
5 years, 7 months ago



"Watch your back."

Name Erase
Age 24
Height 5'11''
Birthday October 27th
Build lean
Species silver fox
Gender fluid (any pronouns)
Oreint. knives (demiromantic/pansexual)
Alignment chaotic neutral
Occupation assassin
Voiceclaim [x]
Theme sayoko
Creator moonilymoth
Worth n/a
Design Notes

  • ALWAYS wearing kitsune mask unless otherwise specified
  • hair is gradient from black to white, same with tail
  • as well hair is loosely wavy
  • tattoo sleeve on right arm
  • always in black/dark clothes or neutral tones, never whites or anything colorful

mysterious ∾ collected ∾ flexible ∾ reliable ∾ forceful ∾ secretive ∾ detached



marionette - using their shadow, Erase is able to connect shadow-y strings from their own shadow to another living beings shadow. By doing so, Erase then gains control of the beings movements and motor control, and is able to manipulate the being to do what they command. However, the being must be in their line of sight while this skill is in use and if the area is too dark they are unable to connect to a specific shadow. If they are attacked or disrupted while the skill is in use, the skill will stop if the attack causes them to break line of sight with their target. This ability works both on people and creatures, though for creatures mount sized and above the effect instead simply slows the creature down rather than completely take control. The control lasts for 5 rounds, and after the time limit either ends or the control is broken, Erase enters a cooldown of 3 rounds.

  • when a being is taken control of, it is allowed to contest the skill with a --1 5 willpower roll every turn after the first round of control. rolling a 1 or a 5 will allow the being to break free

nightmare - manipulating shadows within the area, Erase is able to envelope one opponent with shadows and interfere with their perception of the world. The shadows are able to channel and draw out the targets fear(s) (that are able to be physically shown) and cause them to experience illusions pertaining to this fear, though they can still see the rest of the world around them though cloudier. This illusion lasts for 2 rounds, and has a cooldown of 2 rounds.

blackout - Erase is able to use shadows to either eliminate all the light in a room, or if in a large room or open area causes darkness to take over the area in a 12 foot radius around Erase. The level of darkness is the same as a dark night, and can be countered with a light producing skill, and those that are able to see in dark areas are uneffected. The darkness can last up to 10 minutes and has a cooldown of 4 rounds.

shadow step - this skill allows Erase to travel via shadows, generally utilized for stealth or just to get to places a bit faster. To do so, they must be standing within a shadow that is big enough to encompass their own shadow and the shadow theyre transporting to must meet the same requirements. This makes transportation during night or in dark areas much more convenient. When travelling, the shadow they are transporting from and to give small ripple-like movements similar to water as a sign of their presence and the skill being used. If something is blocking the shadow they are trying to transport to, they either have to choose a different location or can appear behind the being or obstruction depending if there's space. Generally they need to know where they are travelling to and there's a limit of how far they can go, the limit being no further than the next town or city over.


Erase was originally born in Ruby, though further out in a smaller village. They were a bit of a quiet child, generally keeping their thoughts and feelings to themself and their studies. Despite this though, they were at least liked within the small village for occasionally helping others, even if they were seen as a bit odd for their elusive behavior from time to time. Like any child though, they still interacted with others their age, but in particular grew close to another girl in the village named Mayu. The two lived close to each other, and over their childhood they grew to be best friends. Their personalities tended to complement each other, with Mayu being the more outgoing one and usually initiating their time together to help pull Erase out of their quiet and relaxed demeanor.

However, their life wouldn't remain at ease either. The pair were known to play in the forest by the village, seeing what they could find or who could climb higher. Adults warned them to always be careful, always keep an eye out but they were not always so cautious. During one trip out at night, Mayu urged Erase out despite the time, and they finally agreed to go with her. It seemed like another simple night out at the time, unbeknownst to them it would turn out so much worse as one incident turned fatal. The two were having their usual fun with climbing, but there was one misstep on Mayu's part and she fell. Erase had tried to grab her, but the reaction had been just a bit too slow. They rushed back down to get to her, only to find the landing had killed their friend. Stricken with grief, they stayed with her body for several hours, unsure what to do next.

That was, at least, until they remembered something. Occasional whispers and rumors of a powerful witch within the forest who use to live in the village, doing tasks in exchange for something personal. Unknowing of where else to turn, they searched the area with their friend in desperation. It took them longer than they had wanted, but eventually found her. They begged the witch to revive their friend, no matter the price. The woman agreed, but in exchange, they would give up their eyes. Erase, thinking they would simply go blind, agreed to the deal and let the witch work her magic. Mayu was revived, but changed, since necromancy never truly goes right.

After that, Erase eventually returned to the village without Mayu, immediately returning home to grieve over the events. Their parents first came to ask what happened, but ended up too shocked with the change at first. Their eyes had been taken, but not in the way they had thought. It was instead a curse, where no one seemed to recognize or remember their face, specifically their eyes. They were questioned as to what happened and where they were. They broke down then, telling their mother and father everything that had happened, including their deal. After that, their parents kept them inside the house at almost all times. They didn't want Erase possibly getting hurt either, or for the rest of the village to find out what they had done and what had become of them as a result. However, the isolation was unbearable and they could tell their parents no longer viewed them exactly the same. It was then they packed a small bag for themself, and snuck off in the middle of the night.

From there, they began to drift around, never staying in one place for very long. They took up different jobs here and there though generally on the shadier side of things, ranging from deliveries to being an escort. It was during this time they dropped their original name and instead opted to use various fake names, along with beginning to train more extensively with a sword to weaponize themself and continued to hone the skill over the years, along with focusing training on their strength and overall dexterity. After a while, they eventually settled in Kaiori, though they still traveled occasionally if it was required of them. During one escort within the city, the man they were with turned violent, and ended up dying by their hands. From this though, they realized now they almost no remorse or real regard when it came to death. They were unsure what to do with this information at first, but when another job required them to kill once more, they started to get a feel for it. They finally settled on taking up the alias "Erase" and using mask to hide their face. They soon turned towards assassin work instead of just random shady jobs, using their abilities and hidden identity to their advantage. It was smaller jobs at first, but they quickly became well known in the underground criminal community. They still stick by their policy of not having any set loyalties though, so to them anyone and everyone is fair game.


  • masks
  • knives
  • body modification
  • reptiles

  • people trying to remove their mask
  • heat
  • being idle
  • nosy people in general

  • erase is currently under a special enchantment/curse for their deal, in which no one is able to recognize or remember their eyes
  • they love and are rather fascinated by body modification. they currently have a tattoo sleeve on their right arm, and hope for more in the future
  • they are never seen without their mask, and the only time they really take it off is if they are bathing, asleep, or truly alone
  • erase loves to collect unique or well crafted knives, and currently has over 15 in their collection
  • while they typically remain in ruby and surrounding regions, they do sometimes travel out of the continent for high paying jobs
  • they like to climb things just for the joy of being high up, and sometimes do roof hopping around the city just for their own entertainment
  • before leaving home, they use to be more studious with help from their father. their knowledge furthered once they left and began to travel around and see more of the world outside of their village, but don't really go into studies as much anymore
  • due to their background and travels, they are fluent in common and rubys languages, while conversational in amber, obsidian, and sign language.

friend (?)
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
friend (???)
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
acquintance, somewhat friends
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.