


4 years, 10 months ago


  • Name Zarya
  • Age 21
  • Pronouns she/they
  • Species Octoling
  • Main Weapons Kensa Sloshing Machine, Hydra Splatling
  • Default Ink Color


Zarya is a deserter of the Octarian army who is undercover as an inkling and trying to live a normal life. She is worried that she could be taken in at any time.


Zarya is oftentimes stoic at best and spitefully abrasive at worst. She has no patience for others and is bitingly insistent upon getting things done as soon as necessary in leu of delay or rest. She holds strong pride in her Octarian roots, and thusly hates anything from Inkling culture - fashion, carefree and loud attitudes, or anything that can be misconstrued as laziness. Despite feeling the need to fit in to avoid potential capture, she has a difficult time assimilating with the new world she's found herself in.

Zarya is practical and a hard worker - the ideal octoling. But the truth is that's also a music lover, through and through. She was freed by the Calamari Inkantation and feels a debt to the Squid Sisters. She also never breaks promises, only committing to exactly what she wants to do. Her brutal honesty and reserved nature make her intimidating and often obscure her softer tendencies, and she would like to keep it that way. She couldn't possibly imagine growing soft like her lazy, good-for-nothing roommate!

Zarya is a soldier experienced with many weapons. She specializes in heavier gear and can dissemble most guns after a cursory inspection, while blindfolded. Her discipline makes her a very tidy and prompt person that more often than not leads to her cleaning the apartment up. Zarya doesn't complain about any burdens she places upon herself - rather, she complains that others aren't participating. Teamwork secretly pleases her, but she always hides any hapiness or concern under a dour expression.

Physical Description

Zarya is above average in height and very fit, lending to her frequent exercise and strict diet. She has deep blue eyes. She is even stronger than she looks, as she's somewhat thin. She has an iron gut and never complains about food.


Zarya is dedicating to maintaining an aesthetic befitting of an octoling, and as a result she prefers more utilitarian gear. If forced to pick a clothing brand she likes, she would go with Forge - but she also has a passing appreciation of Emperry. Zarya always has her hair tied up in some fashion, and she's so unused to hanging them loose she would probably jump upon feeling them brush her back. She finds wearing glasses both comforting and uneasy due to her experience as an Octarian soldier. Overall, though, she's inseperable from her favorite pair of headphones. When dressing down, Zarya prefers tank tops and shorts in true octoling style. She wouldn't want to be caught looking so informal, though.


Before Splatoon 2

Zarya was born and raised to be a soldier in the Octarian army. She did well enough in fighting to take a minor role in leadership, being a second-in-command and generally keeping otehr soldiers in line. She never felt any discomfort in using the standard hypnoshades, and was likely unaware of their affects at all for a good portion of her service. She was in charge of surprise inspections.

During one such inspection, Zarya came across and confiscated an illicit music player from a soldier under her command. While the higher-ups were away, it was her job to log her findings. Upon listening, though, she instead had her life changed by the sound of Calimari Inkantation. Immediately Zarya knew she couldn't live her life as if nothing had happened, but saw no opportunity to escape. Wearing her hypnoshades quickly became unbearable torment for someone now aware of what it did, and she fled within only a few months, unable to mesh in with her fellow soldiers.

Splatoon 2 Online

Zarya's arrival to Inkopolis was sudden and unplanned, driven only by the beat pulsing in her head. She knew she had to hide, to blend in - was that even possible? - but fate intervened before she could even begin. After a panicked confrontation with another octoling that nearly led to an alley-side duel, Zarya met Eight. She was introduced then to Tethys, who agreed to take her in off the streets. Zarya was astounded by the condition of Tethys' apartment and immediately began to lecture her. It was the start of something, but not exactly a friendship.

