Michael "Skin Suit"



5 years, 7 months ago



He/Him, They/Them

Pansexual Polyamorous(?)

Skin Suit is a fairly disturbing, repulsive, snarky, and rude person, but he does know how to have a good time, and he's not easily offended. He has also gained a more sensitive approach when it comes to certain people, although he tries his best to hide this. Skin Suit tends to leave the filter off when he speaks, and it doesn't matter to whom he speaks with. He'll curse like a sailor in front of a queen or royalty, and he'll feel no shame.
He used to find the psychological and physical pain of others to be enjoyable, and he normally tormented others in various ways. He'd convince another person that he had everything they've ever needed hidden within the depths of his zipper, but once said person became ensnared in Skin Suit's words, he unzipped himself and all Hell would break loose. In the end, most people ended up scarred mentally (and sometimes physically) for life at the horrors that writhed within him.
This part of him, over the years, has changed dramatically. He's not as willing to outright torture people anymore, and he's mainly found lingering around the Fear Floor by himself or with groups of coworkers, instead of plotting ravenous and meticulous deeds. His attitude has shifted from somewhat rambunctious and laid back, to overly upsetable, sluggish, paranoid, and defeated. He claims to hate talking about why he slowly started to deteriorate this way, but if he begins to emotionally cling to someone, it becomes apparent just how badly he wants someone who will listen to him, and understand his fear and inner anguish. 

The souls of the damned are trapped within his zipper as a somewhat gelatinous amalgamation, and they can change into the greatest fear of whomever looks at them, whether the fear is insects, the portal to Hell, etc.

- Is pretty disgusting in general.

- Has a very cruel and nasty sense of humor, as he likes to joke about murder, death, and the such.

- Skin Suit claims to not have any fears, and that the demonic amalgamation trapped within him cannot affect him; everyone has their fears, however... but nobody will ever know.

- Likes to eat pickled anything, pretty much. Same with spicy and sour foods.

- The beautifully soothing sounds of claws scratching on a chalkboard are probably some of his favorite sounds.

- Claims to eat fetuses for breakfast, but nobody knows if this is true or not.

- Doesn't take most things seriously, and would most likely take a life or death situation as a stroll in the park.

- Works on the Fear Floor in the Fear Factory.

Skin Suit refuses to answer questions about Carney. He either becomes silent, or agitated when the clown is brought up in conversions.
Carney and Skin Suit used to date way back before "The Incident" happened, and even a little afterwards. The reason they broke up, was Carney had become how he is now, overly clingy, and not willing to let people go, and Skin Suit just couldn't handle him anymore. They fought, and they quarreled, but once they had finally broken up, Carney did something heinous. So heinous, that he had to be banished from the Fear Factory, immediately. Right as the legalities were just about to be settled for Carney to never to return to the company, or to visit anyone inside, he made a surprise visit to Skin Suit and stole their egg.
Skin Suit has never been able to see his own child, and this still haunts him.
These incidents have been his emotional and psychological downfalls ever since they happened, and just more so recently his decline in being able to function as a person properly have been showing in a fuller force.

- He hates even the mere thought of children. Well, more so loathes or fears the thought of them...

- Edgar Jonathan Ravendore is his work "advisor". He likes to poke fun at him, and feels desperately close to him for some reason? He... doesn't know why, but a new face who has to work/stick with him despite his constant jabs and insults towards them... makes him feel like he has someone to talk to. As a friend. 

- Has worked in the Fear Factory for a looooong time.

- He's currently the number one Fear Worker, but this title is bound to be handed over to Tesco and Alec sooner or later, as Abaddon thinks. Skin Suit has been slacking off at his job, and he's been avoiding things more than usual lately. 

- His cubicle/desk is full of trash; like, ew, clean your desk. 

- He's been eating a lot, lately, and he knows this. He claims it's stress eating, and it probably is, mixed with other emotional issues. Needless to say, he knows that he needs to work more on his figure.