Chase Jewel



5 years, 6 months ago


Chase Jewel

"Despite the struggles... I don't think I would change a thing."

Timeless Promise - Chase's Theme




Chase grew up in Cleodora city; one of the five great cities. His mother left soon after he was born and he's never known much about her. Up until the age of 8 he was largely raised by his father, but after he died in an accident on the ocean Chase was left in the care of his older sister who raised him from that point on. Things were never easy, but Chase did his best to live a good life. One day, however, his city was unexpectedly attacked by unknown assailaints. This attack forced him into having to flee the city with a stranger at the time who would eventually become an invaluable ally. Now he seeks to find out the truth behind everything that is happening, including the fact that he has developed strange new magic abilities.

Chase is a kind person who, in the beginning, struggles to come to terms with the situation he has found himself in. Though he dislikes violence and hurting others it becomes increasingly difficult for him to avoid doing so when he and his friends are constantly in danger of being attacked. He holds some resentment towards his powers for a long time, disliking them and wondering why he had to receive them, until he realizes how they can be used for healing and helping others too. This changes his outlook and he resolves himself to finding a solution to things in his own way.

Over time Chase comes to realize that sometimes there are things worth protecting even if it means having to engage in violence to do so. Though he may not like it, he will learn to fight and heal so that he may better defend his allies when they need it. He also comes to realize that things are rarely every so simple; even the attack on Magnus is far more complicated than he woud've liked to think. But someone has to do something about it.


Although timid upon first meeting Chase is a very kind and generous person. He's always wanting to lend a helping hand to others, and is incredibly hardworking as well. In fact some people may even refer to him as a workaholic, and it's a rather bad habit of his. Despite what people may think at first though Chase is not a pushover and will defend himself if he feels like he must. He can also be surprisingly reckless and tends to act on instinct rather than thinking things through.


  • Gentle
  • Open
  • Courageous
  • Loyal


  • Artful
  • Determined
  • Casual
  • Stubborn


  • Hasty
  • Workaholic
  • Anxious
  • Overthinking


Shy Outgoing

Humble Arrogant

Meek Confident

Reckless Cautious

Loud Quiet

Cruel Kind

Lazy Hardworking

Selfish Altruistic

Brutal Honesty Kind Lies



Chase tends not to draw attention to himself while in public. He likes to be someone who can just blend into a crowd, and he rarely starts conversations with strangers first. He'll talk with someone if they decide to start the conversation, but otherwise he likes to keep to himself. That said, so long as there isn't something on his mind, he also keeps a careful observation of his surroundings. Mostly so he doesn't bump into people, but he can also be somewhat nervous on crowded streets.


Chase feels much more comfortable in private, thus he feels like he can be more himself when alone or with people he lives with. Him being at ease is shown by him being more cheerful and confident while walking around, and he's usually not afraid to hum while doing things. He's far more outspoken too and willing to express his thoughts and interests. While leans towards being polite while taking to strangers, he takes on a much more casual attitude towards those he's comefortable around.


Naturally Chase is the most comfortable with those he loves. While he feels guilty and overthinks his interactions with strangers, he doesn't feel terrible at all if his more negative traits slip out while he's with loved ones. Especially if they have already proven to accept him despite it before. Chase is also more likely to engage in teasing and light banter with those he's very close with, and he can be surprisingly sarcastic and sassy at times. He usually wants to make good impressions on strangers so he's often thought of as pure and innocent, someone who needs protecting, but those who are close to him know a very different side of him. He's not naive nor does he necessarily need protecting, if anything a simple confidence boost is enough.



Describe your character's demeanour here. How do they carry themselves? Are they stiff and upright? Do they slouch? Does their demeanour change when out in public, when in private, and/ or when in the presence of loved ones? Donec egestas consequat lacus vel dapibus. Donec dignissim, lorem in rutrum fermentum, ex felis faucibus enim, accumsan finibus lacus orci at quam.



Describe your character's neutral (i.e. natural/ relaxed) body language here. How are they standing/ sitting when neutral and/ or relaxed? Sed blandit purus id urna dictum tincidunt. Etiam molestie nisi auctor vestibulum cursus. Phasellus aliquam nec tortor at iaculis. Mauris sed felis eu mauris tincidunt rhoncus.


Describe your character's body language when they're happy/ enjoying themselves here. How does their body shift from their otherwise neutral state to show they're happy? If they usually cross their arms, do they uncross them? Does their expression change to a softer one?


Describe your character's body language when they're disdainful here. Does it become obvious to others around them, or does their body language stay relatively the same and it goes unnoticed? You can add more of these sections/ headers (such as to describe their body language when they're sad/ upset, angry, etc.) as you'd like.



Describe how your character walks (if applicable) here. Do they walk in a slow/ leisurely manner, or do they walk with more hurried steps? Ut eu placerat ipsum. Praesent consequat, mi vel cursus tempor, libero magna venenatis felis, ac congue augue massa a ipsum. Morbi pulvinar suscipit sagittis. Pellentesque vestibulum, dolor cursus lobortis rhoncus, lacus mauris hendrerit orci, non varius diam urna quis dolor.



Describe your character's habit here. Habits are actions your character does on a regular basis (sometimes under certain conditions), whether they're fully aware of it or not. For example, an unconscious habit that they might have is biting/ picking their nails when they're nervous. An example of a conscious habit is writing in a journal before going to bed. You can add/ remove as many of this habit sections/ headers as you'd like.


Ut dapibus tortor et purus mattis aliquam. Aliquam et felis in sem lobortis fermentum at sed quam. Proin bibendum consectetur erat, viverra vehicula dui scelerisque id. Quisque placerat cursus lorem consequat pulvinar. Vestibulum interdum diam vitae pretium pellentesque. Nam pellentesque ultrices massa, et laoreet dui rutrum eu.


Nam ut convallis lacus. Pellentesque ac velit purus. Integer vitae leo id velit imperdiet laoreet. Praesent in ligula diam. Nulla scelerisque lacinia eros nec consectetur. Nunc tincidunt sapien id nisl sollicitudin, quis varius turpis suscipit. Vivamus id justo vel erat commodo auctor. Cras id mollis sapien.



