Jeremy Beaumont (Jernoe (SHIP))





Name Noemi Barnett

Age 13-26 years old

Gender Female

Orientation Heterosexual

Nationality Belgian



Name Jeremy Beaumont

Age 15-28 years old

Gender Male

Orientation Pansexual

Nationality French



Type Childhood friends

Length Their whole lives

Status Married

Met Early childhood

Living Together

Theme song You & I


Early childhood

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce eleifend turpis sed ipsum eleifend finibus. Etiam tincidunt vulputate eleifend. In fringilla libero est, sed aliquam leo tincidunt in. Duis tempus tortor leo, semper facilisis ex varius in.

Pellentesque congue bibendum tellus, a finibus eros. Morbi iaculis arcu nunc, eget auctor enim faucibus vel. Aenean gravida pharetra arcu, at congue lectus rhoncus eu. Cras nec rutrum nisl. Curabitur lobortis iaculis metus, ac dignissim mauris gravida a. Proin eleifend, ligula at efficitur tincidunt, tortor nunc lacinia turpis, a tempor nunc ex sed justo.

Teenage years

Donec finibus sapien sed diam aliquam, ut blandit lacus finibus. Nam lorem elit, euismod finibus sodales eget, ultricies eu quam. Vestibulum gravida ex ultricies ultricies condimentum. Donec ipsum urna, egestas a dolor vitae, congue congue ante. Aenean vulputate pellentesque vulputate. Etiam eu velit cursus, dapibus orci non, sollicitudin arcu.

Vivamus vitae metus eget dolor fringilla egestas a iaculis dolor. Duis laoreet tempus urna sit amet interdum. In enim nisi, suscipit et feugiat a, semper at tellus. Praesent quis hendrerit nulla. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam a libero purus. Aliquam viverra dui sed orci mattis, quis vehicula dolor gravida. Integer ultricies lacus lacus, vitae malesuada erat maximus nec. Morbi at cursus libero.

Young adults

Nullam suscipit dapibus molestie. Donec condimentum felis vitae purus maximus, eu molestie odio semper. Phasellus risus tortor, mattis nec sapien quis, vehicula vulputate sem. Ut blandit, purus at bibendum pharetra, velit tortor vestibulum nisl, non laoreet sem purus lobortis dui.

Praesent euismod urna sed ex dictum, a iaculis risus tristique. Sed varius dapibus sapien ultrices aliquet. Vivamus hendrerit velit sed nisl maximus ultrices. Vestibulum nec vehicula purus. Nunc finibus eleifend tristique. Praesent molestie sed nulla eget iaculis. Praesent tincidunt, mauris sed congue rutrum, enim elit pulvinar ligula, sit amet pharetra enim augue quis neque. Pellentesque facilisis elit vel nisi egestas, nec finibus massa tristique. Vestibulum ultrices odio nec quam dapibus egestas. Nunc tincidunt id ante eu cursus.




  • Moodboard
  • When married they end up having two boys, although Jeremy tries to persuade Noemi for a third kid ("Hopefully a girl this time!"). Unfortunately these two would only keep having boys if they tried for more and Noemi, probably subconsciously being aware of this, straight up refuses Jeremy. Three men in the family is already too much trouble for her, no need to add more.
  • Hogwarts AU: Noemi is a Ravenclaw, Pureblood. Jeremy is a Gryffindor, Muggleborn. Noemi's parents move to a small village where Jeremy is living because of some Muggle business of theirs and Jeremy discovers Noemi using magic, finds out he can do that too, and soon after two Hogwarts letters arrive at their doorsteps. Age difference might be omitted so they are the same age and experience the whole Hogwarts together, but... some variations of this AU do have them in different years to hc some interesting scenes (like the parting scene coughs).
  • Regency AU (or any timeframe with balls and dancing because I'm not a historian): Noemi is the only daughter of a baron and is coming out to the society for the first time in her life. Jeremy is a young but skilful musician who happens to perform in the ball Noemi is attending, and is instantly smitten with her. Unfortunately, with no family and no status, his love is bound to be fruitless. Some variations might include them still being childhood friends (maybe with Jeremy working for Noemi's family), possible secret relationship, required or unrequired love, and even a Vampire AU if we are feeling extra. But this AU paints them as star-crossed lovers and just exists to hurt, thank u.
  • After separation Noemi moves on, with their love being a good memory from her childhood years for her. For Jeremy it's a deep kind of love from the start - he considers Noemi as someone he would spend the rest of his life with. He does not expect them to part at all and it leaves a big impact on him - to lose the only person he's ever considered family hurts deeply, unbearably so. I think Noemi at that time doesn't realize to what extent his feelings actually run for her.