Dawn Dream



5 years, 7 months ago



Dawn Dream Has had more hairstyles than she has had parents. Possibly influenced by her idol Starjacks


Terrible things happen all the time, it doesn't mean you lose hope for the New Dawn.


Dawn Dream is a strange pony with a very motherly personality, this is perhaps due to her upbringing requiring her to take care of two sisters, then a foster sister, and in time leading her to adopt two strange colts in a park while rain poured down.

She is a bit hysterical at times, always worrying over one thing or the other, but when she gets excited or happy about something, she goes all out. Never one to back down from a fight, and always ready to protect those she cares about she is curiously a pacifist most of the time. Her Hope never seeming to die.


  • Tea
  • Books
  • Writing
  • Cats


  • Violence
  • Stress
  • Her Parents
  • Nihilism


Dawns Appearance has changed a lot over the course of her years, from a plucky pony tail, to a longer mane and tail combo, to the style pictured to the left which she has kept the longest by far, Her pinkish fur color has been the butt of many jokes, and her early stresses as a child and in her 20's has led to a slight wrinkle here and there... Unfortunate but Dawn doesn't much mind at all.


Dawn comes from a family of hicks. That's not the nicest way of putting it, but it is how she would describe it, having been disliked from a young age for her horn by her family, when she started to show signs of magical control things only got worse. While she acted as her younger sisters only friend and true parent. She had to leave them after overhearing a conversation in which her family planned to cut off her horn, even if it killed her.

Having to learn street smarts the hard way she made her way north toward the badlands just south of Diamond Dog County, she was discovered by nice ponies who claimed they wanted to help her. Unfortunately this was only a ruse and she was actually intended to be a part of Project FUSE Which in itself would set forth a series of events which couldn't be anticipated by even the cleverest of seers.

Despite what you might think, the events of Project FUSE actually only had one casualty, that of Dusk, Who in her 3 Month confinement together with dawn, became quite fond of her, and the feeling was mutual, They became like sisters... and then became even closer than that...as close as anypony could imagine as the experiment was a failure, the hybrid the Scientists hoped to achieve only resulted in the minds of the two fillies combining into one body, that of dawns. They spent their next few years believing themselves to be fugitives...given they had committed murder to escape. But to survive they made use of Dawn's Daydreams in order to earn bits here and there when they weren't conning folks outta cash, they were helping them. Canterlot isn't the kind of city for a young filly, but it's where she (and dusk) spent most of their time.

In her teen years she briefly began following the works of an up and coming author, Starjacks... catching various poetry readings and Young Inventors cons, it's not exactly clear what she saw in him, or why dusk felt he would matter. But it's because of him that things got so..soo much better. One day at a poets festival a Young Gemaco took an interest in dawn, and suggested she just take the plunge and talk to the local poets. And so she did, and had a blast doing so. Starjacks recommended she write her own poem, as even non alumni could participate. So she did, but the words in them felt kind of... off. It was then Starjacks introduced Dawn to Gemaco Properly, and the two hit it off, going on a variety of adventures together, since gemaco was a traveler of sorts. Eventually after a particularly strange event in ponyville, Dusk urged dawn to tell those involved with said event, about her existence. Upon doing so, the princesses were involved, their crimes pardoned under the guise of self defense, and Dawn was put into a form of WITSEC by the FBIE. She has been living out her days in ponyville since.



Gemaco became the closest friend aside from Dusk that Dawn ever had, always at her back, always ready to put down everything for her. They eventually married in order to give her adopted family a more complete feeling.



Dawn and Dusk's relationship is complicated. It certainly couldn't be described by any terms I am aware of. They are sisterly yet also Pa and Ma ternal to eachother when required, and at the same time consider eachother merely close friends. I suppose things got complicated for them once Dusk spent nearly 20 years inside the head of Dawn, unable to do much without asking. Still they would die for eachother. Thats the kind of bond nothing can break.