as some other family members, went on a trip together. At the place they took a break at, Hachirou and one of his family members went to go explore. They came upon a large hill with some trees on top and decided to climb up. Everything went fine until thunder started rolling in over them. They immediately started making their way down, knowing what could potentially happen if they stayed. The thunder started out fairly average, then quickly became intense, the lightning flashing and the thunder roared. When Hachirou got down on the ground, he started to run towards the place his family was, thunder roaring around him. He looked over his shoulder and saw his family member get away from the tree. Suddenly the sky was shattered by a large thunderbolt that struck the tree and lit up the world in white, making Hachirou trip and his family member scream. Hachirou got up and stared wide-eyed at his family member. The person was unharmed, but the look on their face said that they were anything but okay on the inside. Their face was pale and their eyes wide and their breath was quick and shallow. They both made their way towards their family and then immediately packed and went home. 

Hachirou was trying to process what had happened as they drove home. It was probably an extremely rare occurrence, and it was hard to believe it had really happened. At the same time he felt like he just couldn't relax with the thunder still roaring above them, even when his parents assured him that the car would take the hit if the thunder struck them. Though promises of them being safe and that the lighting would go for the highest point, Hachirou still couldn't shake the fear off him. He guessed that if enough time passed, the fear would go away.

Turns out that wasn't what happened. The next time thunder was heard, fear washed over him and he was almost nailed in place. When the thunder was right over their heads, it took everything he had to not break down crying. After that experience, some of his siblings thought it would be a fun idea to tease him about it. Hachirou didn't like it and told them to stop, but they didn't. While he didn't want to say it out loud, their teasing really hurt him and made him feel humiliated. He resorted to stay in his room whenever it started thundering to avoid their teasing. That only seemed to make his fear worse, being on his own, but he would take that over feeling humiliated. While he was sure his siblings meant no harm with it, it still hurt a lot. He felt like it was silly to take it so personally, it was just teasing after all. But it still hurt and made him embarrassed, and he wasn't sure what to do about it. So he decided to just ignore it and hope it would go away.

As he got older and entered teenage hood, he started dating. The first relationship was rather short lived, as both he and the guy he dated came to the conclusion that there wasn't really more than friendship between them, that they had jumped into a relationship too quickly.

Some time went by, and he began to date a classmate who he had a pretty good friendship with, using what he learned from the last relationship and took some time to really see if it could work out between him and her. It was one of the longest lasting relationships. The two got along very well, spending time with each other, went on some movie dates and generally did things together and had a great time. Things weren't always great, but they learned and figured things out. One day though, she had to move away, and while they promised to stay in contact, they slowly drifted apart as time went on and they got older. They still chatted from time to time, but had officially ended the relationship.

A long time went by with not much happening. There came a new girl in his class who he quickly developed a friendship with. The two got along greatly and spend a lot of time together. As time passed by, Hachirou started to develop feelings for her. He confessed to her one day, and she confessed that she felt the same way. The two started dating, going out to watch movies or have a small picnic at the park, sharing stories or just relaxing in comfortable silence. It generally went pretty well. There were ups and downs, but they figured it out. It was a good relationship, and it lasted a very long time.

Though as time progressed, the two fell out of love. They decided that they would end the relationship, but stay friends. 

When Hachirou turned 15, he was excited. Soon Aoihama Hero School would open up applications, and he was gonna do his absolute best on the written exam. The exam was tough, but he got through it and got a pretty good score. Now he had to get trough the physical exam, rescue exam and athletics exam! He had a pretty good feeling about it all.

Tl;dr: Hachirou has always been a little ball of energy. While it is safe to assume his power was probably fully developed before he found out what it was, due to the circumstances of the power, it took a lot longer for him to find out what it was. When he did, he was at first shocked, then very ecstatic about it. He started experimenting with it, getting a better understanding of how it worked and what his limits where. Some time later, he started to develop an interest in hero work. A profession where he could both make the world a better place, and get to use his power, sounded amazing to him. Some time later, he, his family and some more other family members went on a trip together. At the place they decided to rest for a bit, Hachirou and one of his family members went out to explore. They found a large tree on top of a hill and decided to climb up. As they came farther up, a massive thunder storm hit them. They got down as quickly as they could, and as Hachirou was quickly making his way away from the tree, he looked back over his shoulder and saw the tree get struck by lighting, just as his family member got out of the vacinity. They made their way back and went home. On their way home, Hachirou felt like he couldn't relax with the thunder around them, no matter how many times he was reassured that nothing would happen to him. He thought the unrestness wouldn't be a thing later on and brushed it off when they got home. As it turned out, it wouldn't go away, and almost got worse each time thunder was over them. His siblings started to tease him about it, something he did not find funny at all. Some time passed, and he started dating. His first relationship was over quickly, and while the second one lasted quite a while, they slowly started to not be in touch as much, and their relationship slowly faded. Some time later, he started dating a girl he was pretty good friends with. Their relationship lasted a long while, though they slowly grew out of love and decided that they would end the relationship and stay friends. More time passed and he turned 15. He got through the written exam, scoring a pretty good score.



