Sooma (Official Species) (Culture and Religion)



Culture and Religion:

Two Celestial Sisters watched over Solei.


who created the beautiful world:

From her breath swirling sand dunes, from her tears oasis, from her smile the sun itself.

* hazel skinned, warm like a firey hearth

* Soft flowy crest

* two horns curved back elegantly

* harnesses the sun

* white tear drop markings under her eyes

and Iphigenia

who populated the world with magnificent creatures from mere nature:

From the sand, she molded Soomas, from her sneeze dozens of Boubeetles came to life, from her hair she weaved the body of a Barikusa

* rich darker skinned

* Softly freckled

* cloudly swirled crest

* cresent shaped horns that glow

* harnesses the moon

* golden bronze with soft purples and blues

Deidameia is the elder sister and Iphigenia is the younger sister.

Villagers pray to Deidameia for good crop yield and rainfall.

Villagers pray to Iphigenia for fertility and a prosperous life.

Since the goddesses are appealed by large platters of exquisite food, excellent cooking became a valued skill.

"Food is the way to the heart and soul"