


5 years, 6 months ago



Name Shalan'dris Voidwhisper Called Shal // Shalan'dris
Age 530 Gender Female
Origin Teldrassil Race Kaldorei
Role Elunarian Night Priestess // Voidmancer Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Status Alive // Active Theme Clair de Lune

"Her eyes were black as pitch, and her body twisted in ways it shouldn't. She spoke in a language that made the very foundations shutter in terror. She was a monster."

Tall and ethereal, Shalan'dris' presence is known to be off-putting and eerie. More often than not, she can be found sitting alone, rather than with other people. It is just her way. A smile is a gift, to her.



  • Walking alone.
  • Forests.
  • (secretly) Company.
  • Sneaking around.


  • Making others uncomfortable.
  • Large crowds.
  • (secretly) Being alone for too long.
  • TBA



Sullen, quiet, seemingly apathetic to most everything, Shalan'dris is a stereotypical wallflower in most people's eyes. A wallflower she may be, she is also highly critical of everything happening around her, extremely suspicious of most people and has very high perception. She is incredibly closed off to others and tends to keep things close to her chest. She will speak about very few things openly, and rarely gets close to anyone. If one asked her about herself, she tends to believe that she no longer possesses positive traits. The Twilight's Hammer seemingly scrubbed her of those.
She does, however, have said positive traits, no matter how much she may deny it. She is still kind to others. She will engage in conversation with those who look lost, or alone, like her. She is never rude to others, though they may find her strange, at first.




Shalan'dris has an uncanny ability to sense the emotions of others around her, normally to her own detriment. This power is mainly what drives her away from others, as feeling so much pain and hurt tends to wear her out. On rare occasions, she may be able to amplify and redirect these feelings at other people. If she does, generally she will manifest hemorrhaging from the ears and nose.


Rarely, Shalan'dris may be struck with a moment from the future. These visions are excruciatingly painful for her, and are not always correct, whether her perception of what she is seeing is warped by the pain she is feeling or the fact that perhaps people will not make the same decisions as what plays out in her visions.

Mind Sear

One of her more basic abilities, mainly used to the offensive, is her ability to gather memories from past events and weave the pain into one explosion of hurt, possibly incapacitating her target in the process. During her time in the Twilight's Hammer, she reportedly turned one victim of this attack catatonic.

Void Eruption

The strongest, most destructive and unpredictable of Shalan'dris' abilities is her void eruptions. Unpredictable, uncontrollable and possibly deadly for those around her, it is a massive physical and mental attack that once used often renders her unconscious for unknown periods of time.


Born nearly five hundred and thirty years ago, Shalan'dris is one of the few Kaldorei below the age of a thousand. Her childhood was rather pleasant, surrounded by friends and family. However, when the Twilight's Hammer began to grow in strength, the young priestess in training was kidnapped. Already showing aptitude for the Dark Aspect of Elune, the cult took advantage of this and began to train her in the ways of the Void. She was incredibly difficult to break, and once she was a fully converted member of the cult, she was a force to be reckoned with. It was at this time she was hailed as the Herald of N'zoth.
After the defeat of Deathwing and the Cataclysm, she was once again kidnapped, but this time, she was kidnapped by the Sisterhood of Elune. Her sisters attempted to help her return to normal, the best that they could, but she had been changed forever. And, to her fear, perhaps for the worse.


Tall, ethereal, tired.
Shalan'dris stands at a quite average height for a female night elf, though she tends to walk hunched over, head down, skirting around on the fringes of everyone else. A specter merely observing her fellows. Her skin is pale purple, contrasted by her dark purplish-pink bear claw markings. Framing her face was long, dark blue hair. It came to her lower back, nearly to her rump, and she keeps it down, unplaited and unbound.
She wears a simple grey dress, held up with sleeves akin to tank top straps. Over it, she wears a sleeveless black kimono. A brown waist corset wraps around her, gathering up the dress and kimono. At her throat she has a chunky necklace with a crescent moon pendant. Her arms are decorated with a variety of silver bands, along with two silver cuffs, one on each wrist. It is unknown if these are from her time with the cult or not.





Oneiros Silverwing

[ Acquaintance ]

A druid who decided to approach Shalan'dris upon seeing her alone. The two are not close, but he is intrigued by her, and she him.


Raphael Scourgebane

[ Former Friend ]

Raphael used to be the travelling companion of Shalan'dris, before she pushed a few too many buttons. She misses him.



[ relationship ]

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