Natsumi Hideyoshi

Biological mother

Voice Changer

Hachirou has a positive, yet a bit distant relationship with his mother. He looks up to her and likes her, but isn't very close to her.

Hachirou generally takes more form his mother. He inherited the more square face and blond hair from her.

Riku Hideyoshi

Biological father

Object Changer

Hachirou has a positive, yet a bit distant relationship with his father. He looks up to him and likes him, but isn't very close to him.

Hachirou generally doesn't take much from his father.

Ichirou Hideyoshi

Oldest brother

Eye Changer

While Hachirou isn't very close his oldest brother, he still looks up to him and admires him.

Jirou Hideyoshi

Second oldest brother

Height Changer

While Hachirou's relationship with Jirou is distant, he still cares for him. While Jirou is often the sibling Hachirou gets in arguments the most, he still cares about him

Saburou Hideyoshi

Third oldest brother

Voice Changer

Hachirou's relationship with Saburou is a little more of a... mixed bag. Hachirou cares about Saburou and likes him, yet at the same time Saburou's constant air-headedness and general lack of taking anything seriously can get on Hachirou's nerves. 

Shirou Hideyoshi

Fourth oldest brother

Facial Changer

Hachirou isn't very close to Shirou, but he still cares about him. The guy can be quite funny at times.

Gorou Hideyoshi

Fifth oldest brother

Animal Transformation

Hachirou's relationship with Gorou is both distant and strained. Gorou doesn't get along with and of his siblings, and seems to find Hachirou particularly annoying. Hachirou can't really not say the same, the guy's constant negativity and lack of caring about anything that goes on in his family as well as his generally nasty attitude towards his entire family does get on Hachirou's nerves. He has a sneaking suspicion that there's more to Gorou's dislike for his entire family than general teenage rebellion though.

Rokurou Hideyoshi

Sixth oldest brother

Color Changer

Hachirou is rather close to Rokurou, and the two have spent a lot of time together. He cares a lot about him and wants him the best.

Nanako Hideyoshi

First sister

Color Picker

Hachirou is quite close with Nanako. The two get along quite well. Hachirou really admires her skills for color picking and her paintings.

Daichi Hideyoshi

Cousin, father's side


Hachirou is very close with Daichi. His support and his friendship is something that means the world to Hachirou. The guy's a great listener and has a lot of useful insight. They get along very well.

Yuki Kimiko

Best friend


Hachirou met Yuki on the bus to the physical exam, and they quickly made a friendship once they got accepted in. While their personalities are quite different, they still get along quite well. The two often share jokes together, having a similar sense of humor, their optimism can be completely overpowering when combined. While Hachirou may not be as open with Yuki as he'd like, he still considers her someone he could talk to about anything that bothers him. She has a great ability to take things seriously, then take things light-hearted when the situation calls for it. Her observation skills are something he admire, as well as her strong power and her capabilities with said power. He knows that if she would ever need to talk about something with him, he'd let her talk for as long as she needs and try his best to help. He wouldn't trade her friendship for anything.

The two often spend time together during and after school, typically with Kenzoku.

Kenzoku Hiroshi

Best friend

Future boyfriend

Future husband


While Hachirou wasn't exactly sure of what to think of Kenzoku when they first met, he quickly grew fond of the guy. Despite Kenzoku's extremely nervous exterior, Hachirou was sure there was more to him than the stuttering, anxious mess he'd often see, it would just take some time for Kenzoku to feel comfortable enough with their presence and feel less anxious. Kenzoku's soft, caring and kind nature is something Hachirou admires a lot, something he feels like he doesn't always live up to. It's like Kenzoku considers everyone and tries to be kind to everyone, no matter what. It's something Hachirou thinks he could be better at. The two get along quite well, sharing jokes and stories. While their sense of humor don't always overlap, Hachirou with his love for puns and Kenzoku with his hatred of them, they still get along swimmingly. Hachirou wouldn't trade his friendship with Kenzoku for anything.