  • Music and Art
  • Traveling/Adventure
  • Helping others
  • Autumn


  • The ocean
  • Coffee
  • Large crowds
  • Suffering

Despite one time playing on a basketball team Chase has always been more of an artsy person enjoying things like music and art. He's good at singing and playing guitar, as well as sewing (aka plushie making) and drawing. Chase also enjoys new things, which is why he likes traveling and seeing new scenery. He especially enjoys mountains and forests in the fall. That said he has an extreme fear of the ocean and can't go near it without feeling sick or going into a panic attack. It stems from trauma he has experienced in his life, and isn't as simple as finding the ocean creepy or scary. He has no problems with larger bodies of water though, just the ocean. His dislike for coffee simply comes from the fact he doesn't like how it makes him feel jittery and makes his heart pound... he tends to stay away from caffeine in general.

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  • Playing Guitar and Singing
  • Plushie Making
  • Morning Running/Walking
  • Practicing his powers


  • Basketball
  • Drawing
  • Video games
  • Spending time with friends


Describe your character's current story here. What is their goal right now/ what are they doing? You can briefly describe how they got to this current point in time, but this part is meant to focus moreso on the current story/ event as the sections below this will go over past events. Praesent elementum faucibus dolor rhoncus porttitor. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce hendrerit, tortor et dictum egestas, metus turpis porta orci, ut eleifend massa enim nec erat.

Month 00, 00

Header/ Name of Event

Details of event. Can be in paragraphs like this, or in bullet points like below. Nunc felis turpis, rutrum in dapibus id, suscipit rutrum leo.

  • Text
  • Text
  • Text

Month 00, 00

Header/ Name of Event

Details of event. Can be in paragraphs like this, or in bullet points like below. Nunc felis turpis, rutrum in dapibus id, suscipit rutrum leo.

  • Text
  • Text
  • Text

Month 00, 00

Header/ Name of Event

Details of event. Can be in paragraphs like this, or in bullet points like below. Nunc felis turpis, rutrum in dapibus id, suscipit rutrum leo.

  • Text
  • Text
  • Text

Month 00, 00

Header/ Name of Event

Details of event. Can be in paragraphs like this, or in bullet points like below. Nunc felis turpis, rutrum in dapibus id, suscipit rutrum leo.

  • Text
  • Text
  • Text

Month 00, 00

Header/ Name of Event

Details of event. Can be in paragraphs like this, or in bullet points like below. Nunc felis turpis, rutrum in dapibus id, suscipit rutrum leo.

  • Text
  • Text
  • Text



Unlike the timeline tab, this section goes into more details about past events. Use the subheaders to break key/ major events/ turning points apart from one another. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Sed at nunc aliquam ipsum imperdiet fringilla. Cras feugiat aliquet tellus, at dictum turpis convallis id. Maecenas eu urna vitae nunc ultrices lobortis tempor ac lectus. Nullam ut condimentum mauris, vel porta arcu.



Donec enim turpis, tristique eget varius in, sagittis sit amet orci. Duis in tempor nibh. Vivamus nibh turpis, cursus in consectetur eget, elementum vel ex. Pellentesque facilisis dui fringilla est scelerisque, sed gravida est porta. Duis sollicitudin commodo ipsum eget posuere. Mauris sit amet varius ex, a congue lectus. Donec eu sapien est. Suspendisse varius hendrerit mi, id eleifend ex eleifend eu. Vivamus eleifend eros bibendum arcu rhoncus, fringilla malesuada ex imperdiet. In efficitur leo varius iaculis aliquet. Nam elementum eu arcu quis rhoncus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas vulputate erat at turpis blandit gravida.

Etiam tristique, nulla vel feugiat dictum, dui felis consequat dolor, ac viverra libero massa vitae quam. Duis non tortor ultrices, consectetur massa a, ornare magna. Praesent ac facilisis mi. Quisque ex ipsum, sodales et purus sit amet, venenatis mollis nulla. Ut scelerisque justo et mattis feugiat. In faucibus cursus velit placerat bibendum. Nam arcu arcu, tempus bibendum posuere a, porta eu nunc. Maecenas rutrum, nulla molestie posuere accumsan, dolor erat molestie mi, sed sodales mauris nisl non mi. Integer vehicula, lacus quis semper lacinia, ipsum massa porttitor tortor, sed rutrum risus ante vitae orci. Quisque gravida dignissim justo, eu scelerisque ligula accumsan eu. Nullam semper augue a nisl euismod, sed hendrerit nisi commodo.



Praesent nunc mi, vulputate interdum nunc vel, vehicula vestibulum magna. Mauris viverra interdum turpis. In enim diam, tincidunt quis semper sed, feugiat et nisl. In vestibulum purus nunc, at euismod eros tempor ac. Etiam faucibus convallis nibh. Duis vel eros in mauris consectetur lacinia ut sed sem. Proin vel suscipit turpis. Nam ac nibh ac felis varius tincidunt aliquam et dui. Morbi semper diam id odio eleifend, sit amet tincidunt sem pretium. Duis id ex ut nisi tempor vestibulum. Nunc quis arcu et risus congue finibus. Fusce id convallis nunc. Duis mauris arcu, ornare sed ligula vitae, rhoncus faucibus neque. In vel metus luctus, sagittis urna at, sodales augue. Integer et dolor tincidunt, finibus augue vitae, vestibulum odio.


Zephyr Castell



Chase and Zephyr's relationship is built upon an incredible amount of trust for each other. Though they started out as opposite in a lot of ways over time they each began rubbing off on each other. Now they tend to be pretty similar in their thoughts and actions, and even when they disagree it rarely turns into actual arguments. Teamwork is their greatest strength and they can be an extremely terrifying pair to face if you find yourself on their wrong side. The trust they have in each other boarders on extreme, but it's not without good reason. Though it wasn't always this way the two of them communicate with each other very well and that, combined with the fact neither has let the other down significantly until this point, means that they don't really have a reason to distrust the other.


