


5 years, 7 months ago


[to be caluclated]
Medicine Cat
Cause of Death
Age at Death


a plump, short-furred, light brown tabby molly with a lighter underbelly and soft, tired, honest, green eyes

Barkpelt is an overall empathetic, patient, and kind cat with a high intelligence. However she’s not very popular or confident. She has a good moral standard, but is often too afraid to speak up for her beliefs. She struggles with anxiety issues due to Waspstar's abuse.

She always had a passion for healing others since she was so empathetic and kind. She trained under the former ThunderClan medicine cat, Thrushwish, until he passed away eight seasons later when she was left to take care of ThunderClan alone. She was treated with respect by most of the Clan, but some cats resented her for not fighting and hunting like the rest of the cats. Waspstar and Razorfrost often bullied Barkpelt, but it was mostly prevented by Barkpelt's siblings Lionclaw and Cloverfrost. After Waspstar became leader, however, he had opportunities to take out his rage on Barkpelt and she suffered most from his abusive behavior. She took on a she-kit named Bluepaw as her apprentice in fear that she would be dead in a few seasons and needed someone to take care of ThunderClan. Little did she know, Bluepaw was not the cat for the job.


  • Barkpelt is very empathetic and gentle.
  • Barkpelt is a very patient cat, tending to listen to others rather than be listened to.
  • Barkpelt is extremely skilled in medicine and healing.
  • Barkpelt has strong morals.


  • Barkpelt is not very popular within the Clan.
  • Barkpelt struggles with being confident.
  • Barkpelt is often too afraid to speak her mind during dire situations.
  • Barkpelt struggles with anxiety and depression.
[formerly known as : Barkkit; Barkpaw]


Barkkit, Cloverkit, and Lionkit were born to Sunstep and Deerpelt of ThunderClan. Their kithood was quiet normal and both of their parents loved them deeply. Barkkit and Deerpelt were especially close and Barkkit looked up to them. Barkpaw was apprenticed to the ThunderClan medicine cat at the time - Thrushwish - who was a patient and intelligent mentor. Thrushwish taught Barkpaw all she needed to know about herbs and healing, but Barkpaw's connection with StarClan faltered often. Her connection with their warrior ancestors was quite shaky, but Thrushwish encouraged her to keep trying.

Barkpelt eventually earned her full medicine cat name and was treated with equal respect next to Thrushwish. She enjoyed helping her Clanmates and giving their leader advice. She felt powerful as a medicine cat, but it was short lived. Her mentor subcomed to greencough and she was left to care for the whole of ThunderClan alone. Not long after Thrushwish's death, Waspstar seized leadership of ThunderClan. Barkpelt's reputation in the Clan deminished to nothing after this and she was often subject to Waspstar's abuse.

Waspstar forced Barkpelt to take Bluepaw as an apprentice - mostly because he just wanted to remove Barkpelt from ThunderClan altogether. Barkpelt trained Bluepaw as best as she could, even though she knew that her life was coming to an end. Bluepaw was a fussy, arrogant, and rebellious apprentice. She wanted to be a medicine cat, but she also wanted to moon after the ThunderClan warrior, Shadowheart. Barkpelt often attempted to put Bluepaw in her place about such matters, but Bluepaw just did not seem to lose interest.

When cats around ThunderClan began to fall ill and die due to mysterious poisonings, Barkpelt is the first to suspect that her apprentice, Bluepaw, was up to something. The poisonings began with Sapkit ingesting some foxglove seeds - which Bluepaw saved her from. Waspstar forced Barkpelt to give Bluepetal her full name after this and Waspstar's abuse amped up. Barkpelt was in so much pain that she often could not bring herself to care about Bluepetal's antics.


Sunstep | [mother]

Deerpelt | [parent]

Lionclaw | [brother]

Cloverfrost | [sister]

Medicine Cat Position

Preceded by: Thrushwish

Succeeded by: N/A


Sunstep img


Sunstep is the mother of Barkpelt, Cloverfrost, and Lionclaw.

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Deerpelt is the father of Barkpelt, Cloverfrost, and Lionclaw.

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Cloverfrost is Barkpelt’s sister. Cloverfrost had been the rebellious one out of the three in their litter, often getting into trouble for sneaking out of camp or exploring dens she shouldn’t. When the three got older, Cloverfrost became protective over her smaller sister, often facing Waspstar himself to protect Barkpelt. She and Mintshine joined the rebellion against Waspstar, Cloverfrost’s reason being to save Barkpelt.

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Lionclaw is Barkpelt’s brother. Lionclaw and Barkpelt share their calm demeanor, but Lionclaw lacks the intelligence that Barkpelt has. Lionclaw and Barkpelt often shared prey and talked about their training as apprentices, Lionclaw was always interested in hearing about Barkpelt’s medicine training. He was also Barkpelt’s listening ear when she was looking for advice on how to deal with Bluepetal and her antics.



Waspstar became leader after the former ThunderClan leader, Darkstar, was killed by a fox. Waspstar became leader of ThunderClan and immediately started interfering with medicine cat duties. He often abused Barkpelt and blackmailed her into giving out fake prophecies and omens that rang in his favor. He bullied Barkpelt until she confessed she didn't have a connection with StarClan, and he blackmailed her with this knowledge until she agreed to his terms.

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Thrushwish was Barkpelt's mentor and friend. He taught her many things and was like a father figure to her. He died when an outbreak of greencough hit ThunderClan and Waspstar prevented the medicine cats from gathering herbs to heal the Clan. Barkpelt often looks to the sky at night, wondering if Thrushwish made it to StarClan.



Bluepetal was apprenticed to Barkpelt by Waspstar. Bluepetal was less than perfect as a medicine cat apprentice. She was often argumentative and her feelings were easily hurt. She and Barkpelt often had spats leading to Bluepetal just leaving the situation altogether. Barkpelt catches her apprentice mooning after Shadowheart often and scolds her worriedly every time it happens.

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After Silverpoppy was injured by a falling branch, they became the medicine cat assistant. Barkpelt trained Silverpoppy in medicine and even taught him how to scavenge for plants and items the Clan needed.

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