The two often spend time together during and after school, either with Yuki or by themselves.

Hayate Kanon


Wind Manipulation

While Hachirou isn't super close to Hayate, the two still get along well. While their personalities may be quite different from each other, they still enjoy each other's company and often crack jokes together.

Izumi Koharu



While Hachirou isn't super close with Izumi, the two still get along quite well. Given they are both very energetic people, they often get up to some slightly crazy stuff.

Yoko Katsumi



Hachirou and Yoko are pretty good friends, having a lot in common. The two often get up to things and will sometimes be in trouble for something. They are quite the enablers of each others stupid or silly behavior.




Aunts and uncles

Distant family

Hachirou has a pretty positive relationship with both sides of his family. There's not many he doesn't have some kind of positive relationship with. Even with some of his more distant family he is generally positive.


Hachirou generally likes his classmates. There aren't many that he particularly dislikes, and with the ones he does he typically doesn't interact with them much. He is not one to get in arguments with people he doesn't like, unless he really, really can't stand them. Though he doesn't feel that way about any of his classmates.



He is broad and muscular

His hair is soft and thin

He is ambidextrous, can use both left and right hand equally well

His hands are strong and thick

He stands straight and confident, tends to slump if he is feeling down or is otherwise not in a good emotional state, as well as when he is very disappointed

He often walks in long, confident strides, unless he is with someone who can't walk as fast as him. Then he slows down, though still has that confident stride.

Flexibility: Pretty flexible

His voice is midtone, can be quite booming and loud when he wants to be. His voice will often become soft if he is concerned.

He often laughs a lot, often says 'yeah', typically pretty informal with others, can control the emotion in his voice to a great extend, often becomes quiet when he isn't doing well.

His laugh is often loud, infectious, and quite frequent. Often chuckles as well. Can sometimes fall into a laughing fit, though can stop himself quite well.

His face is square and with a strong jawline

He likes heat, talkative people, cheesy romcoms, hanging out, being active in general, puns, making someone happy, making someone laugh, long jogs, the beach, looking good, getting complimented, complimenting others

He dislikes people thinking he is stupid, selfish people, feeling selfish, being alone for too long, loneliness, generally negative emotions, injustice, people being treated poorly, people who've done horrible things

He loves summer, frogs, bright colors, almost any high energy activity

He hates thunder, people mocking him, being or feeling useless

He often laughs a lot, smiles a lot, often taps his fingers or feet to a beat in his head, will shuffle his feet or somewhere he is sitting when he is uncomfortable, starts bouncing on the heels of his feet or sway gently from side to side when excited or bored, his leg will start to twitch when he is bored, he will often fidget with his hands if he is bored, and he often looks around no matter if he is bored or not

He has a habit of often resting his hands on his hips, crossing his arms, makes mental or physical notes about things that catches his attention about others

He fears his loved ones dying, thunder

(Also death but that happens later in the story)

His skills/talents include being quite a good actor and rather creative

His hobbies include jogging, working out and singing from time to time

Was born in Aoihama hospital

Most things can work as a birthday gift for him

Has a pretty broad taste in music, though prefers things with a lot of energy

Often listens to pop, especially pop from the 2000's

Likes to sing but can go off-key without realizing it

Will sing as loudly as he can in the shower to annoy his family

When he was younger he would often be the first to wake up, and then he'd run around the entire house slamming pots and pans together because he was bored and wanted the rest of his family to wake up

A morning person

Can sometimes just crash on a bed and sleep

The background on his phone is a beach

Doesn't mind if people call him Hide

Has a hard time remembering names

Freezes very easily

His fighting style is often more offensive, but can definitely go defensive

He tries to find a fitting fighting style based on the opponent's fighting style

Can change up his fighting style so it fits best with a power he is using

Prefers to dodge, then attack

Is more of a close combat figther generally

Can become ranged if the power he is using fits with that style

Doesn't have any preferred taste in dates and can go casual or fancy

Finds sunlight filtering through leaves or flowers, or falling in through a window homely

Is very cheesy sometimes

Doesn't wear sweaters often

Took acting classes when he was younger

Doesn't swear often

Is a bit of a kitten sneezer

Will sometimes tie his hair back