When Cleodora was attacked and reduced largely to rubble it was Zephyr who first found Chase and helped him escape from the city. In the beginning the two of them didn't get along incredibly well; Chase simply couldn't understand why he was so carefree and confident despite the situation. He thought of Zephyr has pushy and as though he wasn't taking things seriously or really considering the dangers of what was going on. Eventually Chase would realize his real reasons for acting the way he did and would come to understand him a lot better. Chase couldn't help but admire him, and considering the two of them were together the longest out of the group, perhaps it's only natural feelings would develop.

Ethan Clark

Best Friend


As two lonely kids in school Chase and Ethan became friends very quickly. Ethan's laidback nature was easy for Chase to get along with and he always felt relaxed and stress free when with him. Ethan struggled with making friends because of his shyness and how reserved he could be, but he could never quite shake off the lonliness no matter how hard he tried. So when he became friends with Chase he viewed him as invaluable and irreplaceable. Chase felt similarly, but he also appreciated how much Ethan would defend and protect him against bullies as no one had ever done so before. If Chase regretted one thing it was that he couldn't quite protect Ethan in the same way... as he seemd fully capable of protecting himself.


The two of them met in the middle of their high school years. Both Ethan and Chase were lonely kids with basically no friends, so the two of them becoming friends seemed like a natural escalation of their relationship. At this time they also gained another friend in their group Ruka; a mute girl who struggled to make friends by also being shy and unable to communicate well with others. With the help of her brother Nico both of them would learn sign language in an attempt to communicate with her better. Chase and Ethan in particular were very close, though, and would always hang out with each other when they needed company. Thanks to Chase, Ethan would become a much more outgoing and charismatic person than before. Chase felt like he never really changed much, but he was happy to see Ethan grow as a person. The two stayed close friends even after high school, and after the attack on Cleodora both of them worry for the other...

Lanette Jewel

Older Sister


Chase and Lanette have a somewhat unusual dynamic as siblings. Because Lanette basically raised him Chase holds a lot of respect for her and is grateful for everything she's done, but he also finds himself wishing they could be normal siblings. Because Lanette often works long hours and comes home tired Chase is often the one doing household chores to help her out. Among other reasons he got a job right out of high school to help her out as well, despite her protests that he shouldn't have to do that. They both care for each other a lot, but find it difficult to confide in the other at times.


From the moment their father died (when Chase was 8 and Lanette 18) it was Lanette who took care of and raised Chase as she feared being separated from him and losing her only remaining family. Their mother left after Chase was born, and growing up Lanette always refused to even speak of her. For awhile things were as okay as they could be, but as Chase grew up he began to resent the fact that Lanette worked so much and was always away from home. Being young he didn' quite understand his feelings or why he felt the way he did, but it drove him to a deep depression. Lanette, working hard to provide for them and being tired, didn't notice this in Chase for a long time. She knew he was becoming rebellious and bratty, but she chalked it up to him being in middleschool at the time. It wasn't until an unfortunate incident that Lanette realized what was going on. Eventually she got Chase the help he needed and the relationship between the two of them improved greatly, though Chase would always carry the guilt for how he acted with him. Now the two are very close, but can still have trouble communicating with each other at times.


Everyday Life



Before it was destroyed Chase lived in Cleodora one of the five great cities. Though they're called "great cities" it's only because they're the places where most people are congregated. The world itself only has about 3 million people in it, and each city around 400k to 500k people. Cleodora in particular is a city in the mountains that circles around a large mountain lake. It is often on the colder side and doesn't get too hot in the summer which Chase has always enjoyed. Even so being on the poorer side him and his sister Lanette lived in an apartment. One that, admittedly, was a bit run down. Still it was better than nothing and despite all the faults their living situation could've been much worse.

After Cleodora's destruction Chase (as well as allies he gathers along the way) has no choice but to start traveling while keeping his presence unknown. Because Magnus isn't fully explored he and his group often encounter unexpected things, and it's a farcry from how things used to be. They're often taking shelter in abandoned buildings or caves, but sometimes have to camp out in the open.


Because of his need to travel and keep moving most days tend to be different and it's hard to fall into a concrete routine. Sometimes days are simply a lot of travel, but sometimes they're stressful, and it simply depends day to day.



Chase has always been an early riser. Because of this he is usually the first one awake provided he went to sleep at all the night before. When he lived a normal life he would usually go running in the morning, but now it's not a good idea to stray too far from camp. Still he will sometimes take a short walk away or spend his time tidying things around camp or packing up so he's ready to go. He's not always the best at remembering to do so, but he'll also have a small breakfast if everyone else are taking awhile to wake up.


Most of the afternoon is filled with travel, but during breaks Chase uses the time to practice his abilities. He's always careful not to overdo it, especially considering what could happen if he does, but he can't afford to not practice either. Zephyr will often be pushy about combat training as well. In the beginning Chase was reluctant about it, but as he learns how important it is to be able to defend himself and others he becomes more receptive to training. When things were normal his afternoon was mostly spent working or doing chores... in someways he has even more freedom now.


Evening is usually spent trying to find a place to stay for the night. This is also usually the time the group spends time together or, should it be possible, they all spend time doing their hobbies and trying to relax as much as they can given the situation. None of them will typically eat any lunch during the afternoon, so it's in the evening for dinner where they'll have the "biggest" meal. When Chase gets a handle on his powers these meals get more elaborate, but in the beginning they're mostly things that are gathered while traveling.


Although Chase does find the night to be somewhat relaxing he also suffers from Insomnia and struggles with falling asleep. It's because of this that he's often one of the last ones to fall asleep. However it's not uncommon for Zephyr to stay up with him talking and spending time with him. Chase often feels bad about it worried that he's keeping Zephyr up... but he can't force Zephyr to got to sleep anymore than he can force him to wake up at a reasonable time in the morning. Besides, it keeps him from being lonely.

