


5 years, 7 months ago




Name Holly
Age 16
Pronouns she/her
Species Arctic fox
Orientation Straight
Residence Glacialis Kingdom
Birthday May 15th
HC voice Voice Claim Vid!

> It's sad when a flower wilts, but it was never truly meant to last forever. There's beauty in that, don't you think? <





Holly is an enthusiatic and bubbly young arctic fox. She usually keeps to herself, keeping her days busy by keeping her family home in pristine condition. When she's not running small errands around the city, she can be found on the palace grounds taking care of the royal greenhouse.


  • Flowers & Plants
  • Ice & Glass
  • Keeping things clean
  • Things that shimmer

  • Lying/Liars
  • Overpowering smells
  • Feeling of fabric
  • Sight of blood


Holly is an incredibly caring person. Her magic gives her the ability to pick up on others feelings without them having to speak a word. She uses this ability to be able to comfort people who may be in need.

She has a very friendly and bubbly personality. Even if she is feeling down Holly will always put on a smile around others. Holly is able to brighten the day of anyone she comes by as if it were second nature to her.

In tandem with her caring nature, she is extremely selfless. She will easily put the needs of others above her own, dropping everything without hesitance if it meant helping someone else. Holly would do anything to make sure the people she cares about are happy and secure, even if it meant sacraficing her own happiness.


Holly has the ability of telepathy. Her magic gives her the power to manipulate the senses of other people. Her powers are able to effect all 5 senses; touch, smell, hearing, taste and sight.

Most commonly, she will use her magic to project her voice into the mind of others, effectively giving her a one way form of telepathic communication. She cannot hear the thoughts or responses of the people she uses this ability on, and just has to rely on the fact that they recieved her message.

She doesn't tend to use her powers to their full extent, mainly sticking to her communication ability. Her powers are always present and active though. She will inadvertently pick up on the emotions of feelings of others, experiencing them herself. This aspect of her power is to a much lesser degree, and she is unfortunately unable to control it.

On the contrary to this, when Holly is feeling bursts of intense emotion, such as happiness or extreme sadness, her powers will involuntarily set off, causing those around her to share those emotions.

If trained, Holly's ability would allow her to alter senses to a much stronger degree, being able to make people experience, feel or see things that aren't really there, or even disable those senses all together.


Holly has partial heterochromia, her eyes are blue and green!

The stars in her pupils are due to her magic being present at all times

Holly has poor vision

She experiences frequent headaches/migraines + nose bleeds as a result of her ever-present magic

To a minor extent, Holly's powers work on plants. She uses this to help rehabilitate flowers and plants that are wilting or growing.



REECE  [ Older Brother ]

Holly wants nothing more than the attention of her older brother, but since the loss of their sister he's been distant and withdrawn. The two don't see eachother very much nowadays, but when they do get the rare chance to spend time, Holly tries to make every moment together count.


Cae  [ Best Friends ]

Reece being a head royal guard gives Holly special access to the palace. Holly is aware of Cae's obvious flaws, but she can see the good in him, treating him with the same kindness she would give anyone else. She believes she can be the guiding light he needs in his life.


Levy  [ Older Sister ]

Holly doesn't know much about her older sister Levy. Being so young, she isn't able to recall many memories spent with Levy before she left. Most of what Holly knows about her sister comes from stories told to her by her remaining family and the photos placed around their childhood home. Despite this fact, Holly still looks up to Levy, admiring her very much.



Even in the absence of her siblings, Holly has always felt that she is living in the shadows of her older brother and sister. When they both left home, leaving her alone with her parents, she still had to push herself to her limits just to garner even the slightest amount of attention from them. Holly has never held any ill will towards her siblings or parents for this, taking the blame for this reaction on herself. As the years progressed, Holly was made the sole caretaker of their home and mother in her final years. The responsibility of keeping the house in pristine condition is one she continues to carry on to this day.



Yellow stars in eyes NOT optional!
Very smol
VERY round and fluffy fur!
While her magic can be drawn, keep in mind that other characters cannot see it!
Eyes are two-toned

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code by anghel