


5 years, 7 months ago


  • Name Novi
  • Alias Subject #10,009
  • Age 21
  • Pronouns they/them
  • Species Octoling
  • Main Weapons Dualies, Dualie Squealchers
  • Default Ink Color


Novi is a partially sanitized octoling who fought their way to the surface. They don't remember what their life was before the underground, but they want to enjoy their new freedom as much as they can. Due to their condition, though, they have no choice but to fight in online battles to maintain their health.


Novi is loud and cheerful whenever possible. They have infectious enthusiasm that can turn a bad series of events into a reason to laugh. Their optimism should be not mistaken for niaviety, but often is, resulting in a child-like demeanor that can fool the casual observer. What they don't know they want to learn, and are nearly obsessed with learning about inkling culture from anyone who is willing to provide the knowledge. Their favorite thing is trying something exciting and new, regardless of the results, because they find every day precious and unique.

Novi dislikes conflict to an almost pacifistic degree and will go out of their way to find a compromise or make everyone happy. If conflict cannot be avoided, they're far more likely to become avoidant and hide than fight. Novi thrives off of other's joy and are often one to give surprise gifts and random hugs. They love being physical with their friends, to the point of seeming touch starved. They also forcefully avoid talking about their own negative feelings, while ironically encouraging others to be more open. What Novi doesn't want them to know is how hard they've struggled to reach this point in life, and the consequences.

Despite this, Novi is heavily attached to their dualies to the point of panic if seperated from them. They don't like to fight, but seemingly need to capacity to do so to comfort them when they're stressed. They don't tell the story of why this is. They also won't mention what little they remember of their life, and any in-depth discussion of octarian culture causes them to become uncomfortable.

Physical Description

Novi is petite and has purple eyes. What they lack in size, however, they make up for in an alarming amount of strength. They can lift any splatling easily, even the ones that give most larger inklings or octolings trouble. Novi has a voracious appetite and is always full of energy. Novi's irises glow a somewhat sickly green in low light, a feature they will dodge questions about endlessly. Novi laughs nervously when any of their more unusual features are brought up, or claim that all octolings are like that, even if it is another octoling that is questioning them.

Due to being assaulted almost constantly by sanitized octolings in the underground and nearly killed several times, Novi's physiology has been altered. While not truly sanitized, they are essentially infected. The sanitized ink will slowly eat away at their mind and body until they begin to have episodes of throwing up sanitized ink. Past this point, Novi will become increasingly aggressive and go beserk before turning for good. The only way to prevent this is by bathing regularly in normal ink, the easiest method of doing so being online battles. Novi has no choice but to fight for the extent of their life time, however short it may be.


Novi loves the bright and colorful tenants of iconic inkling fashion. They dress in whatever catches their eye, which is typically very bright and sporty. Their favorite brands are Tentatek and Squidforce.


Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion

Novi woke up in a decaying labyrinth of testing chambers filled with broken stations and manic enemies. All they had was a single objective: reach the surface, given to them by a telephone that broke down and gave them their CQ-80. Given the designation Subject #10,009, called themself Novi and began their adventure. The labs had long been shut down and no longer functioned as intended; any tests that worked contained crazed sanitized octolings who only knew to attack without anyone controlling them. A lone weapon dispensor gave Novi the weapon they carried from then on: a pair of dualies.

Novi fought their way up the battered machinery for over a year before they found the massive lift that would take them to the surface, all while evading sanitized octolings who roamed the derelict structures. Upon ascension, Novi crawled up from the underground and immediately lost consciousness. Fortunately for them, Off the Hook had been monitoring signals from the underground and immediately picked up their CQ-80's frequency when they ascended. They were recovered and handed off to the only person they knew who could possibly offer some comfort: another octoling named Eight who had escaped from the underground before.

Splatoon 2 Online

Novi was initially very shy when meeting Eight, especially when trying to hide their condition. Given Eight's stoic insistence upon self-care, though, Novi quickly came to recognize their hidden empathic side. They hold a strict desitre to bring out Eight's softer side in public and help them enjoy their time in Inkopolis. Their lives as roommates often include Novi dodgerolling their needed baths from Eight's army of splatlings, but they get along nontheless. Both want want the best for the other, their personal methods are just rather distinct.

Similarly, Novi cares deeply for - but is frustrated by - Tethys and Zarya, two unruly roomates they encountered shortly after beginning their new life. Tethys is a welcome guide in the city, if a bit more condescending than they seem to realize, but Zarya was even worse. Her bad attitude and dedication to the Octarian culture was uncomfortable for Novi, who just wanted to move on and try new things. Novi's discomfort with conflict made it impossible for them to get a word in edge-wise and ultimately made them silently angry with her most of the time.

After Final Fest

Novi fought for Team Chaos. Upon the announcement of the splatfest, Novi made a promise to themselves that they would follow the will of the winning team. They had been feeling stagnated in general, but found themselves anxious at the thought of anything truly changing. Team Chaos' win was an odd relief off of their shoulders. The people had chosen change, and Novi intended to follow through on their promise.

Novi took a fair bit of time to consider what change it was they wanted to enact upon their own lives. They were affected by Pearl's treatment of that conflict - that friends could have disagreements and still ultimately get along. They hadn't participated in the splatfest much due disliking the culture of fighting for your opinions, but this began to change their mind to see the true meaning of splatfests - a friendly competition of ideas that never crossed the line into true dissonance. Perhaps conflict itself was not something to be inherantly afraid of?

After a good few years of keeping their head down and acting almost childish in avoidance of their issues, Novi finally decided to start speaking up and drop the childish act. They're still energetic and a bit spacey, yes - but that does not override the fact that they are perfectly knowledgeable and an equally valuable adult with meaningful things to say. And a lot of what they have to say is often "hey, take care of yourself!", or something similar. Admitting they need help is still hard. But they've begun to build the basic foundations of self-care, and no longer need to be chased around to tend to their illness. That's worth something to them. That, in its' greatest form, is a sort of chaos indeed.



[ roommate ]

They have a somewhat contencious relationship, as they often try to get the other to preform self-care instead of taking care of their own glaring issues. They're something like siblings in that way.



[ friend ]

Novi enjoys their guidance and often plays along with Tethys' tough act for their sake. They feel the need to get Tethys out of the house more often.



[ acquaintance ]

Novi is very frustrated and uncomfortable with Zarya and generally avoids her. Really, they just want to slap some sense into her.. but they don't have the nerve.

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