00:00AM Description here (ex. Wake up)
00:00AM Description here (ex. Eat breakfast)
00:00AM Description here
00:00AM Description here
00:00AM Description here
00:00AM Description here
00:00AM Description here
00:00AM Description here
00:00AM Description here
00:00AM Description here
00:00AM Description here



Because of Chase's powers he is overall very physically healthy. It isn't possible for him to get sick because his body is too efficient at keeping itself healthy, but he does struggle with other aspects of health that his self-healing doesn't cover. That said should Chase run low on energy or stress too much it is possible for him get sick... and pretty easily too.


I'd describe his posture as pretty average. It's not the best, but it's not the worst either. He's good at sitting up straight in most situations, but when he's bored or really tired he can slouch. He tries not to sit for too long though. If he finds that he starts aching he'll either correct his posture or choose to do something else.


Chase can sometimes have trouble remembering to eat. It's not that he doesn't want to or avoids it, he'll just get wraped up in something and completely forget until hours have passed. If someone's there to remind him it's not usually a problem. Chase also isn't very picky and will eat almost anything. The exception is seafood as he finds it difficult to stomach, but if someone makes something for him he'll eat it regardless. If he could just remember to eat he'd be pretty healthy.



Unfortunately sleep is one of Chase's biggest struggles. His insomnia makes it very difficult for him to fall asleep at reasonable times and it's frustrating to the point he'll sometimes avoid trying entirely. He has good days on occasion, but he finds that the most helpful thing is to have someone there with him.


Chase's physical health is the best it could probably ever be. His self-healing ensures that he never gets sick (so long as he eats and rests properly), injuries always heal incredibly fast, and even things like poisonous don't affect him at all. Not to mention he actually likes physical activity and keeps active in different ways, so he's healthy in that area as well.


Though he still has his struggles Chase's mental health is better than it used to be. When he was younger he was in a very dark place and struggled all on his own. Though nothing about him is "cured" he is much better at dealing with his mental health than he used to be, and he has people around him that are willing to help too.


  • Nothing to note

The truth is that, even if he wanted to drink or take medicine, it would be pointless. His self-healing powers view things like alcohol and medicine as possibly dangerous substances that need to be eradicated. As such even if he drinks he couldn't get drunk, and most medicines have no affect on him unless taken in VERY large doses. It's a double-edge sword and has made his struggle with things like insomnia harder.


Give a brief summary of your character's primary motivations here. What is it that pushes them to pursue their goal(s), if any? This is meant to be an introduction, as the sections below will go into further details. Cras consectetur et quam at dignissim. Cras pellentesque aliquam tortor. Duis pellentesque diam quis pellentesque rhoncus. Sed ornare orci ac elementum iaculis.


  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Phasellus ut eros sem
  • Phasellus at quam nisi
  • Quisque mattis, massa vitae iaculis ornare
  • Nullam porttitor justo lorem

You can go into further details about your character's extrinsic motivators here, or you can omit this section entirely. Extrinsic motivation uses rewards or incentives—like praise, fame, or money—as motivation for specific activities. In other words, what "pay-off" is your character looking for? This section is meant to go into detail of why your character is motivated to reach their goal/ dream listed prior.


  • Phasellus ut eros sem
  • Phasellus at quam nisi
  • Quisque mattis, massa vitae iaculis ornare
  • Nullam porttitor justo lorem

You can go into further details about your character's intrinsic motivators here, or you can omit this section entirely. Intrinsic motivation is the act of doing something without any obvious external rewards.


  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown

You can go into further details about your character's secrets/ fears here, or you can omit this section entirely. What kind of secrets do they hold, and why is it a secret? What are the fears that push them back from moving forward and/ or reaching their goal/ dream? Aliquam venenatis metus sed suscipit interdum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae.


  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown

You can go into further details about your character's achievements here, or you can omit this section entirely. What kind of achievements do they have? How did they achieve it? How did it feel when they did? What were the reactions of other people to your character's achievement(s)? Nulla dignissim nec nisl ac mollis. Nam ac lobortis sem. Mauris ut turpis eu velit sagittis lobortis quis vel nulla. Duis quis enim eget tortor eleifend lobortis. Praesent aliquam eleifend arcu id tincidunt. Duis tristique sit amet arcu vel iaculis.

Values and Beliefs

Give a brief summary of your character's morals/ values here. What do they believe in (ex. belief in a god, belief in a person, belief in themselves, etc.)? Why do they believe in said thing(s)? You can keep this short since this is meant to be an introduction. Sed sagittis tristique lectus, pellentesque interdum sem bibendum nec. Integer tempor ipsum sit amet nunc accumsan tincidunt. Aliquam rutrum, dui eget dapibus consectetur, odio ligula maximus nisl, at dignissim orci risus id enim. Pellentesque et metus augue.



Describe your character's experience and/ or relationship with religion here. Are they part of a religion? If so, which one? If they are, how religious are they? Do they participate in religious traditions, or is it moreso a simple belief in something? If they do participate in traditions, which one(s) do they participate in, and how often? Feel free to explain your character's history with religion as well. Were they always religious, or did an event change their initial view of it? Did they grow up in a religious household? Were they always part of their current religion, or were they previously part of a different religion?

If your character is not religious, you can explain why. Do they simply not believe in something, or were they previously religious but then changed their mind (ex. having faith but then feeling betrayed). What are their thoughts on those who are religious? What are they like with religious friends and/ or family when religion is involved? Example: if a religious friend is praying, does your character give them space, or do they antagonize/ bother them? If a religious family member is fasting, do they fast with them?


Describe your character's morals/ moral compass here. What do they consider right/ wrong? Where did they learn/ form these morals? Mauris quis nisi egestas, gravida nisl in, placerat eros. Praesent commodo dolor vitae nisi egestas pretium. Cras congue sem non venenatis vulputate. Mauris scelerisque diam et aliquet faucibus.


Friends Family Romance

Wealth Power Fame

Honesty Feelings

Law Justice

Journey Results/ Destination

Comfort Security

Honour Loyalty

Realistic Idealistic

Your own text Your own text

Your own text Your own text

Your own text Your own text

Your own text Your own text

Your own text Your own text

Your own text Your own text

Your own text Your own text

Your own text Your own text

Go into details about your character's values here. Why do they have these values? Why do they value one thing over another? Nunc arcu justo, consequat a magna nec, feugiat sodales magna. Nulla mauris diam, vestibulum nec euismod a, viverra sed est. Phasellus diam turpis, eleifend eget neque at, cursus varius ante.


