Kazpur Twiize




Name: Kazpur Twiize 

Trolltag: TerminallyCranky

Age: 6.92 sweeps 

Gender: female, flat chested 

Species: Alternian Troll

Height:  5’5"

Blood color: Yellow

Strifekind: psionics(strong)

Lusus: Praying mantis




  Nenjin Hannon


Typing Quirk:


Puts@ at the start of a sentence 

Everything lowercase 

@ ugh...this is fucking stupid

@Kook this isn’t the first time you pukked this wriggker hoofbeast shit. 


• Always grumpy

• though surprisingly kind

• strong psionic but wears a damper(wrist), try’s not to use them

• never shows eyes , it’s unknown if she has them

• collects dolls, Takes care of them like their her wrigglers 

• wishes she was hatched a jade



• dolls

• grubs(baby trolls),wants to visit the mother grub to see them

• fruits, oatmeal

•coffee, not too bitter not too sweet 

• listening to the tv while she sleeps

• taking care of others(grumbles the whole time but likes doing it) 


• large crowds, hates trolls pressing up against her

• using her psionics 

• her dolls being messed with

• meat or meat byproducts

• loud music, most music actually 

• the empire


Kazpur has wanted to more or less be a lusus since she went through her first molt. 

Having left the brooding caves she always had a strong desire to help the smaller trolls or specifically the grubs. 

She didn’t live all that far from the brooding caves, having built her hive near the caves instead of in the city. 

The fact that she couldn’t really do or be what she wanted has turned her rather grumpy. 

Being a yellow blood, and a fairly strong Psionic her only destiny was that of the helm. Something she didn’t even remotely desire.

 Not that any sane troll would. So to curb her hatred at her lot in life or try to, she collects dolls pretending they’re her grubs.