
5 years, 8 months ago


Name: Eruza

Birth Date: June 30th

Race: Vampire Kissed Fairy (Vampire Fairy)

Height: 4'10"

Weight: 117 lbs

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Emerald Green


- Mysterious vampire (Her best friend)

- Euphe (caretaker/ adopted mother/ teacher)

- (to expand on in due time)

Sexuality: unsure but curious

Personality: very kind to most people, though not very empathetic. Even though she is very kind, she’s tends to be very shy around people, leading her to hide out of site. But, she can be very playful and energetic. 

Background: Originally a clone of Erusa. Eruza, at the time, was a dark matter clone made by the attackers that separated the Aikochos in the first place. Eruza was like Erusa in appearance, but very much the opposite. She was Cruel and pretty hell-bent on hurting others. Yet, because of her physical appearance and features, she had every bit of Erusa's weaknesses. One day Eruza fell very ill and fell into a deep sleep that seemed like she’d never wake up from. A being saw the child and read though her mind and found out that she had been going through quite the internal struggle along with her physical capability of staying alive. The being seeing this conflict decided the best way to help the girl was to erase the conflicting memories going through her head at least then she would have peace of mind. To cure her body it quickly probed her genetic make-up and placed a beaded bracelet on her wrist containing a small amount of the dark matter composition that her body responded to help her sustain her physical form. After doing what it could, it vanished, letting nature and time do the rest. Eruza woke up in a hospital one day, her memory gone, and her body actually having changed to accommodate the lack of dark matter she had. She snuck out of the hospital as best as she could, ending up living in the slums of the city. One day, Eruza helped a girl who was lying on the ground face down on the street. She pulled her into the shadows of a nearby building, soon seeing that her hair was bloody red, and her skin a pure pale white. This girl has just met a vampire for the first time. She took care of her, and the vampire took care of Eruza as well, they became very fond of each other. One day, Eruza was starving. She couldn't live the life of being a homeless little girl much longer, so death was coming her way. The vampire offered Eruza a chance to be just like her, to be together always... Eruza agrees, and the ritual began. She is reborn as an extinct breed of Fairy: The Vampire Kissed. As time went on the vampire and Eruza lived a happy existence until the vampire went out to take care of a very personal matter. She promised Eruza that she would not be too long and that she’d return to her before she knew it. Days turned to weeks which turned to month and Eruza had not heard from her vampire friend. Eruza began to worry and decided to look for her friend. She followed her faint scent until she reached the snow covered mountains. Once there the trail she followed went completely dry and she felt weaker than she had ever felt before and collapsed in the snow. An hour or so had passed by and a mysterious figure finds the unconscious vampire fairy lying in the snow. “This is definitely not the environment for someone like you.” It says and wraps her up in some blankets. It looks at the girl’s face and realizes who she is. “Well I didn’t think that I’d be seeing you again so soon my little friend.” It said as it takes her and leaves that dimension. 

The being ends up taking Eruza to the outskirts of a castle in a dimension where it ruled over and knew that it would be safe for the girl to live. Upon its arrival it was “greeted” by Alphilia "Alpha" Cortex, Euphe, Takeda and Nero who had known about its arrival just shortly before it had happened. After a little skirmish between Alpha and the being, it explained its reason for its presence and the presence of the girl. Once it was done explaining it placed Eruza in Euphe’s arms and told everyone present to take care of the child. They all willingly agreed and rushed the girl back to the castle. Euphe took a glance at the girl she was carrying and for a quick second the girl showed a face that was familiar to her but only for as second.

In a few days Eruza had woken up and looked around at her new surroundings. Having a weird sense of déjà-vu she decided to sneak out. After wondering for what seemed like hours she ran into a girl with silver hair who introduced herself as Nekoto. The two stared at each other until Nekoto also saw the face of someone she happened to know and like Euphe it was only for a quick second. “Something about you seems familiar to me but I don’t know what.” Nekoto said. “We’ve never met before or at least I don’t think we have.” Eruza said. After a moment of staring the two were found by Euphe and Alpha. Euphe took Eruza with her and explained the events that have transpired over the past few days since her arrival and what was to happen now. Not completing understanding everything she was told she merely nodded her head in acceptance. Euphe pulled her in close and told her that all will be okay and not to worry about anything.

Hobbies and Interest: 

- reading

- Astrology

- Baking

Interesting facts: 

- Eruza is the only known crossbreed on Planet Soul

- She is 1 of the 5 who can freely use dark matter

- Doesn’t like huge bodies of water

- Unlike your stereotypical vampire she doesn’t burn in sunlight

- She enjoys citrus and tropical fruits

- Her charm contains at least 5 gallons of blood in it