Higher Power
Good & Evil
Your own text
Your own text
Your own text
Your own text

Go into details about your character's beliefs here. Why do they/ do they not believe in these things? Ut in mauris id est venenatis porttitor. Quisque sollicitudin, enim in sollicitudin sodales, sem risus dapibus ipsum, eu aliquam nulla tellus eu mi. Pellentesque velit risus, dapibus non tempor eget, hendrerit eget est.



Describe your character's way of speaking here. Do they stutter? Are they formal and use polite language, or are they more casual with their words? Do they slur their words or mumble, or do they speak in a very clear way? Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam faucibus elit turpis, eu lobortis mi ultricies eget. Nam ante odio, tristique ut pharetra faucibus, facilisis quis tellus. Nulla neque lorem, ultricies sit amet dolor vitae, tempor pretium diam.


What topic does your character usually bring up to initiate a conversation, or are they the type of person to not start a conversation at all? What kind of conversation topics do they usually engage in and/ or bring up? This can be towards more general people (ex. strangers or acquiantances), and/ or towards friends or people they're otherwise comfortable with. Etiam vehicula nisi vulputate, rhoncus tortor sed, feugiat lorem. Suspendisse sollicitudin quam quis velit ornare aliquet. Sed blandit fringilla elit nec tincidunt. Nam efficitur interdum porttitor. Donec suscipit sem mi, in tincidunt ligula mattis quis. Aenean tempor ipsum a augue luctus vulputate.


How does your character laugh? Is it a very hearty laugh, or is it more quiet and subdued? Is it easy to make them laugh? Is their laugh infectuous, or does it tend to scare people away? Integer pretium vehicula purus. Fusce et gravida erat, sit amet accumsan leo. Nunc odio nisi, ultrices id diam vitae, efficitur suscipit est. Nulla posuere augue sit amet leo fermentum luctus.


Does your character swear? If yes, how often? What kind of swear words do they use? If they swear, do they try to be aware of the time and place, or is it more on impulse? If your character doesn't swear, is it because they don't know any swear words, or do they choose not to? If they choose not to, is there a specific reason for it (ex. they find it rude)?


What are some quirks/ habits your character has when speaking? Do they trail off often? Avoid eye contact? Talk/ Gesture with their hands? Quisque et risus neque. Phasellus nec porttitor orci. Vestibulum et sollicitudin turpis, sit amet pellentesque est. Integer sit amet nibh blandit, rhoncus leo sit amet, auctor diam. Nullam sit amet porta lacus. Etiam bibendum hendrerit vehicula.


Language Name

Reading Fluency
Writing Fluency
Conversational Fluency

Talk about your character's knowledge of the particular language here. Do note that there is a difference between reading, writing, and conversational fluency when it comes to languages. Using myself as an example, I am fully fluent in English. I can read, write, and converse comfortably in English, so my fluency in all three is high.

I also know Tagalog, but I'm more of a passive/ receptive speaker than anything else, meaning I can understand the language when it's being spoken to/ at me, but I cannot speak the language back. So in terms of conversational fluency, it's technically there, but it's not that high up. Similarly, I can read Tagalog, but it might take me a longer time to understand it than if being spoken (so it'd be lower than conversational fluency), but in terms of writing, I can only do very basic sentences, so my writing fluency is very low.

I'm also able to read, write, and speak French, but I'm not fully fluent in it. It's more conversational (i.e. being able to hold a light conversation/ read fairly basic/ simple books) than anything else though, so in terms of fluency, it'd be roughly in the middle.

Language Name

Reading Fluency
Writing Fluency
Conversational Fluency

Assuming the language isn't your character's first language, you can go into further details about how they learned the language. Did they learn the language at a young age? How did they learn? Was it through formal education (ex. school), self-taught, or did another person casually teach them? How quickly or slowly were they able to pick up the language? What are some struggles they have with the language (ex. mixing up conjugations, low vocabulary, etc.)?

Language Name

Reading Fluency
Writing Fluency
Conversational Fluency

Quisque ac lorem pharetra lorem eleifend pulvinar. Ut pellentesque sollicitudin gravida. Vivamus luctus lacus accumsan luctus venenatis. Nulla pharetra molestie risus sed dignissim. Sed cursus pharetra risus feugiat laoreet. Nam maximus risus euismod, ultrices neque et, aliquet orci. Praesent maximus ligula volutpat massa porttitor, et vehicula ipsum fermentum. Phasellus a tincidunt nunc, a consectetur augue. Donec maximus diam vel lacus maximus egestas.



Low Pitch High Pitch

Smooth Rough

Soft Loud

Slow Fast


Describe the quality of your character's voice here. Do they have a pleasant voice, or is it more grating to the ears? Pronunciation and enunciation refer to how accurately and clearly, respectively, your character can speak. In other words, do they often mispronounce words? Can they speak clearly to get the specific sounds across so that others can understand them? Nam molestie dapibus cursus. Curabitur feugiat elementum ante, ut interdum eros dignissim eget. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.


"Well then, you want my attention? You have it."

"Win or lose, there is something to be gained from every battle."

"You are worthy of my trust. I pledge my life to you."

"Did I make the right choice? *Sigh* Time will tell."


  • "Quote goes here."
    —Moment or context for why character said this quote
  • "Quote goes here."
    —Moment or context for why character said this quote
  • "Quote goes here."
    —Moment or context for why character said this quote
  • "Quote goes here."
    —Moment or context for why character said this quote


Describe your character's writing here. Do they write in print or in cursive? If they write in print, are they able to write in cursive? If yes, why do they choose not to? Is their handwriting messy, or is it neat? Do they tend to write in large letters or smaller ones? How spaced out are their letters, etc.? What kind of tool do they prefer to write with (ex. lead pencil, ink pen, marker, etc.)? This section should focus moreso on their actual (i.e. physical) handwriting/ penmanship rather than literacy knowledge, which you'll be able to go over in the "Skills and Abilities" tab.


