★ Bentlee Rayes's Comments

Entering for this cutie~

Here's the song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Z5P3pMmXYQ&feature=youtu.be

I'd love to enter for them!

The song I chose is Knock Me Down But I'll Get Back Up Again because I imagine this bab as someone optimistic and is willing to fail more than once to make others happy! They are determined and excitable and overall just want to make people happy! The problem is that they are rather forgetful and not very good at....anything. But that won't stop them from bringing endless joy to the world!

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Aaa first off I love all these revamps you're doing and giving away, it's so cool and I kinda wanna do a few now qwq 

I would love to have this kiddo to draw and sketch, I love their design!!

Anyway I chose this song, Native Tongue by Switchfoot! 

They are a sassy and independent soul who will stand up for what they believe in no matter what anyone else tells them and they boldly speak out against violence and hate at any chance they get. 

They enjoy spreading love and compassion whenever they can but can sometimes get caught up in the positive attention it brings and become rather vain and conceited and lose sight of their original motive, and though they will eventually realize their error and remedy their attitude, they soon begin spiraling back and it has become an unfortunate cycle of drifting away and coming back.

In the end they just want to see the world become a better place and they are willing to do what they can to see it happen.

"I want the world to sing in her native tongue
Maybe we could learn to sing along
And find a way to use our lungs for love and not the shadows"

-quote from the song

I haven't decided on a name for them yet bc idek if I will get them aaa ;w;

(Also basically all my characters are wholesome cinnamon rolls so sorry if this is too pure/soft of a concept oof :') )

Thank you for considering!!

I'd love to enter for this baby! Narrowing down a song now ^^

Edit: Alright, it took a bit of searching, but I think I found a good one! The pose of the character is so confident, and I really wanted to play into that: https://www.songfacts.com/lyrics/cassadee-pope/i-am-invincible

I actually found a couple other songs that I would probably mix into their character if I won them (It's a pretty diverse bunch) xD As for a name, I'd probably go with something like Akasma, a Turkish name meaning "white rose", or Haldis, a Greek name meaning "stone spirit"

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 Don't Fear the Reaper -- Not only one of my favorite classics, but also one I feel would fit Lee's character (or what I think his character would be, at least). Also, I'd keep the name as Lee, just actually being Bentlee Rayes as his full name. Thank for the chance at them anyways! ^-^ Seems like the kind of guy to pick fights for things he believes in, and one who wouldn't 'fear the reaper' persay, and one that knew mortality. Just like a calm, deep thinker with a tough attitude.

(Also, is it exclusively just a song for the WTA, or can we actually write about the character? )

oo this song is really nice ! i like the whole selfless for the right reason protag vibe 

he's all yours <3

Thank you very very much! Ill be sure to take good care of him. ^-^  Also glad you liked the song, too. It's an awesome one xD

They would actually be a comfort sona for me for when i hit low points in my life. 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UTZYVNBaiY Would fit their role with me perfectly and i would keep their name as Lee. 

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They're so pretty,, I hope you don't mind if I enter for this one too?


I chose the song 'Better Than Me' by The Brobecks

I think it would fit him because I imagine he's have a sort of energetic 'bad boy' type personality. I also feel like he'd be the type to get a dumb crush on someone and have no idea how to deal with it so yeah, let's bully you out of love! Poor boy doesn't know how to flirt with someone he actually likes. However, he is a pretty good flirt when he's not all flustered over whoever he likes. Confident, quite the dirty mind, and like,, 75% bad boy, 10% dumbass, and about 200% lovestruck idiot.

Oh yeah, sorry for the comment spam but I forgot to add (and I didn't really feel like editing and risking things getting messed up) I'd keep his name as Lee because I think that's cute and fits him, if you wouldn't mind!

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Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RE87rQkXdNw

Name: Bastille! ( To reference the song hehe )