Within a few days Zarya had cleaned out the apartment, staking claim to the bedroom Tethys had long since abandoned. She took charge of cooking and cleaning and began to subject Tethys to the Octarian schedule of life - early mornings, nutrtious but not tasty food, and many punitive rants. Their relationship was the definition of imperfect, but it began to get Tethys' life back on track and gave Zarya a project. In the meantime, Zarya generally avoided and failed to integrate with inkling culture in any meaningful way. She rejected the offers of help from Novi, Eight's roomate, and generally looked down upon them as a soldier who had gone too soft.

At some point, Zarya became aware of a musician Eight was friends with. They initially kept their distance out of scorn for Ampthi's laid back attitude, but was nonetheless somewhat drawn in by her natural charm and talent in music. Zarya secretly wanted to learn more about music making from her, but ultimately held back. One day the opportunity struck while cleaning to check out one of the projects that Tethys and Ampthi had been collaborating on, though, and Zarya listened in. Shocked by Tethys' spoken verse and the intensity of the lyrics, it almost felt like her world had changed all ovr again. Ever since then, Zarya's been a bit kinder to her lazy roommate..

Later on, Zarya encountered an inkling boy by the name of Calder who was perhaps too prideful of his skills, but nonetheless dedicated and disciplined. She couldn't help but see him as a young soldier, inexperienced but earnest, and took him under her wing to teach him the Octarian methods of warfare. Since Tethys was also teaching him a thing or two, they often ended up butting heads over his training, but ultimately it brought them somewhat closer together. Zarya couldn't help but respect the genuine experience Tethys displays - when they're not being so lax, anyway.

After Final Fest

Zarya chose Team Order for what she felt was obvious reasons. Losing was just another chink in her already crack-lined armor, and she was at a loss of what to do. Her pride demanded she stand with her values until the end, but she had lost - wasn't that, in a sense, the end? the splatopocalypse. It was a stupid name, but it wasn't wrong.

Things changed gradually. Zarya was softening up and she knew it. Her remarks started coming less from a place of anger and more to something akin to frustrated chiding. She stopped fighting every single time someone bought her those ridiculously sugary drinks, her off-diet days beginning to take up the majority of the year. It was the sort f thing she couldn't help but take notice of, and yet she yet it slide. Maybe that was the true admission of defeat, then. Her morals went with not a bang but a whimper, and she retired her well-worn armor.

Still, impressions were a problem. Zarya was still far too proud to simply relax, as she was sure everyone wanted - no, this wouldn't do at all. Broaching it felt impossible after living so long as a frankly negative force in their lives. More than that, she held a fear in her heart that people wouldn't accept her as someone relaxed. She could hardly imagine it herself. So instead of dealing with things head on, Zarya started experimenting with Inkling culture quietly by leading something of a double-life. She often goes out clubbing and has lots of fun where people don't expect anything of her. But, she can't bring herself to be honest around the people she really wants to be close to.. Isn't this gonna be a problem?



[ roommate ]

Zarya is far too tough on Tethys and she knows it, but refuses to relent. She truly believes Tethys can do far better than they are, and seeing them struggle annoys her. the truth is that she wants them to be able to take care of themself and get better. Will an understanding ever be met?



[ friend ]

Zarya honestly admires Eight's strength and stoicism. She wants to get closer to them, but is too scared of making a bad impression. She's been silently waiting for Eight to make the first move, knowing all the while she'll likely stiffen up and reject them.



[ friend ]

She sees him as underexperienced, but holding great potential. Zarya can't help but be kind to him when he's so diligent and never complains. She wants to teach him all about octarian culture some day.



[ acquaintance ]

The two don't know each other very well, but Zarya finds herself both annoyed and flustered by Ampthi's carefree attitude. She sees her potential as someone really reliable, but is too proud to investigate further.



[ acquaintance ]

Zarya looks down on Novi as an octoling who acts like an inkling - someone's who has abandoned their culture. Being around them makes her uncomfortable. Maybe because, more than anything, they're a reflection of what Zarya fears becoming the most.

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