How does your character hold their pen/ writing tool? If they're ambidextrous, does their grip change, depending on the hand they're using? How hard/ light do they hold the writing tool? How about when they're pressing the tool onto paper? If they're using different writing tools (ex. pen, pencil, etc.), does their grip change?

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"This is a placeholder sentence in print."

You can go into further details and/ or re-iterate the details of your character's handwriting here, or you can remove this section entirely.


"This is a placeholder sentence in cursive."

Aenean sed ullamcorper quam. Nulla ut nisl libero. Morbi nec aliquet tortor, id tempor lectus. Maecenas ut euismod nulla.

Skills and Abilities



Describe your character's education here. What's the highest level of education they completed (ex. high school, college, etc.)? What was their education like? Were they homeschooled, or did they learn at a formal institution like school? Perhaps they were educated as part of a secret organization?

What were they like in terms of learning? Were they able to learn quickly, or did they struggle? Do they still retain the information they've learned, or have they forgotten it? What was their best subject? Worst subject? What were/ are their studying habits? Did they have a system they followed, or did they try to cram all the information the night prior and forgot about it as soon as the text/ exam was done?

If you want, you can also talk about their school life here (if applicable). Did they get along with their classmates? What about teachers? Was there a specific teacher and/ or peer they didn't particularly like? Why not? Did they participate in clubs? If so, which one(s)? How was it? What about school events? Did they join in on school events (ex. school dances), or did they prefer to stay at home? What's their fondest/ most hated memory of school?

This section doesn't have to be limited to just education in the "modern day" sense. If your character is part of a secret organization, were they educated in that aspect/ trade? What type of things did they learn?

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Describe your character's occupation here if you'd like. What kind of things do they do? How long have they been in this occupation? What are their feelings towards it? Do they feel satisfied, or is it draining to them (either physically and/ or mentally). If your character doesn't have any occupation, you can simply state that they have none and explain why (ex. still in education, still searching, etc.)


Vivamus non libero imperdiet, aliquet dui quis, lacinia augue. Duis varius efficitur ultrices. Curabitur consequat iaculis metus. Praesent iaculis consectetur nibh, vel convallis enim tempus non. Suspendisse blandit ipsum sem, at viverra neque semper ut. Integer vel felis vehicula, dignissim augue a, viverra magna.


Aenean eros est, auctor et fermentum vel, efficitur in lorem. Ut interdum, eros sit amet laoreet varius, dui velit laoreet purus, sed porta metus ligula sed mi. Phasellus a vehicula nunc, sit amet pulvinar nisl. Duis in venenatis felis. Nam vel purus eu dolor rhoncus tempor. Mauris a nunc eget ex laoreet sollicitudin ac posuere mi.

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Describe your character's strength here. Curabitur ut efficitur felis, at semper dui. Sed id orci metus. Donec quam magna, malesuada a eros non, ullamcorper congue nisi. Proin viverra aliquet arcu a malesuada. Nulla justo sem, posuere eu viverra non, pulvinar quis velit. Morbi elementum, libero a eleifend iaculis, est eros venenatis ante, a hendrerit arcu purus eleifend risus. Nullam suscipit mollis rutrum.


Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse justo purus, imperdiet elementum venenatis ut, imperdiet nec diam. Cras porta ipsum id mauris auctor, sit amet elementum est volutpat.


Pellentesque scelerisque sapien id sapien facilisis imperdiet. Vestibulum et libero eleifend, tempus leo eu, tempus justo. Vivamus purus ante, molestie et metus ut, bibendum elementum est. Phasellus eros nibh, varius at massa eget, facilisis hendrerit metus. Phasellus quis velit accumsan, mattis ex maximus, varius risus.

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Describe your character's weakness here. Proin eleifend eros nisi. Proin ac nisi auctor, vehicula justo vitae, ullamcorper enim. Donec eget massa ultricies, dignissim tortor a, facilisis sem. Etiam non mi vitae risus pretium convallis quis ac mi. Phasellus egestas tempor risus, et maximus dolor eleifend pellentesque.


Vivamus molestie elit nec hendrerit congue. Nam egestas varius pellentesque. Phasellus mattis nibh tempus, condimentum arcu quis, aliquam diam. Ut id sapien ut elit posuere pretium.


Sed ultrices nisi vitae erat blandit tincidunt. Morbi eget purus sit amet enim pellentesque ullamcorper. Nullam blandit finibus urna vitae scelerisque. Vestibulum nisl libero, cursus sed efficitur eu, tempor non urna. Aliquam ut pharetra enim, et viverra dui. Quisque blandit hendrerit enim at tempus.

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Chase always enjoyed music a lot. He found music to be a powerful way for him to calm down when needed or to give him an emotional boost. So when he had the chance to learn to play an instrument he went for it. The sound of a guitar always appealed to him so that's the instrument he went with. Though he never formally practiced singing he did it whenever he played guitar and, maybe because he didn't want to bother anybody by being bad, he would sometimes take steps to be better at it.



One of Chase's favorite art things to do is to make plushies and stuffed animals. Because of this he gained a skill in sewing, which also helped him with repairing clothes or other things when he needed it. Since his family didn't have a ton of money to be buying new things all the time sewing became a very nice skill to have..



Chase is about as far from a natural leader as you could get. In fact he's not the type of person who really wants to be one either. However over the course of his journey he not only learns how to become a better leader, he ends up needing to take charge. He may not be the perfect leader but he does always try his best, and people respect him enough to follow his lead.



A newer skill of his that was somewhat forced onto him. Without being able to fight it's unlikely he would be able to survive in the world as it is now, and Zephyr was going to make sure he learned. In the beginning self-defense was enough. Learning skills to protect himself as needed was useful... but overtime he found that he wanted to protect others too, and he would have to go on the offensive to do that. With Zephyr as a teacher he's gotten very good at fighting.




