


5 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Vivian Erika Fredriksen


Van, Vivi, V




172 cm (5'8")

Personality type

INTP 5w4




"See this is why I like tunicates better than people."

Vanadium is often viewed as a bit of an eccentric character; with an odd sense of humor, a quiet nature aside from cutting remarks at others' expense, and more than a little cynical misanthropy, a lot of elements aren't too sure what to think of her. Nobody's really sure what she DOES, either - it's marine biology one day, Siberian psychedelics the next. Sometimes you'll find her deeply fascinated with occultism, focusing all her attention on a singular topic, and other times she's browsing Wikipedia at 4am, having somehow clicked through from Nordic mythology to a detailed analysis of the Nicaraguan government. Most of these subjects have something in common though; they're rarely something she can actually use besides dropping random facts on people.
She's very open-minded, but annoyingly indecisive, never able to stick to one viewpoint for long; either she's swayed by others or she just overthinks stuff into oblivion, always seeing too many possibilities to commit. Let it be an example that she's tried to study biology in college once, but ended up dropping out, becoming the independent artist and bohemian that she is now. She still does have an interest in biology on the side, mainly microorganisms, fungi, and sea critters, but not really enough for it to be her main field.

Random facts

  She's usually not angry, even if she looks that way. Like how some people have resting bitch face, she has thinking bitch face.
  She has two cats.
  A secret romantic. It's a little hard to get her out of her shell, but it pays off. (She's currently in a relationship with Bismuth.)
  Music taste: vaporwave, obscure folk metal, psychedelic rock, military marches, and whatever random shit she happens to click through to.
  She likes mushroom foods and often picks said mushrooms in the forest herself, much to some elements' shock.
  Germanic neopagan, though more for aesthetic/philosophical reasons than really believing in the deities.