


30 days, 17 minutes ago


Alizee is a Lofti


  • Name: Alizee
  • Gender: Female
  • Pronouns: She/Her
  • Blood Type: B+
  • Age: 58 years
  • Species: Lofti
  • Element: Wind
  • Orientation: Heterosexual
  • Nicknames: Ali

  • Homeland: Storm Lands
  • Classification: TBA
  • Rank: TBA
  • Height: 170cm
  • Weight: 30kg

Alizee is a rather standard Lofti, at least before the Storm Tribe's culture change. She comes from a long line of sky trait Lofti and her family is known for being the ones that took down another family (of storm trait Lofti) who were causing chaos. Because of this, Alizee is rather proud and is confident in her skills and powers but she is aware that her family has a history of Lofti being born with one pair of wings so she was not surprised when Freyr was born with one pair. However, she is rough and full of tough love for all of her kids, but she was known for being quite gentle to her only son - as she knew that his father and any other adult would draw blood instead of just giving him bruises. No one really knows how Alizee feels about the Storm Tribe as she is willing to do what she can for them but some say she tries to remember her family and what they overcame to survive and their dedication to the Lofti honour code.


Alizee has all the moves and abilities of her species.

Wing Strike, Gust, Twister, Dive Bomb

Storm Surge, Flock Mentality, Call of the Nine Winds, Eagle's Eye


  • Elemental Power: 5/10
  • Physical Power: 4/10
  • Elemental Defence: 5/10
  • Physical Defence: 2/10
  • Stamina: 8/10
  • Speed (land): 1/10
  • Speed (air): 10/10

Alizee was born into a long standing family of Sky trait Lofti. Their family motto is "Clouds cannot block the sky" which drew from a time where Alizee's ancestors took down a group of Storm trait Lofti who were disrupting the lives of the Lofti.
     How she became mates with her husband, Mauli, is unknown but they had 4 children together and they remained together instead of going their separate ways. Alizee was the main teacher for her son Freyr as he had one pair of wings instead of the usual two. Some say she was glad when Freyr finally left and some say that she didn't mourn her mate's death. Alizee tended to not dwell on Freyr leaving and Mauli's death as she did love him but his death was something she was sort of expecting. Yet, Alizee now seems to be... acting strangely after her daughter Tofa seemed to argue with her about her family's history and the Lofti code of honour. Alizee was not informed of Tofa meeting Freyr but she has her suspicions about this and now hopes that her family history won't make a return, this time between Tofa (her sky trait daughter) and Ljufa and Yrsa (her storm trait daughters).

Parents - unknown

Mate - Mauli
Children - Tofa, Ljufa, Yrsa (daughters). Freyr (son)

Likes: TBA

Dislikes: TBA

Fears: TBA


  • Theme Song: N/A
  • Voice Claim: N/A
  • Quote: N/A

  • For sake of clarification, Alizee, Mauli, Tofa, Ljufa and Yrsa are unaware of Freyr's name being changed from "Ushin" - so their profiles will have "Freyr" but they do not know this is his name