Erica Moore



5 years, 11 months ago


  • Name: Erica Moore
  • Alias/Nickname(s): Eri
  • DOB: September 22
  • Gender: female
  • Height: 5’4
  • Weight: 121.5
  • Bust: “B”
  • Race: Human
  • Eye color: Brown
  • Hair color: Black
  • Blood Type: O
  • Family: 
    • Grandfather- Seiji Reynolds 
    • Grandmother- Kyan Reynolds
    • Father- Diante Moore
    • Mother- Kanna Reynolds-Moore
  • Personality- Erica is a sweet, kind hearted child who also gives off a shy and timid aura. She has a tendency to easily get flustered and ends up either (when standing) playing with her fingers or (while sitting) rubbing her feet against one another. Erica shows a high level of respect and curtesy for those older and more experienced than her. Erica is head strong and a very determined individual with a strong and virtually indomitable will. Though she’s academically smart she’s a bit naïve in terms of street smarts and can be taken advantage of quite easily. Due to her kind nature, she’s always quick to help anybody in need no matter the circumstances. She has a very strong sense of right and wrong and always does her best to do the right thing. 
  • Sexuality: Bi-sexual, she’s had crushes on males but she currently dates a female
  • Occupation: Full time college student and a seasonal helper at different companies; mainly coffee shops, book stores and floral shops
  • Likes
    • Cats
    • Art
    • Videogames
    • Cosplaying
    • Martial arts
    • Coding

  • Dislikes
    • Public speaking
    • Driving
    • Secrets being kept from her
    • Cleaning
    • Getting overwhelmed with work
    • Saying goodbye

  • Interesting Facts:
    • Very big kingdom hearts nerd
    • Easily spooked
    • Very quick visual learner
    • Is blind without her glasses
    • Due to her parents’ line of work she lives with her grandparents. to this day she has never met her mother