History Of The Shade Ponies Part 2: Project FUSE

5 years, 7 months ago

Mild Violence

This Log File Located in The Canterlot Archives Details Known Information Regarding The Attrocity that was Project FUSE

Shade Ponies Are a Original Race developed for use in The StarJax Chronicles Universe an Alternate Universe (and timeline) to My Little Pony FriendShip is Magic's Canon All Information, Logos, Ideas and Names Are Trademarks of JaxArts Ltd, and Belong Solely to MjaxMajoran My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, belongs to Hasbro Studios and Dhx Media.

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Shade Ponies Redacted Information

Hello, If you are reading this, than the fact has been released, you do not know me and you will not know me, for I am likely dead, This file contains sensitive information regarding the Fate of the Equss Shadis and PROJECT FUSE. If You are able to gain access please keep the information to yourself, it is very important to the peace and safety of Equestria.

The Treaty and The Result.

After Months of attempts the Equss Shadis refused to give any more information, and cited that the treaty was enough, they typically showed no emotion but anger, although reports say they are capable of all emotion. Some of us at the Ministry of Arcane Science think this is a misstep, we will be overriding orders and kidnapping one of their young... if all goes well it shall look like an accident, if not we will need to cover it up. The princess shall not be notified of this.

Subject 001

We have secured a foal, if you want to call it that, the thing is odd... we have no idea how to deal with it, we think we may have been seen by a young colt, though it should not matter... he is of little importance and should not jeopardize our plans, When the subject reaches at least 3 years of age, we will require a normal pony to complete the experiment, everything is set now. there should be no problems. The foal's name is unimportant but records show it's name was dusk belle.

Subject 002

We Have managed to "Rescue" a second subject today, this time of our own kind, slightly guilty, but she claims her "Earth Pony Purist" family was going to cut her horn off, we gave her refuge...under false pretenses of safety and I feel sort of guilty that what we will be doing is much worse.

Experiment Background

We shall be testing it today, which means the detail of the experiments plan can be written in my personal logs finally, If all goes well we shall be able to convert a Unicorn fillies inherent abilities and augment them with the Shadis Foal, I should also mention we had to cover our tracks, it seems that the Shadis Caught wind of what we had done. So we twisted matters, and convinced celestia that their attack was unprovoked, leading to our breaking of the treaty, the diamond dogs shall finish them off now. I hate lying to the princess but it had to be done. At anyrate the Shadis Foal will likely not survive the experiment, the two have grown close, which worries me greatly... If the experiment is a success we may have to terminate Subject 2 as well.

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The Project was... not as planned... we have created....The hybrid Dead....everyone...Survivors....so....Regret....Sorry.....Help....Escaped...Twin Minds...

Fused Soul....Arrogance.....Hubris....Dangerous....COntainment is Breached....