


5 years, 7 months ago


Age 1,890
Build Muscular
Species Archane
Gender Male
Orientation Demisexual
Pronouns He/Him
Occupation None
Creator thot
Theme song

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum quis mauris vel nisi tempus mollis sit amet in sapien. Vivamus vitae egestas elit, congue dapibus ex. Nam id elit sed enim feugiat consequat. Proin sit amet accumsan mi. Vestibulum scelerisque, orci a volutpat malesuada, nisl turpis blandit neque, in volutpat enim lacus sit amet leo. Donec convallis iaculis risus in volutpat. Aliquam id metus mi. Nulla purus diam, laoreet convallis sollicitudin pharetra, vestibulum in nisl. Nunc ut turpis massa. Aenean tellus sapien, rutrum eget pharetra at, vestibulum nec sapien. Nulla varius massa non consequat vulputate.


  • Alister collects handmade knickĀ·knacks, toys and noveltys he finds or are left behind by travelers. They are among his most prized possessions, he even attempts to make his own however he not at all good at it.
  • Alister acually has a "pet" he's named Uma who wanders around the edge of his territory and on rare occiasions enters, one of the few creatures who dares.
  • Alister hasn't eaten anything but the fruits that grow in his land for years. He longs for a taste of something different and sometimes just won't eat for days on end because he so sick of it.
  • When Alister is lonely or sad, he'll sing the nursery ryhmes and tales that the children and parents of Eonia used to sing. He'll sing for hours on end to no one but himself.
  • Alister is regarded as a legend amoung locals and travelers, supposedly if one hears his melancholy ballads or stumble upon his deadly flowers it is said that the dead spirits of Eonia will haunt you for the rest of your days. (However this is only an affect of the deadly gases that get thicker as one get closer to the forbidden lands, the gases causing halluntions that can last for days.) Some local teenagers dare eachother to provoke Alister's curse as a right of passage.

  • Leftover possessions of Eonia people
  • Handmade Objects
  • Petting Uma
  • Watching birds fly above his territory
  • Being sung too
  • New smells and tastes

  • Trespassers
  • Theives
  • Silence
  • Being Taunted
  • Being Abandoned

Once a beautiful, vibrant and adored Archane, Alister, who was thought to be a demigod among the common village people of Eonia. They brought him gifts, the best of their food and anything he requested! In return he promised to flourish their lands with breathtaking flowers, fruits and protection-(Though the flora and fauna he bloomed was almost always toxic to everyone but the villagers)-. They adored him and he reveled in their worship. When Alister's doing fell on the ears of a bored, young traveling goddess she became intrigued and wanting to see this "generous demigod". She entered Eonia under the guise of a priestess, undeterred by the toxicity that seemed to coil and grip the town. As soon as the goddess met Alister, she fell almost instantly in love, desiring the poisonous archane for her own.She stubbornly ignored the warnings of her fellow goddess and disregarded the clamoring of the villagers for their King to be left alone. Alister seeing girl's affections perceived an equal and chose to try to reciprocate the naive goddess feelings. Eventually however he started to grow tired of her affections and instead began to manipulate and take advantage of her, using her love to benefit himself and enhance his powers. The goddess finally opened her eyes to his deception after she realized she had no longer had enough power to hold her human form. Heartbroken, full of rage and spite she used the last of her power to curse Alister. Alister was cursed by his very own heart, doomed to reflect his toxicity by his tainted appearance, broken mind and dark power for the rest of his days. Slowly Alister's kingdom fell, the villagers of Eonia began to grow sick and die without him as they could not live without his poisonous aura, unable to adapt to a normal environment. He could only watch helplessly as the ones who truly loved him died out and everything he had acquired wasted away. Alister now resides in the ruins of Eonia, unable to part from the only home he'd ever known and leave the memories of his people. Alister is much more like a like wild best with bouts of horrible sanity than a conscious, rational mind, he wards any trespassers away by any means necessary.