The name is admittedly somewhat misleading. Chase's matter manipulation magic allows him to "create" or "deconstruct" objects. However it's not so simple as that and has a few rules to it. In reality what he (and those with this same ability) does is alter things on an atomic scale. For example he may take the things that already exist in the air (oxygen, nitrogen, ect.) and alter them to "create" water out of thin air. Deconstruction works similarly but in the reverse, like taking an apple and breaking it down/changing it into things that comprise the air making it look like it disappeared. This takes up an incredible amount of energy, though, and someone who doesn't have practice in their ability wouldn't be able to do it very often or quickly. Chase, specifically, specializes in the creation part.



Although I said Chase specializes in creation, THIS is where he truly shines. Chase is incredibly skilled at using matter manipulation for healing purposes. It works by using a persons body as a "springboard" in order to heal them very quickly. His powers are able to speed up the natural healing process of the body, as well as helping it along by "creating" things that need to be created quickly or that the body wouldn't be able to heal fast enough. Chase does have to be touching the person to heal them, though, and can not heal two people at once or heal and use his powers in other ways at the same time. On top of this Chase's passive self-healing is unmatched even by others with his same powers.



Like it says in the name "matter manipulation" Chase is also able to manipulate matter in certain ways. Things you would typically associate with telekinesis fall under this ability such as moving objects without touching them or making them float. However this is limited by things a person would normally be able lift. So moving or making a car float is out of the question, but a cup or other small object isn't. This is the most basic form of the matter manipulation ability and while it doesn't consume a lot of energy it's also not necessarily the most powerful aspect.



Matter is all around us and someone with matter manipulation is able to sense that matter. If Chase were to close his eyes and cover his ears, he would still be able to tell what was around him because of his ability to 'sense' matter and what makes it up. Most often this is used as a passive ability and allows someone with the ability to sense when something is approaching or what might lie in the distance. However when used passively it's not as strong as when it's focused on which allows the user to sense further. All people with the matter manipulation ability have this power, but no one is quite as skilled at it as Jet.


Reference & Design Notes













Hair Length



Fluffy, somewhat messy


  • His hair is dyed black towards the back/bottom
  • Please check out the outfit/reference tab for more outfits!!!


Roll of Bandages


Even though Chase is an incredible healer sometimes it's good to have a roll of bandages with him. He can't always heal, and some wounds just aren't bad enough to need it.

Promise Necklace


One half of a pair of necklaces given to him by Zephyr. He was given it as part of a promise and cherishes it dearly. It's with him at all times.

Contact Lenses


Chase actually has poor eyesight and wears contact lenses. He dislikes glasses and prefers these instead.


Value Tracker



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Date Received/ Made: Month 00, 0000


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  • Chase's fear of the ocean extends past just being near it. The crashing of waves or the scent of the ocean can cause him to get extremely anxious as well.
  • Chase is a very good actor and pretty good at lying. He doesn't like lying to people he likes and cares about though so tends to be worse at lying to them specifically.
  • Though he might seem exasperated in the moment the truth is he usually goes along with Zephyr's whims willingly. He's not, in fact, the one keeping him out of trouble like people think. He tends to go along WITH the trouble.
  • Chase knows sign language! He learned it in order to communicate better with Ruka. Of course it's not just him; Ethan and Nico know it as well. Admittedly he did struggle to pick it up at first but now he's decent at it.


According to behindthename the name Chase was originally a nickname for a huntsman. As for why I specifically named him this it's because at the time (when I was a kid) it was my favorite name. It still holds true but probably because he's one of my favorite OCs lol. As for his last name... once again it was when I was a kid, but I think it's because I wanted him to be special and jewels are special or something. I don't know why I gave him the middle name Kennith; he's the only OC of mine that even has a middle name.


MOSTLY EMPTY but if you have any headcannon suggestions I'd love to hear them out


  • List general headcanons here.
  • Nunc pellentesque nisl non quam iaculis finibus.
  • Maecenas sed ex posuere, euismod diam at, sodales lacus. Integer ac elementum libero.
  • Sed id pulvinar elit, nec consequat arcu. Proin tempus magna id tempus rutrum.


  • List headcanons here according to the header you chose.
  • For example, if your headcanon header is "falling in love", list headcanons of what your character is like when they develop feelings for someone.
  • Do they fall in love at first sight, or do they have to take time to know them?
  • List other headcanons here.

AU Headcanons

  • In Pokemon AUs Chase's typical partner is Eevee since I associate him with Eevee a lot. He actually has both a regular and shiny eevee as well as all the eeveelutions, but he doesn't fight with them all. His battling team is different.
  • TBA
  • TBA
  • TBA




Describe where you got your inspiration from for your character's design (if applicable). They can be from existing characters/ designs, colours, and/ or certain themes. You can use paragraphs or put a list like below. In porta, tellus a mollis consequat, metus justo rutrum mauris, vel vehicula tortor augue vel magna. Donec commodo enim a volutpat viverra. Nunc nec erat ligula. Nullam in tellus nibh. Donec elementum nibh sed sagittis auctor. Sed vitae massa mi. Sed mollis lectus nisl, eget mattis erat pellentesque.

  • Inspiration
  • Inspiration
  • Inspiration
  • Inspiration


Describe where you got your inspiration from for your character's story. They can be from existing media and/ or certain themes. You can use paragraphs or put a list like below. Curabitur at tellus aliquam, accumsan velit vitae, accumsan dolor. Duis sed sodales nisl. Aliquam ac ante tincidunt quam ullamcorper eleifend. Vivamus semper urna vel magna hendrerit, vel tincidunt lacus faucibus. Nullam at metus at mi convallis suscipit. Cras pellentesque, tortor ut tincidunt lobortis, turpis quam sagittis urna, quis tincidunt lorem sapien eget urna. Vestibulum lorem leo, molestie id nisi eu, molestie finibus odio. Curabitur orci urna, dapibus id mattis eu, maximus nec dui.

  • Inspiration
  • Inspiration
  • Inspiration
  • Inspiration



Answer goes here. This section can either be general questions that you answer as the creator/ owner of the character, or these can be questions that your character answers as themselves, similar to if they were being interviewed. Donec porttitor enim pulvinar nulla placerat elementum. Praesent sed tellus quis nibh porttitor porttitor eu sed nisl. Integer iaculis dolor consectetur turpis egestas fermentum. Proin ut metus quam. Nullam ornare blandit ante, id dapibus justo lacinia vel. Duis a risus tellus. Morbi a lacus lacinia, dictum orci quis, suscipit ipsum.


