Lucas Hart



5 years, 6 months ago


Tea and Honey

  • Name Lucas Hart
  • Race Human
  • Gender Male
  • Introvert Extrovert
  • Intuitive Observant
  • Thinking Feeling
  • Judging Prospecting
"Tea Time!"

Character Creation

I created Lucas around the age of 12. He was created to be Cristal's roommate, and to be her opposite.


Lucas is a nice person to be around when you want to relax or calm down. He's laid back and easy going, though this also means he's fairly lazy. His relaxed way of going about things makes him a good listener, because he's always down to have conversations over tea. He's also a decent mentor, offering advice whenever someone comes looking for it. But listeners should be weary of his advice, because he rarely admits when he doesn't know what he's talking about.

  • Age Early Thirties
  • Demeanor Agreeable
  • Alignment True Neutral
  • Sexuality Bisexual
  • ● Lucas loves studying the history and meaning behind national flags
  • ● He wears the Danneborg and Union Jack as symbols of his heritage
  • ● He is half English, half Danish.
  • ● He has lived in four different countries (Denmark and England being two of them)
  • ● His current home is the US. No one knows what the fourth country he's lived in is.
  • ● When in the mafia, Lucas became a legend known as The Golden Dragon
  • Tea with honey
  • Taking naps
  • Reading (Fave: William Harrison Ainsworth)
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  • Angry/loud people
  • Talking about himself
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Lucas used to be part of a mafia. He joined when he was fairly young, being roped in due to poverty. What started as odd errands lead to him rising through the ranks over the years. Eventually, he even found himself working as the right hand to the mafia head. Eventually, something in him snapped, and he wanted out. Using his various connections, he slipped out of the mafia by using a series of fake identities. It was during a transaction using one of his fake IDs that he was flagged by Cristal. She turned him in, but upon hearing how he was trying to change his ways from being a criminal, she took pity on him. Thanks to her, he was granted freedom under the stipulation that anything he did would not only fall on him, but her too. He was thankful for her rescue- even if she was the one turning him in, in the first place- and he vowed to prove his innocent change of heart. It worked out for both of them to have him become Cristal's roommate; so she could keep an eye on him, and he had a safe place to live.

Now, Lucas works with Cristal as a field agent. His job on their trips is to be a sort of body guard- some extra muscle in case things go south. Luckily, on most trips he's not needed, which is just the way he likes it. His favorite thing to do in other worlds is try their teas, seeing as he often has the free time to do so.


Home Lucas refers to the mafia he was once in as 'home' in some recounts of his times there. This is because for some time, that life was all he knew. Even though he resents his past actions now, there are still times when he remembers how he used to feel right at home.

Mina Mina and Lucas are two peas in a pod. Though Mina is louder than the people Lucas typically tolerates, he enjoys her endless positive vibes. And the two share a love for some hobbies such as video games, making them great roommates fore each other.

Cristal Lucas and Cristal met through mere coincidence. Through a difficult series of events, Lucas wound up owing his freedom to Cristal, who now has lawful responsibility over him. Lucky for both of them, Lucas is on a firmly set path of non-violence. On a day to day basis, Cristal and Lucas get along well enough. Though Lucas thinks Cristal could use a little more down time.

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