
5 years, 7 months ago




German Shepherd Mix

Name: Fury

Nicknames: Shadow, Runt

Gender: Male

Physical Description

Height: 22" In.

Weight: 50 Lbs.

Breed: German Shepherd/Greyhound/Husky/Whippet/Wolf/Other

Eye Color: Sharp Green

Fur Color: Jet Black (Melanistic)

Fury has a strong 'Alpha' appearance to him. He stands with an authoritative posture, head high and tail raised with a pronounced muscular structure that gives him a powerful presence. His lean build is specialized for running and fighting, complete with long legs and strong paws. Sharp green eyes display soft, good-naturedness, or a fierce demanding gaze.
Fury is fully Melanistic, his coat, skin, paw pads, claws, etc. are a solid jet black, making him impossible to see in the darkness. He uses this to his advantage, silently stalking through the shadows. If you loose sight of him, you'll have trouble spotting him again.

Scars: A nearly completely circumferential scar about 2" above his left ankle. It's almost impossible to see in this form, however, as his scar tissue is just as black as the rest of his skin. You'd have to look for the slightest of discoloration and the patch of missing fur to even know it's there.



Personality Descriptions

General: "You'd better listen to him, that boy is wise beyond his years."
Although his nickname makes him sound like a rage riddled monster, the opposite is actually true. Nathan has a cool, collected attitude with a sarcastic fun loving personality. He's usually kind, respectful, and always up for an adventure! He's typically more of an introvert, preferring his small group of friends and not much of a chatter outside of his close circle. However, he's not completely adverse to making new friends, talking with someone who looks like they need it, or giving a helping hand. He's a kind and courageous person who will always do what he can for others.
Wise beyond his years, Fury can handle most any situation, find solutions to most problems, and make strong bulletproof plans. When he's called to be, he's a strong leader, able to take charge of a situation and keep a clam and level head. He prioritizes the safety and wellbeing of everyone else above himself and will do everything he can to protect those who can't protect themselves. He's the first person you'll see volunteer to go to the front lines and save lives.
He's been called Fury for his determination, drive, and courage he displays in the darkest of situations. He wears the name like a badge of honor, a reminder to himself that he can make a difference.


  • Running/Racing
  • Being Active
  • Spending time with friends
  • Reading


  • Running
  • Learning
  • Books
  • Music
  • The Dark


  • Sitting Idle
  • Bullies
  • Large crowds
  • Loud noises


  • Failing

Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths: Fury's greatest strength is his mind. He's incredibly intelligent and wise beyond his years. An excellent problem solver, he can strategically untangle most any problem and find a way to resolve it with ease. He's learned how to handle tough situations, yet stay quick on his feet while his brain functions. In other words, he kicks butt in strategy games. Challenge him at your own risk.
Apart from that, he's a strong leader. Willing and able to take charge of situations, he's calm and cool headed in danger and reacts swiftly and with confidence. He knows how to command a crowd, work with and encourage his team, and act strategically. He's kindhearted, willing to take criticism and ideas from those he works with, and takes them to heart, never just brushing off another point of view. He leads through example, and expects his team to give their best, but always understands when one makes mistakes.
His mind is not his only weapon. Fury is an athlete by nature, fast and strong. He's a powerful runner, lightning fast reflexes and impressive maneuverability gives him the ability to dance around a battlefield. And while his physical strength is not nearly as on par as his speed, he still can put quite a bit of power behind his punches. He's a skilled fighter, utilizing his strengths and working to strengthen his weaknesses. He's a monster on the battlefield, and an incredible opponent. He's not one to be toyed with.


  • Wise/Swift Thinker/Problem Solver
  • Strong Leadership Capabilities
  • Strong Negotiator
  • Quick Learner
  • Excellent Runner
  • Advanced First Aid Knowledge
  • Survival Skills

Physical Soundness: Fury is rather significantly healthy, his strong heart and lungs are well tuned for an athlete with a high metabolism to support health. 

Weaknesses: While Fury has many strengths, he does have his weaknesses too. He struggles with self-doubts and depression, a fear of failing he can't quite get rid of nags him at every choice he makes. He's learned to bypass it, that it's better to make a decision than constantly second guess himself, but in the aftermath the weight of his decisions haunt him. He's prone to sitting in the dark and letting the questions of 'what if' get the best of him.
While he is strong, he relies more on his speed, his strength not nearly on par with swift maneuverability and mental processing.
He has a strong aversion to loud sounds, easily startled and stunned by excessively loud noises. It has been used against him more time than he can count.
And though he may be a strong leader, he has trouble with effectively putting people where they need to be, fearing for their safety and well-being. He'd much rather throw himself in the thick of the fight to keep others safe, having the potential to leave the others without a leader.

Disabilities: In his younger years, he had a nearly devastating run in with a snap jaw hunting trap meant for trapping large animals. He had been running when the trap engaged, fracturing both bones as the trap closed around his lower leg and forced him to a halting stop. It tore muscles and ligament apart and left him trapped for hours before he gained the strength to free himself. The injury should have killed him, but he received help and miraculously did not lose any part of his leg. Incredibly, partly in thanks to his shifter genes, and partly through the grace of God, he made a full recovery, resulting in no permanent limp. He still gets major pain flares occasionally, most commonly after an excessive amount of running, and will limp when he's tired and the dull pain becomes harder to ignore.

Unimportant Links

Characters Commonly Associated With: Talon, Anakin, Wakiza

Storylines Commonly Used In:

Other Variations: Shapeshifter, Transformer