


Basic Info

Age Range

Mid 20s










250 lb

Body Build



Key Personality Traits

Friendly, Absolutely loves meeting new people and doesn’t understand the concept of “Stranger Danger”.
An Optimist, She always seems to be looking on the bright side, to a point that sometimes it annoys the people around her.
Brave, the kind of person who’d face her worst fear if it meant she could save someone’s life.
Childish, Because of circumstances surrounding her past she often comes off as naive and immature.
Excitable, It’s very easy to both entertain and impress her.

Father: Unknown
Mother: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
Notable Relatives: Unknown
Best Friend: Spooks the Cat
Crush: Riley the Sheep Dog (In Canon) Silver the Hedgehog (Self Indulgent) Michelangelo (TMNT, Self Indulgent) (Single for AUs)
Rival: N/A
Other Notable Relationships:
Twilight the Hedgehog - Close Friend
Debris the Rabbit - Close Friend
Neon the Porcupine - Close Friend
Demon the Cat - Close Friend
Dream the Fox - Good Friend
Psych the Cat- Good Friend
Flame the Lion - Good Friend
Ryder the Aardwolf - Good Friend

Background Information
Social Class:
Occupation: Body Guard, Hired Gun
Education: No Formal Education
Hometown: Unknown
Current Residence: Defiance

Summary of Childhood:
______ was born the daughter of a tribesmen and an anthropologist who’d been living with the tribe for many years. She was a happy child and grew up being well known throughout the tribe for her desire to explore. It was on one of these trips out of the village that she’d end up caught up trying to save an animal from a poachers trap, only to be knocked out by one of them as soon as she’d freed the poor creature. She’d awaken in a dark crate on the back of a moving truck, never to see her family or village again.
______’s misfortune would only continue as she entered her teenage years. The poachers ended up selling her to a group of human scientists who’d turn her into the prototype for a project they referred to as; Eclipse.

Her time as a lab rat is spent mostly under the influence of anesthesia. Her left arm and right leg were removed and replaced with machinery along with her left eye. Her bones were reinforced. Sections of her brain computerized. And all the while she was hardly aware of any of it until they’d begun testing how well she could process and store information she would then be made to use in controlled situational environments. By this time they’d completely erased what memories she’d had of her previous identity. She was a complete blank slate, a sentient doll with no concept of what life was like outside of the lab facilities.

When she was 19 something happened that scared the scientist enough to force them to flee. They loaded her up in the back of a van and evacuated, only to end up on the wrong end of a well placed land mine that would send them careening down the slope of a mountain.

She would be the only one to survive the crash.

She would be found a few days later by a woman named Twilight wandering along an isolated stretch of road. She didn’t seem much aware of her surroundings and hardly even acknowledged it when the woman touched her good arm. She was caked in dirt and obviously in need of medical treatment and Twilight was relieved when the wayward girl simply complied when coaxed to follow her.

Twilight brought her to the home she shared with another woman by the name of Spooks, who’d immediately see to it that the strange girl was cleaned up and treated. They’d ask her many times what her name was or where she’d come from but each question would only be met with a blank stare. Part of them wondered if she was even cognitive at all until they noticed her that her attention kept drifting a teddy bear they kept on a shelf. Twilight would retrieve it and hold it out to the girl, who’d tentatively reach out to grab and study it, all the while her expression never changing.

After this small sign of hope the two would decide to look into where she could have come from. Twilight would discover the ruined lab in the mountains and they’d inevitably conclude she had to have been held there. All the while Spooks would begin the tedious work of attempting to communicate with who they’d come to call Eclipse, after they found the name stitched into the fabric of the hospital gown she’d worn.

The longer Eclipse became exposed to stimuli, the more she began to exhibit signs of awareness. It was clear that they were dealing with someone with the same level of emotional intelligence as an infant and Spooks became increasingly invested in teaching Eclipse how to communicate and function as her own person. It was fascinating how quickly the girl absorbed information. Things that would take an actual toddler months to learn were picked up in a matter of weeks, if not days. Within a year she was able to communicate and had begun coming into her own personality.
She was able to tell them what memories she had of the lab but when asked about her life before she had no answers. At first Eclipse seemed bothered by her lack of memories, sure she had to have been someone before she’d been dismembered and rebuilt but as more time passed she began to feel less and less like it actually mattered.
She learned about an emotion called “Happiness” and felt as if she’d found that with the two women who’d taken her in.

Current Age:
Eclipse is still very much an innocent soul and can’t help her naive outlook when it comes to the outside world. With time she was able to begin interacting with society without coming off like a complete alien. She’d eventually wind up moving out to a place called Alabask with Spooks, Twilight and others they’d accumulated throughout the years, quickly realizing that everything she’d been through at the lab was retained in her data banks.
She believes they must have been attempting to turn her into a mindless weapon of some sort and feels eternally grateful that in the end they weren’t able to achieve their goal.


Stuffed Animals
Singing and Dancing
Experiencing New Things
Meeting New People

Unnecessary Violence
The Heat
Getting Soaked
Her Left Eye
Scary Movies
Ghost Stories
Hospital Environments

Incredibly Strong, She can easily lift more than four times that of her own mass in body weight.
Resilient, Sturdy might be more like it. She’s hard to knock down and it’s even harder to stop her from getting back up.
Cybernetic Enhancements including:
A Plasma Cannon built into her left arm. It has three modes: One that paralyzes, one that damages, and one that completely obliterates it’s target. The third mode is fired only in dire situations as it causes the arm to go dead after one use.
Night Vision, while as a feline she’s naturally capable of seeing in the dark, her left eye gives her twice the advantage.
Internal Interface, Able to sync up with various forms of technology to extract data, follow tracking signals, and process incredible amounts of information.
Increased Learning Capabilities, Able to learn new skills in half the time it might take someone else.
Ability to Lock On Targets, increasing her aiming capabilities when it comes to the plasma cannon.
Physical Reinforcements in the form of a metallic substance that became merged with her very bone structure.

Poor Swimmer, having heavy metal limbs makes it a bit difficult to float.
Gullible, can be easily tricked by others.
Not Exactly Stealthy, her limbs have light indicators so she knows at what level they’re operating at… not to mention her impatience gets in the way.
Low Agility, her heavier body makes it harder to make precision movements and it slows her down compared to someone like Spooks, who’s nimble and incredibly light on her feet.
Systems Overheat, if she fires too many shots in a row it can overheat and systems and actually burn her own flesh.
Trypanophobia, for obvious reasons.

Voice Claim: Alexis Tipton (Sister Iris from Fire Force)
Theme Song: Limited Edition - HAEL
Astrology Sign: Unknown
Favorite Quote: “Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” 

- Buddha