Jacob Markov (Old Profile)





Age: 18 ✦ Gender: Trans Male (He/him) ✦ Species: Semi-Dead Human Overtaken by Flowers ✦ Ethnicity: ✦ Sexuality: Pansexual






Somewhat alive, mostly overtaken by flowers. He is still conscious underneath all of that.



  • Called "Bee Boy" by friends because of the bees that swarm the flowers that have taken over
  • He does actually hear and understand everyone around him, and can show his emotions.
    • No one knows just how conscious he is or how much of his actions are actually his and not part of the curse
  • He "cries" honey, although no one knows if they're emotional tears or just part of his condition.
  • The curse is somewhat alive itself. It's like a parasite in that it won't leave its host (Jacob), but it may help him from time to time. Still, it is taking over his body and thriving off of his energy. 
  • As long as he stays alive physically (eating, drinking water, etc.), the curse will not kill him.
    • This changes later, when he is able to activate "active" periods where he is able to communicate and control his curse. If he pushes himself too hard, the curse will kill him.
  • All Jacob can smell is honey, pollen, and the scent of his flowers.
  • Very fashionable though!

Artist Tips

  • Can be drawn crying honey. It seeps from underneath the flowers
  • X Bees, honey, and flowers
  • X 
  • X 
  • X 
  • X 


Before the curse, Jacob was quiet, but bold and strategic. He was active and quickly becoming an asset on missions. However, during one of his adventures in some ruins, he was caught in a trap. The ruins had been overtaken and partially hidden by the curse, and Jacob, being the first explorer deemed "worthy" of being a host, became the next to be overtaken. Whatever old power the ruins held was nothing compared to Jacob's living, breathing form and its potential. The curse left the ruins to take over the boy, and they have lived as one ever since.

Sometime within the story, Jacob will gain the ability to take charge of his curse and be fully conscious. Although he still can't see, he is able to communicate with others, and has flower-related powers. He can communicate with his curse and ask for vines, flowers, and honey to control. However, Jacob is on a time limit with this state. He can't hold it for long, and if he tries to stay active for too long, the curse may overtake him completely. Each time he goes beyond a time limit, more flowers grow. If he goes far beyond, the flowers will engulf him at once. The curse lets him know when his time is almost up.

Additional Info:

Amount of arts: 2
Spent so far and Worth (based on commission prices, which may vary): $14.00 (1400 DA Points)
Status (sale/trade): No <3
Rules  from the designer/Previous Owner: None that I know of!

♪ ♫ Theme ♫ ♪ ...

  1. .... Sunflower by Post Malone (Acoustic cover by Adam Christopher)
  2. .... The Hidden River of My Life by Sufjan Stevens (I think it sounds nice) (I found it by someone accidentally posting it to a steven universe tag)
  3. .... Bumblebee by Bambee
  4. ....

♩ Voice Actor ♩ ...


Tamara only vaguely knows Jacob, and even then, it's mostly through Olavi, Jacob's uncle. She doesn't know much about him, and as with everyone, is not sure just how alive he is with his curse. Jacob knows that his uncle cares deeply about her, but he struggles with a bit of jealousy over it. He wants to love her like a sister, but he can't help but feel replaced by her.


Jacob's uncle. Back then, he was a lot softer, especially to Jacob. They were close, and Olavi was always very proud of him. When the curse happened, there was a major shift between them, but Olavi is still soft, if a bit distant, to Jacob now.


WIP WIP WIP WIP (Kaine I don't think is in this story, this is just a placeholder for right now)


〈 Intelligence 〉★★★
〈 Insight 〉 ★★★✰✰
〈 Confidence 〉 ★★★✰✰
〈 Politeness 〉 ★★★✰✰
〈 Focus 〉 ★★★
〈 Work Ethic 〉 ★★★✰✰

〈 Generosity 〉★★★
〈  Optimism 〉 ★★★✰✰
〈 Empathy 〉★★★✰✰
〈 Logical 〉 ★★★
〈 Bravery 〉 ★★★✰✰
〈 Stamina 〉 ★★★✰✰

〈 Affection 〉 ★★★
〈  Patience〉 ★★★✰✰
〈  Temper 〉 ★★★✰✰
〈 Sensitivity 〉 ★★★
〈 Creativity 〉 ★★★
〈 Maturity 〉 ★★★

profile html by Hukiolukio