Sooma (Official Species) (Life Stages)



Life Stages:

Droplet (Egg)

Once a year when two Sooma wish to have a baby, they work together to create a meal that satisfies the goddesses. They offer the meal at the Shrine of Celestia, if Deidameia or Iphigenia enjoys the food, a shooting star will fly through the sky and a Droplet is gifted.

Soomie (Baby)

The baby form of Soomas! With a chubby body full of nutrients and stubby undeveloped features, Soomies are quite an adorable sight to see.

Sooma (Adult)

Maturing at 25 years old, Soomas can live up to 150 years. A well-fed Sooma can live up to 200 years old

Star (Afterlife)

When a Sooma passes, it becomes a star and returns to Celestia. Perhaps it is reborn as a Droplet and starts on a new journey. YOLO or not?

Pics: 1-3 types will be talked below, 4-6 inspo pics for Sundara (central part of Solei where most things are, the rest desert)