Nam et suscipit dui. Nulla vitae maximus odio. Maecenas quis feugiat nisi. Quisque justo lectus, mollis at volutpat nec, viverra ac tellus. Aenean hendrerit nibh felis, sed auctor urna accumsan ac. Nullam ante elit, facilisis et tempor sit amet, commodo vitae est. Integer nisl metus, porta nec libero consequat, porttitor dictum nibh. Vestibulum et velit leo. Vestibulum enim erat, viverra a malesuada efficitur, sollicitudin quis velit.


Nam porta tellus sit amet nisi interdum, nec suscipit erat scelerisque. Phasellus mi sem, luctus at dui ut, fringilla ullamcorper purus. Proin vel euismod ex. Vestibulum dolor nibh, consectetur suscipit sodales a, lacinia ac ligula. In placerat mauris vitae est congue ornare. Phasellus molestie nisi a justo scelerisque suscipit. Phasellus sed ligula lorem.


Phasellus ac commodo lorem. Vivamus non ligula et ligula cursus posuere ac eget ante. Phasellus risus lectus, tempus sit amet lectus venenatis, maximus aliquet quam. Vivamus convallis pharetra justo, eget blandit elit laoreet in. Donec a neque ut magna facilisis sodales. Nam eget tellus ac nunc dignissim viverra. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut et augue erat. Aliquam ac eros ut dui euismod consequat. In hendrerit eros vitae pulvinar feugiat. Mauris nec fermentum mauris. Vivamus ullamcorper arcu vitae diam efficitur sodales.


Vivamus ac auctor lacus, eget tincidunt augue. Ut suscipit, eros id ullamcorper tincidunt, felis dolor mattis urna, commodo vehicula dui odio non ligula. Mauris sodales, justo id euismod luctus, lectus turpis tempus nunc, non fermentum nisl nisi quis felis. Etiam facilisis neque vel lorem laoreet, at auctor arcu gravida.


Cras fermentum commodo eros euismod iaculis. Suspendisse consectetur justo ac velit consequat ullamcorper eu eu dolor. Nunc leo mauris, imperdiet eget egestas in, consequat ac leo. Nunc iaculis accumsan ante et consequat. Nullam non blandit magna, a convallis dolor. Etiam in massa eu libero malesuada pretium in eget nisl. Ut pellentesque sem non egestas efficitur. Vivamus sollicitudin risus ipsum, et ornare tellus efficitur dignissim. Maecenas ornare mi turpis, eu imperdiet sapien aliquam nec.


Vestibulum non diam vel nisi tincidunt placerat. Morbi vestibulum tortor orci, eu faucibus justo vehicula pulvinar. Aliquam erat volutpat. In iaculis enim orci, ac viverra dolor tempus eget. Nullam feugiat elit eu mauris fringilla, eu sollicitudin lorem aliquet. Donec arcu sapien, convallis cursus placerat at, pharetra sed elit.


Sed nisi diam, malesuada ac augue non, congue sollicitudin libero. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas ipsum elit, venenatis in purus at, tempus fringilla est. Nunc nisi felis, malesuada ac eleifend ut, volutpat et erat. In quis vehicula metus. Suspendisse fringilla ante lobortis massa bibendum blandit.


Suspendisse lobortis purus mi, nec dapibus lacus maximus eu. Fusce pharetra venenatis accumsan. Curabitur vitae dui dui. Nam tempus lacus id odio euismod feugiat. Nullam venenatis eget ex nec viverra. Etiam velit sapien, tristique in neque ut, consequat mollis nisl. Etiam facilisis consequat erat sed iaculis. Aenean ac neque at lacus molestie cursus. Sed sem magna, ullamcorper sit amet lectus non, accumsan dignissim eros. Ut vel nunc id neque malesuada pellentesque. Duis accumsan pellentesque volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Integer porta risus in nisl hendrerit, ac dignissim neque interdum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus at tellus vitae leo sollicitudin pellentesque.




Obtained via

Self created


An impossible amount




Alive | Taken


Gift Art/ Writing
Different Outfits
Different Hairstyle
Interacting with your OC(s)

Open To...

Platonic Relationships
Romantic Relationships


Full Name

Chase Kennith Jewel

Nickname(s)/ Aliases


Age (Biological)


Age (Appearance)



October 10th




Matter Manipulation

Blood Type


Dominant Hand







Cleodora City




None at the moment


Waiter (former)

Social Status

Lower class


Team 1 (name tbd)
Magnarian Resistance




The Caregiver

Romantic Orientation


Sexual Orientation


Theme Song



Mushroom Risotto


Apple Cinnamon Smoothie


Strawberry Angel Foodcake




Gibraltar Azalea









Day of the Week


Time of Day



After rain






Fire Opal


New Years

Genre of Books

Fantasy Adventure

Genre of Music

Likes most things

Genre of Shows


Genre of Movies


Genre of Games


Gift to Receive

Thoughtful/Handmade ones



Timeless Promise


Hiroyuki Sawano, Amalee (vocals)


Mikito-P, Fokushi (Vocals)


Lapis Lazuli
Peter Pabor, Amalee & Miku-tan (Vocals)


Onomatopoeia Megane
Nekobolo, JubyPhonic (Vocals)




Hiroyuki Sawano, Amalee (Vocals)


Safe and Sound
Taylor Swift, Sam Tsui (Vocals)


Fan Ka (饭卡)


Eine Kleine
Kenshi Yonezu, Will Stetson (Vocals)


Rivers in the Desert
Shoji Meguro


Be Somebody
Thousand Foot Krutch


Jonathan Parecki, Amalee (Vocals)


The Name of Life


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Banner Image

Introduction Chibi

Sidebar Icon

Extra Outfit Designs

Your own text

Your own text

Your own text

Your own text

Your own text

Your own text

Your own text