


5 years, 5 months ago


Please read before purchasing!
  • Premium is needed to use this theme, this is a CSS and only premium members can use CSS.
  • This does not come with raw SCSS/CSS. You will only get an @import link.
  • This can be used on any of the following pages - users, characters, and worlds.
  • Colors are not fully customizable - please see the options below for more information.

For all current and future purchasers, please let me know what you want to see in the v3 update! Please fill out this form - it's completely anonymous <3

A very simple CSS with lots of color customizations! I will be making a new version in the near future.

Upon purchase, you will receive an instant download to a ZIP file containing 1 customizable scss in plain .txt and .scss files.


Main color used for buttons, links, etc.

general background of the content holders.
The actual background of the page.
Your global text color.
The slightly fainter text like the one I'm using for this description.
For most containers that are a different color than the body.
The OTHER off color - stuff like progress bar backgrounds.

The very top menu & the footer.
Background hover color for the dropdown.
Color of the standard - unhovered text.
Text hover color for all links and the main color for Toyhouse logo & the footer links.

Sidebar color - and color of the bar on the right side.
Color of the standard - unhovered text.
Divider color...
Color hover color for the links.
Color line when you hover over a link.
Color of the 'favorite' link when a character is favorited.

Sidebar Img
This image can not be removed. It's there forever.
Color of the header - useful for if you don't want an image or you're using the blend mode.
You can put an image URL between the parenthesis to add a BG! Otherwise, it's a solid color.
See W3Schools or my troubleshoot page for more info.
See W3Schools or my troubleshoot page for more info.
See W3Schools or my troubleshoot page for more info.
See W3Schools or my troubleshoot page for more info.
See W3Schools for more info.

Color of the borders and hr's.
Text color for buttons, just in case your colors are too light or too dark.
  • darken - darkens color
  • lighten - lightens color

Remove or leave the header at the very top of the character page.
Put in your own little quip before your name in the character header! You can see on this page, mine says 'Created by'.
Removes the styling around custom content on character profiles.
Removes character gallery on main character page.

If you DON'T like everything being squished to the middle, turn this off and it'll remove the right sidebar and adjust the content accordingly!
Makes the sidebar stick to the top of the page on scroll.

Font for headers, navbar, and sidebar
Font for everything else

Font Import

This must look like the old import! will not accept the new import style from google fonts (I have put in a ticket for this).

New Import:
@import url(';500&family=Varela+Round&display=swap');

Old Import (This is what it needs to look like):
@import url("|Montserrat:400,500");