Star Trek: Dragon



1 month, 1 day ago


The Dragon is a gigantic, sentient, space-faring organism. Her species seem to have evolved alongside a humanoid one supposed to be her crew, whom she depends on for maintenance and survival, and whom benefit from her being a badass faster-than-light home among the stars. Unfortunately for her, some [random cosmic event, insert technobabble here] has transported her to the Alpha Quadrant with no crew, and next to no memory of who she is or where she comes from. Adrift and with nobody to care for her, she begins to ail quickly…. Thankfully, a different random event results in the passengers of a random transport ship—a mixture of civilians and Starfleet officers—being bonded to her as her new crew, awaking her from her coma—yay!

There’s a downside, though. Once the bond is established, her crew can only be away from her for a week or two before they will start to die. It’s enough for the Starfleet personnel to continue a lot of their work—after all, it’s not like they’re cut off from civilisation—they can communicate just fine with the outside world. They can even go and visit their families. Even so, this situation is less than ideal. Starfleet doesn’t want its officers and these civilians trapped inside this big weird alien, and it won’t risk assigning any additional guys to this ship for obvious reasons. The Dragon herself knows that it’s wrong to hold on to her current crew indefinitely, so it’s her—and their—mission to find out more about her, and to get her home, wherever that may be. Hopefully her people (and crew-species) know some way to reverse the bond.

  • FTL-capable, though it’s nothing like conventional warp technology. Totally different technology, as it’s all biologically/psionically based. It seems to be a lot faster, yet also a lot harder to set precise courses for. She often ends up in places her pilots are thinking about/dreaming of instead of whatever heading they try to input.
    • Yes, they keep ending up at Risa. Yes they tried putting asexual species in the pilot's chair, to no avail. It's a "don't think about elephants" dilemma.
  • About 300 meters long from bow to stern, making her a bit smaller than the USS Voyager. As the series continues, and she takes on more crew (normally by accident), she grows alongside their numbers 
  • About 50 crew to start—who are an even mix of starfleet and civvies. It’s actually pretty comfy in there, she’s not a military vessel. Of course, she has a bridge and an engineering section and even weapons. But there’s a park and an arboretum and a little food garden in there too… really, it wouldn’t be such a bad place to settle down.
    • Starfleet are running the show here… or trying. The crew is small, and her maintenance requirements are pretty high, which means there are a lot of civilians getting field commissions here. Know your way around a plasma manifold? Congrats, here’s your yellow uniform.
    • There’s nobody on this ship above the rank of lieutenant-commander. Most are ensigns and petty officers.
  • Agreed to have some Starfleet technology grafted into her to help her Starfleet personnel interface with her better and also afford them a few more familiar creature comforts—namely holodecks and transporters. Some things work nicely. Other things, like replicators, do not. But don’t worry :) she has the crew’s nutritional needs sorted :)
    • She excretes a nutritionally-complete-for-your-species paste in your favorite flavour. From her many, many teats. From which you must suckle.
    • She is capable of replicating anything a standard replicator can (and more!), but it will be produced within an ooze-covered amniotic sac. You can have a raktajino, cup and all, but you’ll just have to wait a sec and then cut it out of an oozy veiny sac.
    • Starfleet rations have never seemed so appealing! 
  • She is predominantly solar powered, and supplements her diet with nebula dust and random space debris.
  • The Bond ™ seems to be a combination of nanites and psychic tethering. The Dragon can intuit the needs of her crew and make sure they are healthy and comfortable, but without her continued influence, the nanites degrade and you’ll eventually go into neural shock.
  • Can *survive* atmospheric entry/landing on the surface of a planet, but not without damage, and she really, really hates it. How would you like to go diving in molasses? It’s like that for her.
  • She will chat to you, especially if you're lonely. She's great at moral support, and is always there to listen :)
  • Her internals a a strange mix of organic and inorganic. It's not gory in there, rather, there is a lot of bioluminescence and clean gemometry which just... happens to strangely bonelike. At least, that's true for most parts of the ship. Engineering is a different story. And the Jeffrey's tubes? Well, they move you via peristalsis.

All of this occurs 20 years after the conclusion of DS9, in an alternate timeline which ignores every piece of star trek media produced after Voyager (since I have not watched them <3)

Notable staff include:

  • Doctor  Kem Valir (Chief Medical Officer) (rank: Lt.), a bajoran
  • Lieutenant Kem Olan (Science), a bajoran-raised cardassian
  • Chief Petty Officer Ryn (Chief engineer) (NCO), an outcast Klingon

Obrien is also there to continue manning the transporters, since his suffering can never end (he’s divorced in our universe).

We've also overhauled the species lore quite a bit, since the theater of the mind has an infinite special effects budget--though we aim to enhance the existing lore rather than contradict any of it. I'll list my alien headcanons here. Warning for talk of reproduction and all that.