


5 years, 7 months ago


Name Rei Volkov “White Rabbit”
Age 22
Height 5’7”
Weight 145 lbs.
Class Outer Ring
Gender Female
Weapon of Choice Bowstaff
D.O.B. August 8, 2431
Bounty 1000 Credits
Occupation Bounty Hunter
Skill Set

Rei makes various gadgets for her and Jugo to use on their hunts. Because she works through trial and error, her experiments don’t always work. This can cause their plans to be messed up or even cause a failed hunt at times. Other than that, Rei and Jugo work together in the alleyway behind their house. They practice with their gadgets, hand to hand sparring, and basic flips. Rei is very tactical and is able to assess and analyze most situations and devise a plan accordingly.

  • Well versed in engineering.
  • Quick reflexes.
  • Good at hand to hand combat.
  • Strategist.
  • Limber/flexible.

While even around her closest friends she can be quite abrasive, although she usually means no harm by it all. She’s just frustrated and thinks too much. Her anger issues often get the best of her, but she tries to calm herself down in private and avoid taking it all out on everyone. Rei often works all through the night on her gadgets, and will get increasingly aggravated when it doesn’t work like she wants. Where she excels with book smarts, she fails with street smarts. Rei’s relationship with QT is strained because, while she don’t hate robots, she distrust them. Specifically AI’s. She is only very sweet toward Jugo and Naomi.


When Rei and Jugo where 12, their parents shot themselves to avoid debt. The twins were put into foster care, but never adopted. The two refused to split and had many disciplinary actions since being put into the system. While under foster care the two often got into street fights. Neither finished high school after being kicked out for continuous bad behavior. Both were released to the Outer Ring by the orphanage when they turned 18 prompting them to get jobs to support themselves. While Jugo worked as a heavy lifter, Rei stayed at home making different gadgets for them to use during missions. Both occasionally worked as smugglers to make money on the side. After they were legally made adults they accumulated their parents’ debt of almost 50 million credits. They are forced to either pay off their debt monthly to Abel or be executed. In order to pay up they were forced to become bounty hunters to bring in large sums of money fast.


  • Rei’s favorite sport to watch is hockey with her favorite team being the Outer Ring Rebels.
  • She no longer has a sense of smell because by their 15th hunt she’s broken her nose 4 times.
  • Rei and Jugo both have a tattoo on their hand that is the initials “BBWR” meaning Blackbear and White Rabbit.
  • Rei is left handed.
  • Rei hides her porn mags under her couch in the basement.

  • Rei enjoys and thrives while making different gadgets and new tech.
  • She pretty much lives off fruit and beer.
  • While the rest of his food is questionable at best, Rei thoroughly enjoys her brother’s spaghetti.
  • She loves listening to music while she works, it helps her focus.
  • The only animal she likes is her cat, Scruffy, an alley cat she found after a particularly rough and long hunt.

  • Tic
  • She hates any kind of stress and will only smoke if she’s overwhelmed.
  • Rei has her own organizational system and doesn’t like it when anything in her room is messed with. It’s messy, but she knows where everything is.
  • Her anger management issues.
  • She hates the smell of flowers and they make her sneeze.

Jugo Twin Brother

Jugo is the only person she is open with. She shares any and everything with him. Rei and Jugo are dangerously codependent and will do anything for each other. While usually rude, mean, or intolerable with others she can be sweet and caring for him.

Naomi Close Friend

Aside from Jugo, Naomi is closest to Rei. While she’s not as open with her as Jugo, but she does open up more to her than she would anyone else. Because Naomi finds bounty hunters disgusting she tries to keep her job a secret from her. While she often fails, Rei tries her best to care and be there for Naomi as much as she can. Their relationship is often complicated and they will get in small spats over Rei’s health.

QT-280974 Friend

Rei and QT have a strained relationship. Rei doesn’t trust AIs, she knows they’re a lot smarter and more complex than they lead on to humans. QT was formerly a butler robot so it is in his programed to clean, which often conflicts with Rei because she lives in filth and likes it that way.